I think I’m probably guilty of cultural prejudice here – but the Republicans speaking out against this mostly seem to be Southern Good Ole Boys with Anglo-Saxon heritage.
A lot of the influential names on the alt-right seem to be of continental European herritage who seem to hold a “European” cultural identity – as with the shouty college boy who’s been all over the news.
I was also talking to a perfectly intelligent Spanish computer programmer the other night who blamed Churchill for WW2 – because we should have let Germany invade Poland (it was an internal affair for Europe to solve apparently) and he didn’t see anything wrong with a bit of good old fashioned nationalism…..
I’m starting to wonder whether an predilection for fascism can be passed on through generations via cultural identity and jistory….it’s all unevidenced conjecture though…I’m just starting to sense some kind of pan-European nationalism coming together out of certain blocks in Europe that are ideologically aligned and possibly the same movement that we have seen in the US. Much the same as the phenomena we have seen with ISIS.
dark times my friends.