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  • Donald! Trump!
  • DrJ
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    @kerley – normally I wouldn’t waste my time but I was waiting for somebody and he directly contradicted something I posted.

    Subsequently I see he did one of his stealth edits to make it seem like I said something I didn’t

    A good lesson for me, I suppose, that however much time you have on your hands it’s never worth wasting it on nitwit.

    Full Member

    My heads still spinning over the Sun interview and him calling it fake news then trying to squirm out of it.

    trade deal like fk….you’ve got to be a certain type of dense to think he’s going to be of any use unless we start making Ivanka goods.

    I think if we apply duck typing on him he’s defo Russian stooge.

    Free Member

    My heads still spinning over the Sun interview and him calling it fake news then trying to squirm out of it.

    When looking at it from the perspective of him being a psychopath it all makes sense.  Whatever he says is true, everyone else must be wrong and must listen to him, he is much smarter than everyone else so can fool everyone and no-one will ever catch him out etc,.

    Full Member

    To be fair he has some elements of a sociopath in his behaviour as well. And a bawbag.

    I’ve seen quite a few Trumpers posting pics showing how small the British anti Trump marches were, weirdly though the people I know who were there are saying the opposite. Haven’t seen many pro Trump crowds yet, guess the news have somehow missed them. It’s almost like he isn’t popular over here.

    Free Member

    Haven’t seen many pro Trump crowds yet, guess the news have somehow missed them. It’s almost like he isn’t popular over here.

    The bbc had some pics, think it was just the one looked very small and very Er white with a lot of Israel flags somebody should have got down there with some Russian flags too just for fun.

    Free Member

    Not sure if this has been noted already, but, Agent Orange halted the discussions meeting on Georgia and Ukraine joining NATO. Definite win for Putin.

    Free Member

    Missed that snipped, he will be in for a treat when he gets in for his review.

    Free Member

    Haven’t seen many pro Trump crowds yet, guess the news have somehow missed them. It’s almost like he isn’t popular over here.

    I saw some on the news.  They were holding “Free Tommy Robinson” placards, England flags and looked like they had just come from a white supremacy event.

    Free Member

    Who did the banners having a pop at Sadiq Kahn?

    At least the lad there was worried about getting a sunburnt neck

    Free Member

    Ooooh The Maybot has slid an elegant sliver of steel into the Orange Lump’s back as he slithers away to meet his Master.

    She revealed that Lump’s advice about Brexit was to “sue the EU”.

    She obviously must have realised this would be examined and, lo and behold, there is no basis legally or in any other sense to ‘sue’ the EU for anything.

    Ninpoop? Care to prevaricate?  Sorry, I mean ‘explain’?  😂

    Free Member

    “stable genius” explains everything doesn’t it?

    Free Member

    Did Cadet Bone Spur say in which court May should sue the EU?

    Full Member

    Small hands. I mean, small claims.

    Free Member

    Sue the EU? What for?

    Anyone else hear Bannon on LBC ? If a Muslim had said what he espoused then there would be calls for them to be locked up.

    Hatefull rhetoric designed to cause trouble.

    Free Member

    Nothing new from Bannon then (or lbc)

    Full Member

    here you ninfan: it works out at 23%


    You’re right that some people are using the wrong figures to show Trump is spouting bullshit about this particular issue – and the fact check box that caitlin moran tweeted above doesn’t answer it conclusively either.

    However, he is demonstrably wrong, and clearly bullshitting here in his trademark style of picking figures out of the air that seem about right to someone who’s done not even a tiny amount of reading.

    Germany imports about 65% of its energy needs in the form of Hard coal, nat gas and oil.  Imports from Russia of these are about a third each.

    Full Member

    Bit late there, I got done by the old “latest page button not taking you to the latest thread” shenanigan.

    Full Member

    Yes nedrapier, but what you are forgetting is that if it was a hard winter and the sun stopped shining and the wind stopped blowing, and if gas imports from the Norway dried up and if the French nuclear power stations all melted down simultaneously, then on some weekend in February, Germany could be getting 65% of its energy from Russia, so Trump was correct.

    At least that’s nitwit’s argument.

    Full Member

    Isn’t it cheating,using facts to counter poor Ninny’s arguments? After all,he has to manage with opinion,obfuscation,and very selective quotes.

    Full Member

    Ninfan did his usual truck of saying ‘aren’t we all jealous of Trump shagging beautiful women’ because we all know that he’s adored by his ladies 😁

    Meanwhile the sueing comment by trump is comedy gold, at least Maybot was able to get a little dig in at Trump after yet another humiliation at his tiny hands!

    Free Member

    You’re right that some people are using the wrong figures to show Trump is spouting bullshit about this particular issue – and the fact check box that caitlin moran tweeted above doesn’t answer it conclusively either.

    well, thanks at Least for recognising that the ‘rebuttals’ being parrroted by everyone else are bollocks.

