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  • Casual racists
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Having learnt from the person you’re defending, get over it.

    I’m not ‘defending’ anyone; I’m just enjoying challenging your apparently, and somewhat amusingly, self defeating use of language, that’s all. I would suggest that you ‘get over it’ yourself, lol

    Free Member

    Having grown up bullied at times for being French (half, but the distinction in 70s and 80s Hull wasn’t of importance) and having a mother that spoke differently to all the other women, I don’t find it quite so amusing as you clearly do. Edukator makes his point badly sometimes but his point is any joke based on race, sexuality, age, country of origin etc has the possibility to upset people. Okay, you’re not xenophobic or racist (I don’t know you, not going to sling insults) but there’s a degree of irony that you’re getting upset because Edukator said you might be but don’t understand why he might get upset.

    Fair point, and apologies if you found it offensive. It was said with the biggest dose of irony and sarcasm possible. I have nothing against the french, or france. I go there on holiday, we have family friends who are french and have lived in france forever lol. It’s just intended as banter, no different to when I call my mate a douche. I was bullied when I was young too. Doesn’t mean I go around pulling everyone up on any joke they make that at some point was used against me at any point in my life though.

    I just felt that calling me a bloody xenophobe was a huge overreaction to something that I made very clear, was a joke in bad taste. If I walked up to a french guy and said it without any suggestion that it was entirely a joke and had no substance, then that’s a different thing all together.

    Free Member

    I’d never read the original thread and for the most part, you have to just let it go. Between the red-tops and the funny people you encounter, you’re kind of stuck with the lazy anti-French stuff. On the other hand, the vicious stuff you occasionally encounter is far more likely to offend but then again I guess that’s the point.

    Full Member

    Is it OK simply because a large proportion of the community use it?
    Yes, it does make them racists.
    I love these threads.

    Probably not Ok and in reality it isn’t used all that much up North, it’s used by some. The comment may be offensive but it does not make them Racists for calling a food by a nickname. I’d love to hear how you think it does.

    Free Member

    I have just read this thread and, by gawd, I want a Chinky tonight now.

    Mmmm, Egg Fu Yung.

    Free Member

    If you aren’t aware of the connotations of a word then it’s not the other person’s fault for being offended.

    Free Member

    I’d love to hear how you think it does.

    Because we’re unlikely to call Audis- Kraut cars, or Cadillacs- Septic cars or The Stereophonics a Taffy band.
    But hey, each to their own and you’re not going to change the way I think, nor I you.

    Free Member

    After the huge international outrage when Top Gear made some light remarks about Mexican’s, we should all now be well aware that we’re not allowed to use or attempt to use humour in the context of other races or cultures.

    So that means no banter about Mexican’s beig lazy, the Scot’s being mean, the Irish not being particularly bright, the French for being cowards (and the Italians come to think of it), the Americans for being loud and overweight, the Germans for being organised and lacking humour etc etc

    I blame all those people who seem to go out of their way to be offended. And then tell everyone else what they are supposed to be offended by. Like those buffoons who think Muslims are offended by Christmas.

    Full Member

    Because we’re unlikely to call Audis- Kraut cars, or Cadillacs- Septic cars or The Stereophonics a Taffy band.

    Ermm! That’s not the same is it. Top of my head only car manufactured nickname I can think of is Vee Dub, it’s a nickname for the manufacturer nothing to do with the origin same Chinkies for Chinese meal. Ok so Chinkies is also linked with the people but I don’t call Chinese people a chinkie.

    Free Member

    I’d never read the original thread and for the most part, you have to just let it go. Between the red-tops and the funny people you encounter, you’re kind of stuck with the lazy anti-French stuff. On the other hand, the vicious stuff you occasionally encounter is far more likely to offend but then again I guess that’s the point.

    It wasn’t intended to offend, it was obviously in a ‘sarcastic’ form of bad taste (that’s kind of the point of some jokes). I’ve apologised, so… yeah that’s all I can do really. Unfortunately the vicious jokes intended to offend, exist for a reason (on both sides of the pond). They exist because England and France were at each others throats for near on 800 years. Some people just can’t move on, and it’s usually the areas where people are struggling that harbor these bitter resentments.

    My first comment however, was I believe a fair observation and something I’ve seen time and time again. It wasn’t a criticism of any one country, but of bad behaving kids who just happened to be from country A not B.

    Full Member

    If you aren’t aware of the connotations of a word then it’s not the other person’s fault for being offended.

    Ok, but on the other hand;

    If you aren’t aware of the connotations of a word then it’s not your fault that the other person is offended.

    (However if you find out that you offend someone, and yet persist, that is plain rude and inconsiderate, although probably still not racist.)

    Full Member

    /kicks the server.

    Full Member

    /kicks it harder.

