To drag it back to the OP (slightly)…
I shall continue to use ‘black’ to describe black people, should I need to. I would also use any other easy differentiator; i.e. ‘the chap with the blue shirt’ the woman standing by the window’ etc, should it be appropriate in conversation, because to me the colour of skin is no more or less relevant than whether they drink coffee or tea, or how tall they are. Should this ever cause offense, I will apologise, explain that I use this term specifically not to cause offence, my rationale being that I have no issue being referred to as white. I would never dream of actually discriminating against someone because of their skin colour, in fact the very idea seems slightly odd to me.
I shall probably stop using the word ‘chinky’ to describe a Chinese takeaway. I probably didn’t use it that much anyway (and never to describe a person; that wouldn’t even have occurred to me) and when I did it would have been as a pure abbreviation in the same way as I’d abbreviate McDonalds to ‘Maccys’ every now and then. That it could cause racial offence to do this genuinely hadn’t even occurred to me. That said, I’m happy to bin it and move on, on the evidence of this thread.
I’ll probably continue to use the word ‘Maccy’ to describe a McDonald’s meal though. Although, should any Scots or people married to Scots like to let me know that it hurts their feelings, I’ll drop that one too. I wouldn’t want my fingers chopped off, after all.