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>However, he is demonstrably wrong, and clearly bullshitting here</span>

    As pointed out before, the reaction is, however, to call anything he says a lie rather than either calling it into question or asking for his working – quality journalists could do that, and make that the story without having to bullshit figures themselves, which leaves them open to the justifiable accusation of being #fakenews

    i pointed out above that there were huge numbers of variables, your own link relays the data in hard coal unit equivalence rather than value for example (value of imports per unit of energy will vary massivley between petroleum products versus gas versus coal) and, as pointed out, timescale is another massive variable. All these factors make it impossible to answer conclusively – however up until now we just have people blindly repeating ‘factcheck’ articles that are simply wrong themselves, which gets us nowhere (who factchecks the factcheckers?j

    Free Member

    – quality journalists could do that, and make that the story without having to bullshit figures themselves, which leaves them open to the justifiable accusation of being #fakenews

    Most have given up as he won’t even be able to justify it or have working. You can’t blame them for Trump not caring about the truth.

    The wording of the NATO 2% was a classic, he claimed there was a problem, battered leaders over it, turned up got the same agreement (with a non binding maybe a bit quicker) and claimed he had fixed it all and then suggested 4% (more than the US spends) which nobody agreed to.

    Entirely meaningless stuff.

    Again,need to catch up on the inside the NYT from last night but it gives a lot of insight into what quality journalism looks like and how it gets way harder to keep up with somebody who not only lies but just makes stuff up or repeats claims he has seen on TV.

    Full Member

    I don’t get you @ninfan – I really don’t.

    What is it about Donald you find so endearing? Is it the lies, misinformation that he spreads? Is it the turning a blind eye to terrorism?

    Free Member

    What is it about Donald you find so endearing? Is it the lies, misinformation that he spreads? Is it the turning a blind eye to terrorism?

    The fact that he winds the lefties up so much that they become the very embodiment of that they criticise.

    ”free speech…. but not if you say something we don’t like”

    ”tolerance for diversity…. as long as you agree with us”

    ”violence is unacceptable… punch a Nazi in the face”

    “Mysoginistic people who demean women should not be allowed high office…. oh, except Justin Trudeau, cause it was years ago, and maybe it was a mistake, oh, and Al Frankenstein, ‘cause it was a joke, oh, and let’s give Roman Polanski an award cause he’s a brilliant director”

    “body shaming is bad…. Trump is a disgusting fat ugly monster”


    Full Member

    The fact that he winds the lefties up so much that they become the very embodiment of that they criticise.

    So for that you’re more than happy to turn a blind eye to his racism, short sighted policies, climate change denail, sexism, & his general **** everyone else that is Donald Trump attitide?

    Full Member

    The fact that he winds the lefties up so much that they become the very embodiment of that they criticise.

    That’s it? Nothing to do with him then?

    Free Member

    It would seem so.

    Full Member

    So on the plus side winding lefties up and on the negative side environmental disaster, ruining the economy, collusion with Russia, don’t even mention the middle East, distancing America from all of its allies, car crash that is immigration, bringing the position of president into disrepute, sexism, racism, anti science and let’s not even mention the nepotism. Fairly balanced I’d say I see why you like him.

    Free Member

    It certainly is an art to make claiming hypocrisy seem so desperate.

    Anyway tough day today, how do you deal with a leader who’s government attacked you election infrastructure and is very strongly linked with a chemical/biological attack on one of your allies?

    Mr. Putin proposed the meeting in March during a phone call with Mr. Trump, and American officials say the Russian leader desperately needs Washington to ease sanctions that have squeezed his country’s economy and oligarchs.

    American observers on both sides of the political aisle fear that Mr. Trump, who dislikes policy briefings and has said he needed no preparation for the meeting, could be an easy mark for manipulation by Mr. Putin, a former intelligence agent whom Mr. Trump has refused to criticize directly.

    So far he has blamed the US for the bad relationship, on the basis that they investigated and caught the Russian agents.

    Free Member

    Is America still getting 100% of it’s President needs supplied by Russia?

    Full Member

    I’m not sure Ninfan likes the Donald so much as he likes taking the contrary view to the norm. Some could call this being the devils advocate, others would call it trolling.

    I don’t think we ever really see a real actual personal position from Ninfan as such. I’m not even sure he has one, other than ‘argue’.

    Free Member

    I don’t think we ever really see a real actual personal position from Ninfan as such.

    Pro Israel

    Pro Guns

    Seem to be the common ones that bleed through, that and for being outspoken and offensive as hiding behind free speech

    Dislike of Islam up there too.

    Full Member

    Naughty Russia messing in the middle east! Naughty Russia trying to rig elections! Naughty Russia using chemical weapons!

    Now the POTUS must tell him never to do these things again or else.

    Full Member

    So as @ninfan seems so eager to align himself with Donald Trump, is it fair to suggest that he/she themselves are a sexist, racist, anti science, terrorist apologist?

    Free Member

    Phew…. Putin just confirmed that they had nothing to do with the hackers or people doing stuff in the US election, Donald agrees too.

    Listening to the Donald’s speech here not sure if he bothered to listen to what Putin was saying there though.