    Free Member

    These guys look pretty casual.. I’m not sure if they are actually racing though, or just out for a ride..

    Free Member

    Ermm! That’s not the same is it.

    It’s exactly the same level of disrespect and laziness.
    Chinese is the adjective that is now being used as the noun, as in going for a Chinese meal, Italian meal, German car or Welsh band. And this is where the offence comes from, in a how dare you be offended as it’s not my intention kind of way.
    The decision is not yours regarding who can or can’t be offended, nor how or why.
    As was pointed out before, the main problem comes on the insistance to use offending terms after the user has been told the term is not acceptable. The level of indignation is quite telling as saying Chinese takes so little effort and creates a lot less ill feeling than using Chinky.
    Forgive me for having an opinion.

    Full Member

    I agree with that yes but it does not make anyone who uses it a racists which you seem intent on banging on about. Offensive in what they are saying but not a racist.

    Lazy now too, ah Ok.

    Free Member

    I don’t think we disrespect those who we consider to be superior to us, do we?
    And as it’s disrespect simply based on origin, I’m struggling to see how it’s anything but racism. As I pointed out earlier while banging on, it’s possibly the thin edge of the wedge.

    Full Member

    I don’t think we disrespect those who we consider to be superior to us, do we?

    Yes you can, just because they’re superior don’t mean they have your respect.

    And as it’s disrespect simply based on origin, I’m struggling to see how it’s anything but racism.

    You understand racism different to me is seems, I’m still talking about the food here.

    Free Member

    davidjones15 – Member

    I don’t think we disrespect those who we consider to be superior to us, do we?

    I’m sorry, didn’t you just do exactly that? 😉

    Free Member

    I agree with that yes but it does not make anyone who uses it a racists which you seem intent on banging on about. Offensive in what they are saying but not a racist.

    Perpetuating offensive racist language but not necessarily racist – does that seem preferable?

    Free Member

    I’m sorry, didn’t you just do exactly that?


    Free Member

    If you aren’t aware of the connotations of a word then it’s not your fault that the other person is offended.

    Quite, but as you point out if you are subsequently made aware of it then you should not keep using it. You would then be knowingly offending someone.

    Full Member

    Perpetuating offensive racist language but not necessarily racist – does that seem preferable?

    It’s precisely that.

    Calling someone a racist for using a word in a context they never thought or intended to insult is just a over the top reaction thanks to people trying to be ever so PC.

    Full Member

    Molgrips, as I said, but not necessarily racist, no?

    Full Member

    Quite, but as you point out if you are subsequently made aware of it then you should not keep using it. You would then be knowingly offending someone.

    Very true.

    Free Member

    I’m still not convinced you can be racist to food ?


    Free Member

    Molgrips, as I said, but not necessarily racist, no?

    No, it’s not necessarily racist. Depends on how you define racism.

    Free Member

    Did you never hear of the banana that was bullied for being yellow?

    Full Member

    Did you never hear of the banana that was bullied for being yellow?

    Don’t you dare call him a ‘nana, either.

    Full Member

    Any word can become imbued with all sorts of unpleasant connotations for a particular person or group of people over time. Certain words may be associated with the slave trade or colonial powers. I am Scottish and I like the sound of bagpipes, but I know a guy from Zimbabwe who hates it because in Zimbabwe and much of the rest of Africa the sound of the pipes with terror, being driven out of their homes etc. It is clear there is no single answer any word or phrase can be perfectly appropriate in one situation and utterly unacceptable in another situation or with another person. So it’s just basic humanity to work out if your choice of words is offensive to someone and if it is don’t say it again. If you are not racist or prejudiced then people will see that from your general behaviour and will make allowances or feel able to say to you “do you mind not saying that” specially if they know you or have met a few times, If you haven’t met before you should be more circumspect anyway

    Free Member

    so what have learned in 15 pages, apart from that white boys love navel gazing about racism?

    Full Member

    That my dislike for bagpipes is because my ancestors were scared of them.

    Free Member

    You calling us white? Racist or perhaps you’re just describing us. The STW jury seems split

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I prefer to be called European-English thank you!

    Free Member

    As an aside I keep thinking the thread is called Causal Racists. Which I think would be both more interesting and more likely to be closed down on page 1

    Full Member

    Still going eh? Amazing how the majority can’t work out to speak without offending people, look at the damage colonialism did after all.

    Free Member

    I’m sensing an opportunity to restart this.

    You don’t need an empire/colony to be a racist. People manage that with surprisingly few possessions.

    Full Member

    Yup it is interesting and something you’ve never done of course.

    Full Member

    You don’t need an empire/colony to be a racist

    No but over time is helps the masses to inadvertantly psychlogically belittle to the point they fail to “see” racism at work”

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