The extent to which a large number of posters on this thread are making it about ninfan, rather than the events in Charlottesville and USA is depressing.
I find some of ninfan’s posts irritating in that he constantly uses the same debating technique of turning around people’s own statements against them, which done repeatedly just becomes wearing and destroys meaningful debate. Howevever, there is only one of him, and he is responding to a lot of people on this thread posting some fairly stupid/poorly thought out remarks, e.g. “it’s OK to punch Nazis”. That sort of statement is just pathetic internet keyboard warrior ‘virtue signalling’.
A lot of people who have criticised ninfan for his absolutist approach to the right to freedom of speech and freedom of protest probably need to ask themselves some hard questions about what it is that they really believe in, rather than keep asking ninfan what he believes in and calling him a Nazi apologist etc.
Many people on this thread probably like to think of themselves as being fairly liberal, but in reality they are showing themselves as being quite authoritarian, and there is a long history of the left wing believing it has a moral superiority and that that justifies it taking action ‘for the greater good’ to restrict people’s freedoms in ways that would never be accepted from right wing governments, e.g. the Blair Labour government’s attempts to extend the police power to detain suspects for up to 90 days without charge and to introduce ID cards.
I get a feeling from some of the comments on this thread, that some people do feel morally superior in being able to call someone else a Nazi or a Nazi apologist. If so they are incredibly shallow.
I doubt Bernard Kenny wasted his time arguing on internet forums, and for all I know he was a UKIP voter who wanted to deport all immigrants, but when it really mattered he showed that he was a far better man than probably most of us.