    Free Member

    A US President dumps on his allies, lies and misrepresents, deliberately misleads and covers up his intentions by sleight-of-hand distractions.

    He is happy (as in today’s meeting with Putin) talking vacuosities with dictators and seems to think that the future is deals done in closed rooms between ‘strong’ men without the inclusion of anything that could publicise what was agreed…

    So what is going on here?  How about this:

    Fintan O’Toole wrote this yesterday in The Irish Times:

    “To grasp what is going on in the world right now, we need to reflect on two things. One is that we are in a phase of trial runs. The other is that what is being trialled is fascism – a word that should be used carefully but not shirked when it is so clearly on the horizon. Forget “post-fascist” – what we are living with is pre-fascism.

    It is easy to dismiss Donald Trump as an ignoramus, not least because he is. But he has an acute understanding of one thing: test marketing. He created himself in the gossip pages of the New York tabloids, where celebrity is manufactured by planting outrageous stories that you can later confirm or deny depending on how they go down. And he recreated himself in reality TV where the storylines can be adjusted according to the ratings. Put something out there, pull it back, adjust, go again.

    Fascism doesn’t arise suddenly in an existing democracy. It is not easy to get people to give up their ideas of freedom and civility. You have to do trial runs that, if they are done well, serve two purposes. They get people used to something they may initially recoil from; and they allow you to refine and calibrate. This is what is happening now and we would be fools not to see it.
    One of the basic tools of fascism is the rigging of elections – we’ve seen that trialled in the election of Trump, in the Brexit referendum and (less successfully) in the French presidential elections. Another is the generation of tribal identities, the division of society into mutually exclusive polarities.

    Fascism does not need a majority – it typically comes to power with about forty percent support and then uses control and intimidation to consolidate that power. So it doesn’t matter if most people hate you, as long as your forty percent is fanatically committed. That’s been tested out too.

    And fascism of course needs a propaganda machine so effective that it creates for its followers a universe of “alternative facts” impervious to unwanted realities. Again, the testing for this is very far advanced.
    But when you’ve done all this, there is a crucial next step, usually the trickiest of all. You have to undermine moral boundaries, inure people to the acceptance of acts of extreme cruelty. Like hounds, people have to be blooded. They have to be given the taste for savagery.

    Fascism does this by building up the sense of threat from a despised out-group. This allows the members of that group to be dehumanised. Once that has been achieved, you can gradually up the ante, working through the stages from breaking windows to extermination.

    People have to be given the taste for savagery. Fascism does this by building up the sense of threat from a despised out-group.

    It is this next step that is being test-marketed now. It is being done in Italy by the far-right leader and minister for the interior Matteo Salvini. How would it go down if we turn away boatloads of refugees? Let’s do a screening of the rough-cut of registering all the Roma and see what buttons the audience will press. And it has been trialled by Trump: let’s see how my fans feel about crying babies in cages. I wonder how it will go down with Rupert Murdoch.

    To see, as most commentary has done, the deliberate traumatisation of migrant children as a “mistake” by Trump is culpable naivety. It is a trial run – and the trial has been a huge success. Trump’s claim last week that immigrants “infest” the US is a test-marketing of whether his fans are ready for the next step-up in language, which is of course “vermin”.

    And the generation of images of toddlers being dragged from their parents is a test of whether those words can be turned into sounds and pictures. It was always an experiment – it ended (but only in part) because the results were in.

    And the results are quite satisfactory. There is good news on two fronts. First, Rupert Murdoch is happy with it – his Fox News mouthpieces outdid themselves in barbaric crassness: making animal noises at the mention of a Down syndrome child, describing crying children as actors. They went the whole swinish hog: even the brown babies are liars. Those sobs of anguish are typical of the manipulative behaviour of the strangers coming to infest us – should we not fear a race whose very infants can be so devious?

    Second, the hardcore fans loved it: Fifty-eight percent of Republicans are in favour of this brutality. Trump’s overall approval ratings are up to 42.5 per cent.
    This is greatly encouraging for the pre-fascist agenda. The blooding process has begun within the democratic world. The muscles that the propaganda machines need for defending the indefensible are being toned up. Millions and millions of Europeans and Americans are learning to think the unthinkable.

    So what if those black people drown in the sea? So what if those brown toddlers are scarred for life? They have already, in their minds, crossed the boundaries of morality. They are, like Macbeth, “yet but young in deed”. But the tests will be refined, the results analysed, the methods perfected, the messages sharpened. And then the deeds can follow.”

    Hitler is dead, but the bitch who bore him is in heat again.

    Free Member

    That tweet 😮

    Full Member

    So Trumps believes that nice Mr Putin over the FBI!!!!

    Free Member

    Yep, only bothered with the first question of the press conference, long and complex from a Russian Journalist to Trump all bout his Russia Germany Energy comments, including a nice quote that Russia sold gas to Boston over the winter. Usual fumble answer, off topic, tangents and away to somewhere else SQUIRREL!!

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