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  • Charlottesville
  • aracer
    Free Member

    A good rule of thumb here – if ninfan ignores your post it’s generally a sign that he’s lost that particular argument. I’m still waiting for a clarification of who he was suggesting was retaliating…

    Free Member

    and you’re defending them…

    Free speech and all that, you’re quite entitled to defend them. Free speech also means other people are entitled to call you a dick when you do.

    (though there’s an interesting difference in how free speech is protected in the forum rules – I’m hoping I’ve tiptoed just the right side of the line there).

    Free Member

    and you’re defending them

    Yes, and I’ve managed to do it without calling people names, comparing them with men’s, or ladies (or whatever non-cisgendered identity you prefer) genitalia or telling them to kill themselves.

    there’s plenty of people on here who think it’s acceptable to punch people on the face as long as you don’t like their opinions

    But can’t see that that works both ways

    Free Member

    It wasn’t a question BTW, though thanks for the clarification – in which case I’m inclined to agree with what other people on here might suggest you are [tiptoeing]

    Still waiting for a clarification on who was retaliating…

    I’ve managed to do it without calling people names, comparing them with ladies genitalia or telling them to kill themselves.

    It’s an obnoxious enough opinion to hold with requiring any of that. I’ll just compare you with Justin Moore, though you’re probably flattered by that comparison http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article167303682.html

    Free Member

    Ninfan ,you can’t just dismiss me by calling me a lefty. I’m not a lefty. Murder is exactly the sort of behaviour I expect from Nazis, that’s kind of their thing, which is why I wholeheartedly condone violence towards them wherever necessary and that their filth be resisted as loudly as possible whenever spouted in public.
    You are still talking as if he ran people over in response to violence against him, of which there is no proof at all, unless you have some. If you have proof of this threat he was so desperate to drive through a crowd to escape, maybe you should be giving the Virginia DA a call, rather than moaning on an internet forum, then your mate can go free…

    Free Member

    Yes, and there’s plenty of people on here who think it’s acceptable to punch people on the face as long as you don’t like their opinions

    I’m not saying I’d punch anyone who’s opinion I didn’t like.
    But…. know ….. Nazi’s 🙄

    A bit more than just a slight “difference of opinion” there for most people.

    Free Member

    Also, I totally understand that it works both ways, I fully understand that Nazis wish me and many millions like me dead and would, given the right set of circumstances, have me killed. so, yes, I tend towards supporting violence against them.

    Because they’re **** NAZIS!!!

    Free Member

    You are still talking as if he ran people over in response to violence against him, of which there is no proof at all, unless you have some.

    Hahahahaha. 😆

    Of course he doesn’t! 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes, and I’ve managed to do it

    You really haven’t!

    Free Member

    You are still talking as if he ran people over in response to violence against him, of which there is no proof at all,

    Does he need a reason? He’s a nazi remember. If he was a Muslim you’d be saying that he had been provoked by Donald Trumps ban on immigration, so yeah, let’s say he was provoked by the left trying to tear down a statue and turning up at the protest to try to punch him in the face

    (We’ll see what comes out at court.)

    Also, I totally understand that it works both ways, I fully understand that Nazis muslims wish me and many millions like me dead and would, given the right set of circumstances, have me killed. so, yes, I tend towards supporting violence against them.

    Because they’re **** NAZIS!!! muslims

    Are you getting it yet?

    Free Member

    So are you suggesting he was retaliating?

    actually, hang on a minute, what exactly did you mean by this?

    Free Member

    If he was a Muslim you’d be saying that he had been provoked by Donald Trumps ban on immigration

    No I wouldn’t, how ridiculous…

    Free Member

    For a better comparison with muslims. Are you getting any yet?

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member
    and you’re defending them
    Yes, and I’ve managed to do it

    Explain how you managed that?

    Free Member

    The extent to which a large number of posters on this thread are making it about ninfan, rather than the events in Charlottesville and USA is depressing.

    I find some of ninfan’s posts irritating in that he constantly uses the same debating technique of turning around people’s own statements against them, which done repeatedly just becomes wearing and destroys meaningful debate. Howevever, there is only one of him, and he is responding to a lot of people on this thread posting some fairly stupid/poorly thought out remarks, e.g. “it’s OK to punch Nazis”. That sort of statement is just pathetic internet keyboard warrior ‘virtue signalling’.

    A lot of people who have criticised ninfan for his absolutist approach to the right to freedom of speech and freedom of protest probably need to ask themselves some hard questions about what it is that they really believe in, rather than keep asking ninfan what he believes in and calling him a Nazi apologist etc.

    Many people on this thread probably like to think of themselves as being fairly liberal, but in reality they are showing themselves as being quite authoritarian, and there is a long history of the left wing believing it has a moral superiority and that that justifies it taking action ‘for the greater good’ to restrict people’s freedoms in ways that would never be accepted from right wing governments, e.g. the Blair Labour government’s attempts to extend the police power to detain suspects for up to 90 days without charge and to introduce ID cards.

