Junkyard – lazarus
right so it s no longer the training he did for the tour but the rest he had oh and being skinny
I fear you may be clutching at straws a tad here.
(apologies for the late rise Junky:
Nah, I think I’ve tried to be balanced – give it a go 😉
see, I actually said “time to prepare“, not “the training” and I also said “Who knows whether either or both was off his tits on epo for all that training (I admit, I used the word there, but then even 4 weeks out of compo and fully fit must be quite a luxury) or if just the length of time was the key” though I also said “who knows what “not really training” involved in terms of level of effort“
however, knock yourself out, I don’t care that much – as you’ll remember, I also said “no axe to grind either way”