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  • Charlottesville
  • sbob
    Free Member

    Yes, a right wing website with some odious visitors judging by the comments.
    Ignoring your ridiculous strawman, I’ve just googled “masked antifa” and it didn’t come up with one picture of masked anti-fascists being driven into by a nutter in a Dodge.

    It did however come up with 312,000 results, as opposed to 2,650,000 for “masked neo nazi”.

    Now, when did you first use the term “Antifa”?

    Actually answer the question and have a think about the above and you will see that your victim blaming premise is as ridiculous as it is distasteful.

    Free Member

    I’m at a loss as to why I have to caveat every statement with the equivalent of “I’m not a Nazi because

    Try reading all your comments in the context of the wake of an innocent young woman being murdered by a right wing extremist.

    Free Member

    Strangely he didn’t include some of the other images from that article showing those nice peaceful white supremacists and nazis

    No, but he may not have noticed that the picture he did post almost certainly showed helmeted and tooled up right wingers, which I thought odd.

    Full Member

    Nigel Farage there, clearly regretting that he didn’t devise a suitable UKIP salute. 😆

    Free Member

    Cannot believe

    Pleasantly surprised?

    Let us remember that this is the man who aped nazi propaganda and was described by his own teacher as a fascist.

    Free Member

    Yes, but even he has the media savvy to realise that slating Nazis is a slam dunk.

    Full Member

    Perhaps it is meant to be read in a really excited voice? 😆

    Free Member

    some of the other images from that article showing those nice peaceful white supremacists and nazis:

    isnt it terrible that lawful, peaceful marchers (with a court order confirming their right to hold the protest) should feel that they need to go armed in order to protect themselves from violent anti-fascists who had threatened to punch them in the face?

    Full Member

    isnt it terrible that lawful, peaceful marchers (with a court order confirming their right to hold the protest) should feel that they need to go armed in order to protect themselves from violent anti-fascists who had threatened to punch them in the face?

    Do you not understand the context of slavery, lynching, institutionalsed racism, police shooting of huge numbers of blacks and numerous other injustices that fall on US minorities?

    Full Member

    isnt it terrible that lawful, peaceful marchers (with a court order confirming their right to hold the protest) should feel that they need to go armed in order to protect themselves from violent anti-fascists who had threatened to punch them in the face?

    It might be if that were actually the case.

    Free Member

    isnt it terrible that lawful, peaceful marchers (with a court order confirming their right to hold the protest) should feel that they need to go armed in order to protect themselves from violent anti-fascists who had threatened to punch them in the face?

    Those poor delicate Nazis.

    Lol this is just a chicken and egg scenario isn’t it. Got proof that the right went armed in response to the left?

    However, it’s not like the far right have a history going to demonstrations armed – is it?

    You’re a Nazi ninfan who is obsessed with painting your enemy “the left” in a bad light at any cost.

    Full Member

    isnt it terrible that lawful, peaceful marchers

    Those lawful peaceful marchers beating that black kid (De’Andre Harris) on the ground with poles?

    Free Member

    why is jimjam posting images of the black block at an anti g8 march in 2007 ?

    Because…… erm ?

    Nope. I’ve got nothing.

    Fake news?

    Free Member

    Do you not understand the context of slavery, lynching, institutionalsed racism, police shooting of huge numbers of blacks and numerous other injustices that fall on US minorities?

    Right, so that makes it OK to punch people in the face does it?

    Full Member

    Does it make it okay to run people over with cars?

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Does it make it okay to run people over with cars?

    No, But then unlike you I’m happy to condem the use of violence on many sides remember… on many sides

    Full Member

    Can you verify this yet Ninfan ?

    So, stories coming out now that his car had been surrounded by antifa protesters attacking him and he was trying to get away. Unverified but seems like a realistic scenario.

    Full Member

    And what makes you think I am not?

    I’ve made a point of saying several times that both sides were armed.

    Full Member

    I’m happy to condem the use of violence on many sides remember… on many sides

    You are Trumps speech writer and i claim my £5 finders fee.

    Free Member

    Do you not understand the context of slavery, lynching, institutionalsed racism, police shooting of huge numbers of blacks and numerous other injustices that fall on US minorities?

    Right, so that makes it OK to punch people in the face does it?[/quote]

    No. Quite right. A punch does seem a little bit harsh compared to that really 🙄

    Ffs. You couldn’t make this shit up.

    Full Member

    No, But then unlike you I’m happy to condem the use of violence on many sides remember… on many sides

    Right. Because being a nazi and being a civil rights activist are more or less equivalent.

    Free Member

    lawful, peaceful marchers (with a court order confirming their right to hold the protest)

    Making Nazi salutes seems like a deliberately threatening and confrontational act. Why would peaceful marchers do that? Is it to protect themselves?

    Full Member

    Can I be the first to admit that I would happily punch a Nazi. If that upsets ninfan’s sensibilities, well, I guess that’s just something I’ll have to learn to live with.

    Free Member

    Seriously, what’s wrong with punching Nazis in the face?

