Home Forums Chat Forum Cause for concern?

  • This topic has 355 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by G.
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  • Cause for concern?
  • G
    Free Member

    Yet you seem hell bent on making yourself look even more of an idiot with your comments. If i were you I would stop digging.

    Oh really?

    So please clarify for in what way exactly I am wrong in what I am saying, which is quite simply that the Daily Mail and the BNP are not great sources of unbiased reporting or truth. Therefore it is wise to discount what they say.

    <Sits back arms folded waiting with interest for the response.>

    Free Member

    If its too much for you to grasp I will spell it out for you.

    Grumm : Daily Mail and BNP are almost universally inaccurate
    Grumm : But it’s faulty logic to assume that everything they say is therefore incorrect.

    I didn’t say that, you are mis-representing me yet again. Try actually reading what I said and stop being so patronising. You could write for the Daily Mail yourself with that kind of attitude.

    Full Member

    G, where does Grumm say

    Grumm : Daily Mail and BNP are almost universally inaccurate


    Because I simply cannot find it.

    If you look through the Dail Mail report of 85 Sharia Law Courts in the UK, the only thing that is different to the syndicated story that’s almost exactly the same in all the papers is the headline, which is typically Dail Wail.

    Your point that it’s simpler to just ignore the Daily Mail, you can’t, because their influence is part of the problem.

    Free Member

    2nd post down on page 3 of this thread

    Full Member

    No he doesn’t.

    Full Member

    trailmonkey – Member
    This thread is indeed a cause for concern. Anyone who wishes to avoid a turgid fight to the death between the usual champions of all that is righteous and the neaderthal paranoia of the Sun/Mail massive, should CLOSE THE THREAD NOW.

    Eerily prescient, the “turgid” bit anyway.

    Free Member

    At the risk of sounding childish : Yes he does

    grumm – Member

    The fact that the BNP and Daily Mail lap it up doesn’t necessarily mean it should be ignored though does it?
    Yep pretty much

    You see I find that kind of attitude rather silly. Yes the Mail and BNP are nasty bigoted **** and their motives for saying things are pretty much universally wrong. But it’s faulty logic to assume that everything they say is therefore incorrect.

    The statistic I posted is from a survey which has nothing to do with the Mail or BNP and if you read the report doesn’t seem to be trying to fan the flames of intolerance. In fact it finds many things which would probably pleasantly surprise Daily Mail readers about British Muslims. That doesn’t however mean that everything is hunky-dory.

    Posted 2 hours ago

    Whole post copied for info relevant paragraph highlighted.

    Incidentally I wholly agree with Mr Agreeable. However, as long as people keep getting sucked into this utter bollocks about Islam in the UK and continuously reinforcing this utter drivel. I will take great delight in pi$$ing them off by pointing out the flaws in the arguments and the inherant racism that is being exhibited, and I make no apology whatsoever for that.

    Full Member

    Which is clearly not the same as

    Grumm : Daily Mail and BNP are almost universally inaccurate

    Free Member

    Yeah except strangely I seem to be on the other side to the usual in this lovely thread.

    2nd post down on page 3 of this thread

    Nope, wrong again. Try actually reading what I said.

    Does the fact that the Guardian reported the same story make it ok to talk about it now?


    Free Member

    I will take great delight in pi$$ing them off by pointing out the flaws in the arguments and the inherant racism that is being exhibited, and I make no apology whatsoever for that.

    Its a fair enough motive however so far you have failed to achieve it.

    Free Member

    I will take great delight in pi$$ing them off by pointing out the flaws in the arguments

    Where have you done that then? Please highlight the relevant paragraphs like you did so well before.

    Free Member

    inherant racism that is being exhibited,

    I think you are confusing race with religion. One is chosen and it is fair game to analyse and criticise.

    Free Member

    Check out Dennis MacEoin and see what I mean. The guy is fairly widely discredited, and definately could be accused of having an anti Islamic bias. The Policy Exchange is a definitely right wing think tank, and if they are basing their thinking on the writings of Dennis MacEoin have to be questioned.

    All this is scaremongering of the worst kind. No more no less, it is the oxygen that the likes of the BNP breath. Just utter the words Sharia Law and immediately the hysterics start. Its that simple

    Free Member

    PS : Did you note Nick, that I did not put that section as a quotation?? Thats because I got fed up with copying and pasting it, and paraphrased what he had said. I think you’ll find the interpretation was accurate, unless you want to argue that point.

