Home Forums Bike Forum Charlie the bikemonger – anyone used them?

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  • Charlie the bikemonger – anyone used them?
  • teadrinker
    Full Member

    As above really and also wondered if they price match at all?

    Full Member

    Yes, Charlie is a regular poster on here and seems to have a loyal following – I’ve always been satisfied with stuff I’ve had from him. Don’t know about price match though.

    Free Member

    Yep he’s good 😀 good advise too

    Free Member

    Charlie the bikemonger – anyone used them?

    I thouight maybe it was new sticker competition time….

    Full Member

    He’s a small business selling stuff that most people don’t or won’t stock I’d pay what he’s asking or go where you’ve found it cheaper, really.

    He may be along to disagree with me, though.

    Free Member

    Charlies great.

    I bought a surly ring from him a few years back. Put it on the floor whilst taking cranks off only to pick it up with a 30 degree bend on one side. No idea how or why it happened. I asked him if Surly would replace it or anything and he said no but he would do me a deal if I couldnt bend the ring back and use it properly. The no-nonsense meeting half way customer service is always a winner for me, especially if it was most likely my fault anyway!

    Naturally it being made of a real material it bent back and has been fine for 2-3 years now 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep. Nice chap, good products.

    Free Member

    He makes a good cup of coffee too…

    Full Member

    dealt with him a few times, all good!

    Full Member

    He has a longtail, a fatbike and a Tentipi – must be a good guy 🙂

    Full Member

    Yup, not necessarily the cheapest but great value in the wider sense – advice, backup, responsiveness. If we got his kind of service from all our LBSs we’d all be happy to pay.

    Free Member

    Top guy!

    Full Member

    I’ve had no problems. Like ^^^^ said, stocks the niche stuff others shy away from.

    Free Member

    had to buy a new cog and chain the other week. got it from him. his chainring size guide also helped me work out which one i needed. textbook start to finish. recommended.

    Free Member

    DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN!!! he’ll magic your gears away, pervert you with fatness and sell you a surf board…. “but I only came in for a puncture repair kit” …

    Free Member

    Bought a truvativ crankset off him the other day, great price and good service.

    Would defo recommend them.

    Free Member

    Shopping with Charlie could lead you to the Dark Side and possibly end up buying something FAT

    Heed the warning from qwerty.

    Apart from that, great fella and would recommend him.

    Free Member

    I have recently had a FAT purchase from there. Communication was good, his knowledge far exceeded some other shops selling similar items hence used him.

    Managed to get a few free stickers in the box, Stickers rock. Delivery was on the specified day and all is good

    Free Member

    simply excellent service…

    Free Member

    simply excellent service…


    Full Member

    yep he is a character and a half! Nice guy…………..you still me a Surly Tugnut Charlie!

    Full Member

    He dazzled me, romanced me and spoke sweet nothings in my ear.

    However when I woke up, it transpired he had stolen my wife, my gears and all I had left behind were some chainring bolts, BMX chains, funny shaped handlebars and some stickers*.

    *my actual CTBM purchasing history.

    Free Member

    Yup, and he’s actualy the cheepest on quite a few niche things.

    I’m loving my PDW bell, it’s brilliant!

    Free Member

    He sent me sweets.

    Free Member

    Another happy customer here. Just give him your money.

    (Confession time: one of the stickers read “No Britneys” – first thought was it was a tad homophobic, then a solidarity with teetotalers. Then realised that it’s meant for a SS bike…

    Free Member

    Got 3 sets of esi grips from him always turned up quick and free delivery perfect imo !

    Free Member

    Price match? Pfffttt…
    How many other shops send old skool sweets like Fruit Salad and Black Jacks with your order? OK, so The Bike Chain, but who else, huh?

    Full Member

    A bikemonger earlier (centre).

    Free Member

    Another happy customer here. Three farmes off him, a number of bit and bob, numerous calls and conversations and I cannot be happier with service and price. he is exactly the kind of startup we should be supporting. I will go out of my way to buy from him again – and no ive not even received a sticker

    Free Member

    Great guy to deal with, on products no one else stocks as said, and he gave me a Jethro Tule at SSUK the other year for turning up to registration with a beer,

    Top bloke all round, and always happy to answer questions in the phone…

    Just beware the drunken dancing!!!

    Free Member

    Buzzard – Member

    Three farmes off him

    Sorry to hear you bought the farme. 🙁

    Free Member

    No just one but three “farmes” apparently. hate typing on this damn phone

    Free Member

    Top bloke… Went to his shop in swanage… Looks like a front room stuffed full of bikes!

    Free Member

    I bought a surly ring from him a few years back. Put it on the floor whilst taking cranks off only to pick it up with a 30 degree bend on one side. No idea how or why it happened. I asked him if Surly would replace it or anything and he said no but he would do me a deal if I couldnt bend the ring back and use it properly. The no-nonsense meeting half way customer service is always a winner for me, especially if it was most likely my fault anyway!

    Wonder if the Surly ring I bent at SSUK in Bristol in 2007 (on its first ever ride because I didn’t tighten the chainring bolts fully) and has since been flattened out and used to replace a horseshoe on my garage door would run ok?

    Free Member

    The first time I met Charlie was when I had a serious frame problem while riding over the Purbecks on a really mucky day. A friend suggested we nurse the bike over to Charlie’s who striped the bike until he had found the problem (mud all over the place!) and he also gave me some great advice. One helpful star man!

    Full Member

    Don’t know what he’s like to do business with but knows how to have some fun Klunkerz[/url]

    Free Member

    He stole one of my slogans, made stickers out of it and then distributed them widely for no money (not even postage) without even offering me a share of the cost of all the stamps. i suspect I may owe him up to 76p as my 10%.

    BTW, if you do read this and have any spare, my ‘It’s not niche, there’s a recession’ sticker went away with with my old ss frame, and I could do with a replacement for my new one. I’d make do with ‘I brake for cake’ if the recession ones are all gone 😉 I’d even paypal you postage this time.

    Free Member

    Charlie sure is a a top fella.

    LOL I missed the “It’s not niche, there’s a recession” sticker – hehehe

    Full Member

    Placed one order for some ss bits. Very helpful on phone and nice selection of oddities.

    I would not dream of asking him (or another good quality seller) to price match personally so long as they’re not taking the p’ . If you paste that kind of business on price you’re stuffing their future your ability to deal with them long term.

    Free Member

    Yep, great guy. Very helpful indeed when trying to decide on what expensive kit to buy, fast delivery, cool stock. Just like Sideways.

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