    They’re **** Nazis!

    They want to exterminate everyone that isn’t a Nazi!

    And some of you think that punching them in the face is a bit over the top?

    I think it’s the least you should do.

    Full Member

    Personally I wouldn’t.

    I can understand why some might want to, but meeting violent protest with violent protest is unlikely to solve anything.

    Full Member

    I know one thing, I might have Inglorious Basterds on in the background tonight while I’m typing up reports.

    Full Member

    If I can shoot rabbits, then I can shoot fascists.
    (Well you ain’t ever shot a fascist and you ain’t no friend of mine)

    I have punched nazis in the face, I hope not to be called on to do it again, I’m getting on a bit. I’ve never punched a rabbit though, it never really felt like the right moment

    Full Member

    I’ve just caught up with this thread. two things:

    RIP to Bernard Kenny, the pensioner who fought the man who murdered Jo Cox, and was himself stabbed. According to the BBC he died peacefully today.

    Can I just say, thank you for this info. I’d no idea he’d died. What a shame.

    I “perceive” Nazis to be “inherently bad” on account of the killing 6 million Jews thang. But hey, that’s just me – judgemental.

    Muslims, Christians, Hindu’s, Communists and Mongol Hordes have all done much the same[/quote]

    Speaking as a militant atheist,

    **** me gently with a chainsaw, are you seriously conflating those two situations as being equivalent? Have a word with yourself.

    Full Member

    As for the freedom of speech thing,

    As much as it pains me to say it, I broadly agree with ninfan; you either censor nothing, or you censor everything.


    There comes a limit where lines do have to be drawn. In the UK it’s illegal to promote hate speech such as inciting racial hatred, for instance. Quelling someone from drumming up support for a war trumps any right to freedom of speech. Expressing unpopular or contentious opinions is fine, attempting to recruit a bunch of like-minded souls to kill all the **** less so.

    Free Member

    meeting violent protest with violent protest is unlikely to solve anything.

    True but they tend to not respond to well crafted intellectual ripostes of their racist ideology.

    Sometimes , unfortunately, it is necessary to behave in such a manner to prevent the rise of such forces. ITs never a good thing but it may be a necessary thing.

    I do find it amusing that those who wish to curtail human rights on racial grounds are all for human rights when someone wishes to curtail theirs.

    If they wish to preserve all human rights then I will respect theirs. Tolerant of all but the intolerant essentially.

    Free Member

    I don’t think the state should censor anything or anybody. Freedom of speech should be a given, for everyone. However, I see nothing wrong with vigorously challenging extremism, be it on the streets or Twitter. Amy public assembly of Nazis should be met with an army to show them what we think of their views.

    And I definitely don’t think it should be a crime to punch a Nazi in the face.

    In my world, you are free to be a Nazi, if that’s what you want to be, but I am free to call you a **** and punch you in the face, because that is the consequence of being a Nazi.

    Free Member

    you either censor nothing, or you censor everything.

    This place is moderated for very good reasons. Its a balance and at times a difficult one , whether on here or in real life.

    Whilst I broadly agree with you i prefer to thing we all have line the only issue is where we place the line, fascism, ISIS propaganda or recruitment websites, Child pornography. Everyone has a line somewhere where they wish to curtail free speech. Its not at all if we censor one thing we have censored everything its not if we prevent stop ISIS we have become China.

    Full Member

    Tolerant of all but the intolerant essentially.

    Nah. Same answer as not torturing terrorists: what’s the point of Human Rights if you only apply them when it is easy, to the good guys?

    Full Member

    If there is not freedom of speech for all there is not freedom of speech. Some of the counter protesters were violent and should have been arrested.
    There is a difference of degree though, one of the march organisers stated on video that his group was not non violent. He went to the demo with a rifle , 2 hand guns and a knife.

    Free Member

    In my (very) humble opinion, the hatred expressed by some cops and the far-right towards coloured people is a manifestation of their inherent insecurity as regards their next incarnation.*

    We all possess varying levels of pre-cognition and to me, these right wingers can sense on some level that, unless they decide to incarnate on another planet, then statistically they’ll be more likely to incarnate in a non-white body, next time round.

    Not as a punishment, but just to deepen their awareness, as were all drawn towards increasingly more demanding lives, even if this stimulates fear in our human bodies as we steel ourselves for the next ‘step-down’.

    Likewise, our aristocracy clings in the most febrile manner to ‘their’ estates as they know that they’ll have to reincarnate in less glamorous lodgings someday. (Party’s over!!!)

    *or maybe they merely fear the c@ck

    Full Member

    Agree it’s all about insecurity, not the reincarnation, mind.

    Full Member

    Did trump just say there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville … Nazis are good people ?? http://edition.cnn.com/2017/08/15/politics/trump-charlottesville-latest/index.html

    He’s back to being Hitler again. !

    Full Member

    Right, so that makes it OK to punch people in the face does it?

    If a nazi was near me and he was suggesting lynching or slavery were appropriate then yes a swift smack in the mouth seems proportional to me.

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