    Full Member

    Well why didn’t you say so?

    Full Member

    I don’t think it was accurate no, he said their motives were wrong, according to you that’s the same as saying what they say is inaccurate. Ain’t necessarily so is what I’m saying 🙂

    Free Member

    PS : Did you note Nick, that I did not put that section as a quotation?? Thats because I got fed up with copying and pasting it, and paraphrased what he had said. I think you’ll find the interpretation was accurate, unless you want to argue that point.

    Paraphrasing and distorting are not the same things.

    Just utter the words Sharia Law and immediately the hysterics start. Its that simple

    Where you are concerned that certainly seems to be the case. Some people are actually trying to have a reasoned debate.

    Free Member

    In what way was I distorting what you said Grumm?

    Wrong : Inaccurate ……. Difference ? I would say that is something is wrong it is also by definition inaccurate. Please do enlighten me if I’ve got that “inaccurate”.

    Where you are concerned that certainly seems to be the case. Some people are actually trying to have a reasoned debate.

    Wheres the reasoning?

    Free Member

    Kimi, Massa and that Hamilton are full on racist’s.

    Well, racE’ists’ I guess 🙄 😆

    Full Member

    Grumm said: “and their motives for saying things are pretty much universally wrong”

    An example: the BNP say (maybe, for the sake of discussion) that blacks make up a disproportionate amount of the prison population. That is accurate, but the motives are wrong.

    Free Member

    Thank you DrJ, but he has had it explained to him many times already and clearly doesn’t get it.

    Free Member

    I haven’t read much of this thread apart for the first few posts, but as far as this is concerned :

    tyger has posted this sort of thing before.

    IMO, tyger does indeed have an agenda.

    It appears to me that tyger is frantically anti-Islam. He is also extremely pro-Israeli and pro-Zionist. He very strongly supported the recent slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.

    I don’t get the impression that tyger is pro-Zionist from a Jewish perspective. Rather, he appears to be some sort of Christian fundamentalist who is extremely pro-Zionist in much the same way that the Christian fundamentalist fanatics in the United States are.

    The Christian fundamentalists in the US (who were behind George Bush) have some sort of bizarre belief about the 12 tribes of Israel and how the United States has a Christian duty to God’s Promised Land (Zion)

    Hagee, the pastor of San Antonio’s Cornerstone Church, and the head of a multi-million dollar evangelical enterprise, recently brought together 400 Christian evangelical leaders representing as many as 30 million Christians for an invitation-only “Summit on Israel.” The result was the launching of a new pro-Israeli lobbying group called Christians United for Israel

    Free Member

    He very strongly supported the recent slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.


    Free Member

    Yep hora – the Israelis went into Gaza to kill Palestinians. He very strongly supported that action.

    Free Member

    Nah, that would have been extreme trolling for attention. Either that or he is a Paedophile.

    Free Member

    Nah, that would have been extreme trolling for attention.

    Plenty of christian fundamentalists very strongly supported the Israeli action in Gaza.

    I have no idea how many of them are paedophiles.

    I suspect however, that it is only a very small minority.

    Free Member

    DrJ – Member
    Grumm said: “and their motives for saying things are pretty much universally wrong”

    An example: the BNP say (maybe, for the sake of discussion) that blacks make up a disproportionate amount of the prison population. That is accurate, but the motives are wrong.

    Yep got it and understood that bit. So please explain to me how that statement is a foundation for stating that

    it’s faulty logic to assume that everything they say is therefore incorrect.

    All I am saying is that Grumm’s assertion is at the very least misinformed, and at worst insidious. How can you on the one hand acknowledge that what the BNP and for that the Daily Mail is printing is on the one hand universally wrong in its “motivation”, and then on the other state that its logical that some of what they say is correct. Semantics apart obviously.

    Grumm and others are then using the Policy Exchange and Denis MacEoin as some sort of academic verification of Islamophobia in respect of Sharia Law, where in fact the man is a self professed supporter of Israel, etc etc etc. Google it and check it out for yourself. I have posted the Wikipedia extract for the sake of brevity, but you don’t have to be an internet genius to independantly verify both his credentials and those of the Policy Exchange on respect of lying and rabble rousing over non issues.

    Sharia Law as a serious issue in the UK?? Think about it for about 10 seconds and you will realise immediately thats you are being wound up.

