Home Forums Chat Forum Do you wash your fruit and veg?

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  • Do you wash your fruit and veg?
  • muckytee
    Free Member

    You didn’t note any particular soreness anywhere on yourself, the next morning ?.

    I guess he must have some how avoided meeting philconsequence

    Free Member

    29? lol yeah right 😛

    is your birthday sunday? can we have cake? can we?!

    Free Member

    i dont do jiggacubes, they’re bad for the penis.

    Free Member

    It is Solo… it is indeed. 29 years old

    See, and you thought I didn’t pay any attention to you.

    i dont do jiggacubes, they’re bad for the penis.

    Well, now, thats go to be rock bottom, surely ?.

    Free Member

    Yes, wash your veg especially, not because of stuff they spray on, but root veg might have small stones and mud on them, don’t want to break your teeth now do you?

    Full Member

    Fruit and veg are likely to have dirt, bacteria and pesticide residues on the skin. Whilst the risk is low, it’s easy enough to rinse any unpeeled fruit/ veg.

    Assuming the premise to be true,

    Does a quick rinse under the tap actually make any difference whatsoever to this, or is it just pointless habit that makes us feel better?

    Mushrooms are grown in mushroom compost, which contains poo.

    Worse, I heard they contain fungus. Actual fungus, like you see growing on things, mushrooms are full of the stuff!! Ew.

    Full Member

    All shop bought fruit and veg is washed in our house.
    All home grown stuff usually ends up in my mouth and hardly gets near the sink to be washed (even though it’s grown in poo).

    Why do people put fruit such as melons, pineapples, bananas, grapefuit etc in a bag? It’s already in a big chunky skin 🙄

    Free Member

    Worse, I heard they contain fungus. Actual fungus, like you see growing on things, mushrooms are full of the stuff!! Ew.


    I dunno Bunnyhop… annoys me too. However my mrs has started eating Kiwi’s with the skin on so maybe other people like banana skins?

    Free Member

    Theres a set stand off time after spraying and harvest, so there’s little chance of being poisoned by sprays (assuming we’re taking UK grown at least).

    Full Member

    I did wash my veg in Ethiopia when I first got there, but I was quite lax about it by the time I left. Typhoid and typhus was a real risk though.

    Never bothered here…

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