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  • Casual racists
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Example in the OP is not a good one, Chinky for a chinese takeaway is refering to the food and has no racist connotation wheras words like **** are flat out insulting and are meant to offend

    Can I order a **** from here?


    Either both words are bad or the both words are okay. I prefer the former.

    Free Member

    jeezus. How long does a thread have to go on for before everyone comes to a consensus that they should already **** have! This isn’t some broad spectrum of society we have on here ya know! I thought you people were intelligent! This thread, on here, is a no brainer in my opinion. You go for a Chinese, eat a Chinese, order a chinese. It would sit really uncomfortably with me ordering a chinky, talking to achinky, having a chinky mate. that’s it. simple. It’d feel wrong.

    Free Member

    This isn’t some broad spectrum of society we have on here ya know! I thought you people were intelligent! This thread, on here, is a no brainer in my opinion.

    Fire in the hole!

    *runs away screaming like a girl*

    Free Member

    lol nice one Bwaarp haha!

    Free Member

    I’m actually rather pleased with that one if I might say so, it’s twisted on so many levels. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Bwaarp did you really call a French girl a bitch in a library?

    Free Member

    Er, who’s said that, exactly? Are we reading the same thread?

    Yes, this one, where a few people with Chinese or Far Eastern partners & friends reported that, yes, they’d find it unpleasant to be called a chinky, and that the word, by association, being used to describe food wasn’t very nice either.

    I’ll continue to use it yes as I said many pages back in my experience no one has taken offence in calling some food a name. Find it odd that they do anyway just grabbed me itai must got.

    Full Member

    Thank god no one’s mentioned a Tex-Mex.

    Free Member

    I think my approach to dealing with things like this is quite straight forward. I follow the law of Bill and Ted…

    Full Member

    I’ll continue to use it yes

    Ah, one person. IT’S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT!!

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator
    Thank god no one’s mentioned a Tex-Mex.

    Are you really a moderator? 😕

    Free Member

    Are you really a moderator?

    Hard to tell. As they never sign their emails.

    Free Member

    Some gems from another thread which haven’t been removed so I assume were considered OK by the moderator who closed the thread. Xenophobia at it’s best, or when an accent is more of an issue than skin colour:

    nukeproofriding – Member

    Is it just me who thinks french kids are the worst though? Maybe it’s because there are just more of them here regularly. Maybe I’m countryist. Bah. Idgas

    They just all seem like loud, broken, horrible children when they’re here. Like it’s a giant spit bowl where you go on school trips, throw gum on the floor, kick the animals and then f off home for crepes and lemon juice.

    That’ll either be my son and his mates or one of the groups my wife takes (I only take kids to Germany). On a more serious note, my wife has to be careful where she takes the kids because they tend to get attacked by the local thugs – I have no such trouble in Germany.

    nukeproofriding – Member

    ‘French’ isn’t a race. it’s a mental disability (jk/) -.- I’m being countryist. get your fact’s straight :p

    Who are you Nukeproofing? You rocked up a couple of weeks ago and have since been prolific. Banned and a new login?

    Free Member

    TBF, Drac is the only moderator that openly, frequently posts on the forum. I’ve always wondered why he is happy with that and none of the others are.

    Free Member

    I was under the impression edukator that NPR had had a few drinks last night hence the tone of his posts in that thread. I could be entirely wrong of course and he may genuinely stand by those statements. I would hope not.

    Free Member

    Ah – he was pissed. That makes it perfectly excusable.

    Free Member

    TBF, Drac is the only moderator that openly, frequently posts on the forum. I’ve always wondered why he is happy with that and none of the others are.

    Oh? What of “mark”?

    Free Member

    the only moderator that openly, frequently posts on the forum. I’ve always wondered why he is happy with that and none of the others are.

    I’m not too sure its very healthy for the police to become involved with those whom they have to watch.

    However, I do genuinely see the role as Mod to be a difficult one at times. I certainly wouldn’t do it and on the whole I am grateful someone does. Even when, given the limits and constraints of communicating in this way.
    It may be easy to make inaccurate assumptions and jump to incorrect conclusion regarding some posts…

    Anyway, thats probably a ban for me now.

    Free Member

    Is it ok to describe black people as black? I think it is, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    TBF, Drac is the only moderator that openly, frequently posts on the forum. I’ve always wondered why he is happy with that and none of the others are.

    Whilst gentle ribbing is fine but iirc a moderator went on a stw ride and got loads of shit so they went anonymous.

    Jamie I cannot believe you are not on first name terms with them by now 😉

    I’m not too sure its very healthy for the police to become involved with those whom they have to watch.

    he is not the police but an integral part of the community who gives more than most.

    Dont always agree with mod decisions but I doubt i would be here if there were none.
    Nukeproofing seems to be just a venomous troll and not very good at constructing an argument from what I have seen

    Free Member

    Ah – he was pissed. That makes it perfectly excusable.

    The Edinburgh Defence 2.0

    Free Member

    Solo – you’d prefer to have a Secret Police to a Community Police Force?

    Free Member

    Hard to tell. As they never sign their emails.

    ohhh you get anonymods?

    i get:

    Stop it.


    yours sexually,

    Mark, Drac and the boyz.