    Exert From Wikipedia on Deni MacEoin

    He continues to work on Islamic issues, particularly the development of radical Islam. In December 2007 the BBC news program Newsnight produced evidence that suggested some material on which MacEoin’s report on radical Islam in the UK for Policy Exchange, “The Hijacking Of British Islam”, was based had been forged. Gabriele Marranci, an anthropologist at the University of Western Sydney specialising in the study of Muslim communities has made numerous criticisms of the methodology of the report.[2] Accusations of partisanship and bias have also been made against MacEoin. He has stated: “I do not hold a brief for Islam. On the contrary, I have very negative feelings about it, but still try to appreciate those elements that elevate it (such as the finer forms of Sufism, the poetry, the architecture, and the belief in material simplicity over greed)… I am pro-Israeli and involve myself in the defence of Israel

    This of itself is not evidence of anything other than the need to be deeply suspicious of anything the bloke writes on the subject.

    Free Member

    How can you on the one hand acknowledge that what the BNP and for that the Daily Mail is printing is on the one hand universally wrong in its “motivation”, and then on the other state that its logical that some of what they say is correct.

    You can’t, but then that’s not what he’s saying. Unfortunately you seem to yet again be failing the comprehension test (have only read this page of the thread and the original post in question, but that’s enough!) I suggest you remove all preconceived ideas from your head before re-reading the post in question – what he says (at least the part in question) makes perfect logical sense.

    Free Member

    Can we have that picture of the girls looking happy again now please?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Grumm and others are then using the Policy Exchange and Denis MacEoin as some sort of academic verification of Islamophobia in respect of Sharia Law, where in fact the man is a self professed supporter of Israel, etc etc etc.

    Er… actually I was the first person to point out that Denis MacEoin has been accused of faking research before, a few posts in on the first page. I’m also not certain of the accuracy of the Policy Exchange survey, but if you actually read it it’s not just saying ‘look at these evil dangerous Muslims that want to destroy our way of life’, but has some quite interesting insights into the views of Muslims in this country.

    As I said, I can look at sources as useful/interesting even if I don’t agree with all of their conclusions or their motivation, because not everything is black and white in my world. I imagine I would disagree with Denis MacEoin’s views on Israel pretty strongly and he clearly has an axe to grind on Islam, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he is automatically wrong in everything he says.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch, brant

    Well hello and “thanks” for your comments! 🙂

    Erm… I’m not sure if I should justify myself on here or just disappear (!) but for I’ve obviously created a bad impression with you and never meant to, so I’m really very sorry.

    With regards to having any sort or agenda against anyone, once again I’m very sorry for having given that impression but absolutely not true.
    As a loving father of my two children and someone that always carries the value of family very highly I take issue with being labeled a Paedophile even in jest and feel maybe it’s you who owe me an apology for that.

    With regards the statement you made Gus, ernie, Che or whatever you want to call yourself 🙂

    “It appears to me that tyger is frantically anti-Islam. He is also extremely pro-Israeli and pro-Zionist. He very strongly supported the recent slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.”

    I’m not anti anyone or pro anyone. The way I saw what was happening was that Israel was defending itself against Hamas lobbing bombs and rockets at them from the Palestinians in Gaza. Hamas took shelter in civilian populated areas and there were casualties – it was terrible as is any loss of life but I don’t agree with you that Israel just invaded Gaza to slaughter Palestinians. Okay I’ll say no more on the subject.

    As for me, I’m English born and bred, I love my country and feel very protective about it’s history and heritage and worry for the future of it (as typical of most parents) but I’m not a BMP supporter neither am I an extremist in anything (except building my guitar and biking!). I’ve been on this forum longer than most (if you include the old one) and on the whole think it’s great and also the people on here. If both of you have issues with me then I’ll be happy to chat with you and try to sort them my end but please don’t libel me or assume things about me which are incorrect.


    Free Member

    Grumm : This in essence is my whole point of disagreement

    but that doesn’t necessarily mean he is automatically wrong in everything he says.

    I also have studied at a decent level, and I have to say that I do not agree that a flawed source has value. If anything it is the opposite. As soon as you know its flawed it should at the very least be qualified if used at all.

    Regarding the Policy Exchange, its a right wing think tank, favoured by centre to far right. I believe the chinless wonder pays them some credence. Denis MacEoin, is one of their sources. For that reason much of what they have to say on the subject of Islam is quite simply fundamentally flawed.