    I get a feeling from some of the comments on this thread, that some people do feel morally superior in being able to call someone else a Nazi or a Nazi apologist. If so they are incredibly shallow.

    I doubt Bernard Kenny wasted his time arguing on internet forums, and for all I know he was a UKIP voter who wanted to deport all immigrants, but when it really mattered he showed that he was a far better man than probably most of us.

    Full Member

    I really like how the random lefties spend forever..

    Well if nothing else at least you’ve moved on from “all lefties” as if the left is some homogeneous groupthink.

    As inconvenient for you as it is, I consider myself left leaning and have agreed with your points on free speech and violence.

    “But they didn’t just punch back” you cry, “they actually killed people”
    Well? What on earth did you expect? They’re Nazis FFS!

    You argued that running someone over in a car was a perfectly reasonable response to the suggestion of being punched in the face.

    That does sound a bit like you are defending nazi violence, which we have established you think is repugnant.

    Free Member

    ninfan? ninfan? no edits of your posts for the last 10 minutes, are you OK hun?

    Free Member

    aracer, Nazis are neither a race or religion, they are an ideology based on mass murder, therefore the comparison doesn’t really stand up. Most Muslims don’t wish anyone dead and neither do most white men. Nazis, on the other hand, definitely want a lot of people to die.

    Free Member

    ninfan » Also, I totally understand that it works both ways, I fully understand that Nazis muslims white men communists wish me and many millions like me dead and would, given the right set of circumstances, have me killed. so, yes, I tend towards supporting violence against them.
    Because they’re **** NAZIS!!! muslims white men communists

    The game can go on all day, once you begin to justify violence based on someone’s political, racial or religious affiliations then it’s only a matter of time before it comes back on you.

    they are an ideology based on mass murder,

    Totally not like a religion then 😆

    Free Member

    Good point

    Free Member

    OK, I’m going to simplify it.

    Anyone who belongs to a group whose stated primary aim is to murder large groups of people deserves a punch in the face.

    Free Member

    Totally not like a religion then

    I get your point, and I am no great fan of organised religion. But there are those within organised religion who promote peace and tolerance.
    There are literally no Nazis doing that.

    Free Member

    whose stated primary aim is to murder large groups of people

    Have you read Mein Kampf?

    Free Member

    Have you read Mein Kampf?

    Is this like when a Jehovah’s Witness knocks the door and asks you if you’ve read the bible?

    Free Member

    I hope you’re not about to post spoilers

    Free Member

    asks you if you’ve read the bible?

    I’ve read most of that too, and the Koran, and the communist manifesto

    I didn’t walk away that the impression that any of them particularly promoted actual mass murder

    Free Member

    Your point ?

    Free Member

    Personally I preferred The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, though neither is really a patch on The Da Vinci Code

    Free Member

    I’ve read most of that too, and the Koran, and the communist manifesto

    What, just the Communist Manifesto? That’s barely a pamphlet!
    Come back to me when you’ve read all three volumes of Capital, then we can have a real debate about Marx’s theories (his ideas around the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, for example) rather than just the tired old undergrad bollocks about permanent revolution.

    Don’t see what all this willy waving has to do with a Nazi murdering someone with a car, though…

    Free Member

    your point

    Well, the comment above was that the Nazis “stated primary aim is to murder large groups of people”

    So, if it’s not in mein kampf, then where is it stated?

    Full Member


    Free Member

    OK, just for ninfan, I’m gonna put out a slightly revised final draft…

    Anyone who belongs to a group whose stated primary aim is to murder large groups of people or has historically done so deserves a punch in the face.

    Free Member

    Also, great picture Drac.

    Full Member

    I dont really see nazi’s as being political, I guess thats where ninfan and I disagree. Its just hate, I dont see how nazi’s can have a public event without advocati g hate and violence. Hence a swift slap in the chops is an approriate response.

    Free Member

    So, if it’s not in mein kampf, then where is it stated?

    FFS really???


    Free Member

    I am surprised the mods have not closed this down yet.

    On many many sides it’s just a race to the bottom. Of patience or trollololing.

    Especially for jimjam. He’s had enough and started tagging walls out of frustration.

    Free Member

    In the Rommel Papers? No spoilers though please, that’s next on my reading list after Pride and Prejudice.

    Free Member

    The extent to which a large number of posters on this thread are making it about ninfan, rather than the events in Charlottesville and USA is depressing.

    It’s called maintaining a tradition

    Free Member

    I am surprised the mods have not closed this down yet.

    Freedom of speech, innit.

    Free Member

    asks you if you’ve read the bible?

    I’ve read most of that too, and the Koran, and the communist manifesto

    I didn’t walk away that the impression that any of them particularly promoted actual mass murder [/quote]

    The inhabitants of Jericho might not have agreed with you on that one.

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