    Free Member

    and got loads of shit so they went anonymous

    That story still saddens amazes me.

    …unless the mod in question was a bit of a sausage. With great power etc etc…

    Free Member

    I get loads of shit when I go on rides.

    And I’m not even a mod.

    Full Member

    Tbf any one that uses words with derogatory conitations, whether they ‘mean’ it or not, clearly has no respect for the peolple that may find it offensive. To me that is the problem.

    Free Member

    Is it ok to describe black people as black? I think it is, isn’t it?

    Ask them.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Hard to tell. As they never sign their emails.


    Bwaarp did you really call a French girl a bitch in a library?

    This threads already been locked so I’ll discuss it only once, maybe I went to far. It’s not a very nice word and I do feel a little bit bad about saying it, on the other hand she spoke perfect English as evidenced by her phone conversation and there was a big sign right above….and more of them dotted all around the room saying “Silent Study Area”.

    I wouldn’t normally bandy the word around like a gangster out of Compton – deadlines can just be frustrating sometimes – especially when you’ve had to move already because of noise in a library.

    What I will do, is put this word in the same box as the “N-word”….thinking about it….it’s just as bad. There’s no excuse for using it tbh.

    Free Member

    Solo – you’d prefer to have a Secret Police to a Community Police Force?


    I wrote you a response, but then deleted it. If you really want to discuss that with me, you’re welcome to mail me, but I won’t be checking mails until next week.

    As a debate, and as Mark points out. This thread has travelled further than most, without too much grief and so is a good thread in that sense.
    But do we really need, are any of us really benefiting from discussing this subject on a cycling forum ?, for twelve pages !.
    I’m not convinced.

    I’m off now.

    Have a great weekend, everybody.

    Free Member

    This thread has travelled further than most, without too much grief and so is a good thread in that sense.

    indeed, but then,

    But do we really need, are any of use really benefiting from discussing this subject on a cycling forum ?,

    make yer mind up !

    there are plenty of threads about trivia that go to the nth degree about such, when a thread that takes people out of their ‘comfort’ zone,and challenges some very core values it will go ‘on’ a bit surely.
    It is only these type of threads that ‘reveal people and occasionally alter peoples previously held ‘opinions’– iyf you can be bothered to read the 12 pages , you will realise why.

    Free Member

    thats the thing i like about the chat forum, the wide range of topics 🙂 one minute you’re discussing diets, then mental health, then politics, then there’s a joke thread, then somebody is in need of some support, then you discuss racism, then you find some new music then you get shown a video of a german jumping onto a frozen lake.

    in the spirit of the thread…. silly germans.

    Free Member

    Solo – you’d prefer to have a Secret Police to a Community Police Force?

    Ask TSY! (But do it by email, not twitter or Facebook)

    Free Member

    I feel a bit dirty and bad now.

    Thread’s not funny anymore.

    Free Member

    But do we really need, are any of us really benefiting from discussing this subject on a cycling forum ?, for twelve pages !.

    To be fair, it is in the chat section.

    Also, … [NOPE! – MODS]

    Free Member

    I feel a bit dirty and bad now.

    hope its not anything you’ve just done 😉

    Full Member

    Well this topic has changed.

    I won’t discuss moderating as it will lead to an argument and it’s that what kills many thread. Anyway it isn’t always easy but then again what is, why do I have my name tagged as mod and still post? Choice partly and because I’ve been here so long and still enjoy the forum, yes it’s changed a lot over the last decade, I continue to post as there’s some good banter. Anyway thanks for your support guys and as a side note we still rely on the self modding and people controlling what they post which has improved which again thanks for.

    I’ve met many people off here over the years and as I help out at events meet others, I’ve never had any grief but then the grief I sometimes get at work it couldn’t possibly be any at worse. No that doesn’t give you permission to abuse me 🙂

    Right done.

    Free Member

    if i woke up from being resuscitated to see your face looming over me drac i’d abuse you 😉

    Full Member

    Hahaha that has happened.

    Full Member

    To drag it back to the OP (slightly)…

    I shall continue to use ‘black’ to describe black people, should I need to. I would also use any other easy differentiator; i.e. ‘the chap with the blue shirt’ the woman standing by the window’ etc, should it be appropriate in conversation, because to me the colour of skin is no more or less relevant than whether they drink coffee or tea, or how tall they are. Should this ever cause offense, I will apologise, explain that I use this term specifically not to cause offence, my rationale being that I have no issue being referred to as white. I would never dream of actually discriminating against someone because of their skin colour, in fact the very idea seems slightly odd to me.

    I shall probably stop using the word ‘chinky’ to describe a Chinese takeaway. I probably didn’t use it that much anyway (and never to describe a person; that wouldn’t even have occurred to me) and when I did it would have been as a pure abbreviation in the same way as I’d abbreviate McDonalds to ‘Maccys’ every now and then. That it could cause racial offence to do this genuinely hadn’t even occurred to me. That said, I’m happy to bin it and move on, on the evidence of this thread.

    I’ll probably continue to use the word ‘Maccy’ to describe a McDonald’s meal though. Although, should any Scots or people married to Scots like to let me know that it hurts their feelings, I’ll drop that one too. I wouldn’t want my fingers chopped off, after all.

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