Not sure how many hurricanes there were, wasn’t the RAF still largely biplanes? But yeah, no quarrel with that point, which I address above.
In August 1938 – the Luftwaffe had less than 200 operational 109s – which were of the B/C/D variant. There other fighters were biplanes of similar performance values to the Gladiator.
At the end of September 1938 if the Munich crisis had resulted in war the RAF home fighter force would have been 25 squadrons,
1 Demon (Turret), 2 Demon / Demon (Turret), 3 Fury, 7 Gauntlet,
1 Gauntlet / Hurricane, 1 Gauntlet / Spitfire, 5 Gladiator and 5
Also 5 reserve squadrons with Demons.
At the end of December 1938 there were 13 squadrons in 11 Group
and 12 in 12 Group. Again 11 Group was largely at the airfields in
use in 1935. Squadron equipment was 1 Blenheim / Gladiator,
3 Blenheim / Demon, 1 Fury / Hurricane, 1 Fury / Spitfire, 4 Gauntlet,
2 Gauntlet / Hurricane, 2 Gauntlet / Spitfire, 4 Gladiator, 7 Hurricane.
In addition there were 7 reserve fighter squadrons, 1 Blenheim / Demon,
2 Demon, 1 Demon / Gladiator, 1 Gauntlet, 1 Gauntlet / Hector and 1
still had Hind light bombers, so the reserve squadrons were finally
receiving more modern equipment.