    This sort of Sharia Law thing has been going the rounds in my world for some considerable time. I regularly receive chain emails from people that I would have hoped knew better, but clearly don’t. Dear old Denis is frequently quoted in them, and taken at face value, ” because he’s an academic”. As I said above, there is no need to debate it, a few seconds thought would immediately discredit the notion. For the following reasons. Firstly for Sharia Law to hold any sway in this country it would require not only an act of Parliament, that act would have to go through The House of Lords, that well know bastion of radical religious zeal, but even then it would have to comply with European law too. So what are the chances of that? Well unless we are planning on an overwhelming swing towards Islamic extremisim in Europe some time soon so the political processes are overwhelmed with extreme mullahs etc then its somewhere between slim and none.

    A thread like this where intelligent and articulate people sit and discuss the concept just gives the notion credence. That is exactly how the BNP and Denis MacEoin operate. It is a gradual picking away at rational thought, and a subtle placing of suggestions such as this one in peoples psyche.

    So what I am doing is pointing out the flaws in the arguments being used not solely by you, but your point on motives has become a focal point. Their motive is to spread disinformation and through that process persuade people that there nasty and deceitful propoganda had some merit.

    Full Member

    I’m not anti anyone or pro anyone.

    What a load of rubbish. Islam and the threat it supposedly poses to our way of life are a recurring theme in your postings. I’d guess that you’re quite an insecure person and this is your way of dealing with it, but to anyone who can read between the lines you come across as a cowardly bigot.

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – well, you’re entitled to your opinion but you’re just plain wrong! I’m not cowardly or a bigot. I may be worried by certain traits that Islam appears to show but I’m not anti Islam or anti Muslims.

    Full Member

    Tyger, what comes across in your posts is fear of the unknown and suspicion of people who follow a different religion to you. If you’re afraid or suspicious of something with no basis other than a bunch of half-baked factoids (“thin end of the wedge” indeed – is Islam somehow exceptional amongst religions in being exempt from UK law then?) that makes you prejudiced. Or a bigot, if you will.

    Free Member

    I don’t believe for a second that there is any realistic chance of Sharia law being introduced for criminal cases in any official way, and I think that generally speaking the ‘threat’ of it is exaggerated by The Mail etc – however, I don’t think that unofficial Sharia courts are a good thing, and I don’t think fundamentalist religion of any kind is a good thing. There are no other radical fundamentalist religious movements that have any kind of significant support in this country – hence why Islam is the one we are talking about.

    You seem to be falling into the trap of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ – because you are opposed to misguided emails, the Daily Mail, and people like Denis MacEoin, you are actually trying to defend something which is the complete antithesis of your apparently liberal beliefs.

    If you bothered to actually read the Policy Exchange report rather than screaming RACIST you would see some interesting things, such as:

    Some Islamic scholars have called for a major reinterpretation of sharia law to reflect
    modern ideas about human rights, equality for women and tolerance of religious conversion.
    Other Islamic scholars disagree with this view and say that sharia law is absolute
    and should not be interpreted to fit in with western values. Which of these is closest to
    your opinion?”

    49% said it should be interpreted, compared to 39% who disagreed.

    So, a majority of Muslims in this country would like sharia law to reflect modern ideas about human rights, equality for women and tolerance of religious conversion. Doesn’t make for a very good Daily Mail headline does it?

    So maybe Muslims aren’t the evil threat they are made out to be, wonderful. Does that then mean that every aspect of Islam is fine and shouldn’t be challenged or questioned?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – maybe I type without thinking sometimes because I’m getting caught up (enjoying) the discussions – too enthusiastic, sorry!

    But here’s an example of why I flag some of these issues for discussion:

    I listened to a Radio 4 prog yesterday about how, under Sharia law in Iran, anyone who changes their Muslim faith can expect to be executed. In the west I don’t know of anywhere where you can be executed for becoming a Muslim. Now personally I don’t know if this is accurate or not but when I hear that Sharia law is becoming more widespread in the UK it worries me as someone who loves this country and hard fought for freedoms. I’m not a flag waving BMP bigot but I’m just concerned and want to know what others think. Instead I’m just getting accusations thrown at me 🙁

    Free Member

    What a load of rubbish. Islam and the threat it supposedly poses to our way of life are a recurring theme in your postings. I’d guess that you’re quite an insecure person and this is your way of dealing with it, but to anyone who can read between the lines you come across as a cowardly bigot

    As an Atheist I also have concerns about Islam and I suspect there are millions like me. Are we all cowardly bigots?

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