Home Forums Bike Forum Can anyone lend me a mint sauce key ring for a few days

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  • Can anyone lend me a mint sauce key ring for a few days
  • pastcaring
    Free Member

    it also seams IRRELEVANT to j b that his had peoples money for months.

    Free Member

    I haven’t ordered one and just like Fred etc my opinion on the matter is IRRELEVANT.

    So why did you post at all then?


    Free Member

    im kinda glad i didn’t get a reply from him when i asked for one over a year ago as id be fuming now 🙄 j b you’e let yourself down more than others hang your head in shame you hipster 🙄

    Free Member

    He’s on twitter @VecchioJo

    Full Member

    I take it no one has received anything? Me neither.

    The North Face have managed to ship a jacket to me from Belgium since Monday evening but Jo cant’t post a tiny piece of jewellery.

    Royal Mail, UPS and other couriers have all delivered this week as well. So no excuses for the weather.

    A very poor show from some one in the “community”.

    Free Member

    Yeah but in fairness, I forgot to post your DVD back to you! 😳


    Full Member

    No worries you can hand it over on Sunday.

    Full Member

    Someone better post a picture of one when (if) they turn up, the suspense abotu what these things look like is killing me.

    Full Member

    YGM pic of the prototype

    Free Member

    They better make people faint with admiration and awe with the time they’ve taken to arrive!!!

    Full Member

    that’d look rubbish on a bunch of keys

    Free Member

    It’d make my ear lobes a bit saggy 😛

    Full Member

    just wondered how much everyone paid for these???

    Free Member

    About £3 i’d think but Tesco’s own brand probably about £1.50 not sure as i don’t eat much lamb

    Free Member

    Oh………, this is what the original keyfob looked like…….never seen one.

    Free Member

    Is that worth a years PIA? It doesn’t look like it to me.

    Full Member

    lol@dianne 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m really not happy about this, if there had been some reason for not sending them out or getting in contact I would have understood, it just seems like he doesn’t care. I’ve been reading Mint Sauce since I was a kid and I’ve got genuine respect for the work but this is piss poor. He’s not even had the decency to email everyone to explain what’s going on.

    I’m not bothered about the amount of time its taken as I know these things can take a while but there is no excuse for keeping people in the dark. If this was just some random guy selling stuff on the internet he’d have been lynched by now.

    I hope this can be resolved soon as at the moment I feel like I’ve been done.

    Free Member

    If this was just some random guy selling stuff on the internet he’d have been lynched by now.

    This is it. I’d’ve taken legal action by now. This is technically theft, as Jo has taken money yet not provided goods within a reasonable amount of time.

    Seems that his position within the ‘MTB Community’ has afforded him immunity that others wouldn’t enjoy.

    Gotta be blunt here; time to call the police on this one? I mean, what will it take for Jo to fulfill his legal obligations?

    Free Member

    Something needs to be done, he really is taking the piss.
    How many people have sent him money?

    Free Member

    Ok, this has nothing to do with me but here’s my suggestion:

    Why not kick up a bit of a stink over on BR’s forum? He actually works for some those people and probably wouldn’t appreciate the attention (and which he fully deserves after reading this thread and considering buying one myself in the beginning). He’s obviously been free enough to do work for the Future Pub. mags in the last year, so there’s no excuse for the way he’s treated people here. Just cos he might be a nice guy who some of you are acquainted with or have fond memories of his work, is no reason to accept being treated like pooh.

    Free Member

    Take the picture above and get some Chinese company to knock a few out.

    Full Member

    Nothing in the post today.

    Longstuff can you email me please? Address in my profile.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    warpcow – Ok, this has nothing to do with me but here’s my suggestion:

    Never has a whole thread, nay forum, been summed up so perfectly

    Free Member

    Never trust a man who can’t do proper colouring-in

    Full Member

    Take the picture above and get some Chinese company to knock a few out.

    haha. Absolutely. I love the way he turned up here in 5 minutes when someone said they were going to make their own. I’ve never understood the fascination with Mint Sauce anyway.

    Free Member

    Maybe that’s the solution.

    Make thousands of lead copies, spread them around ebay/interweb to recover the money that’s been doled out. I can’t imagine he could say anything against it; and if he did, at least it would show that his email is working.

    Free Member

    I’ve never understood the fascination with Mint Sauce anyway.

    Indeed. It’s hackneyed nonsense that appears to have been drawn by a drunk biscuit.

    Free Member

    Can I also state that when Russ Pinder had his accident and we formed the RUSS Appeal Jo quickly provided us with an artwork and no strings whatsoever in order to make and sell T-shirts. We subsequently raised 10’s of thousands of pounds for the air ambulance.

    Free Member

    As much as I sympathise with those who have lost money, it does seem strange to me that the guy is risking his reputation for what? 30X (no more than a tenner each?) = 300 quid????
    Also strange that no one can get in touch with him, I would conclude that he has deeper problems than a mere 300 quid.

    I also think that ranting on here won’t solve anything and that you should follow alegal avenue. His employers will have details of his location and possibly more info about what has happened.

    I was always led to believe that dirtying your own doorstep was not the thing to do. But it looks to me like the guy has bigger problems. Sad.

    Slightly irrelevant, I never really understood the cartoons either. 😳

    Free Member

    So if anyone sent him a cheque ii presume he found time to cash it. I’ve never understood anyone who says they don’t have time to do something that will take 30 minutes – get up 30 minutes earlier or go to bed 30 minutes later or skip having that extra latte at the coffee shop. Just treat people with a bit of respect ffs.

    Has the jeweller been paid for the work?

    My thoughts are that rather than being a thief the guy is totally disorganised and very rude.

    Full Member

    (no more than a tenner each?)

    I would imagine if they’re being made from silver they’re going to be a fair bit more than a tenner each!

    Besides, its the principal, not the money. He’s taken peoples cash and not delivered.

    Full Member

    A year is taking the michael.

    Free Member

    I would imagine if they’re being made from silver they’re going to be a fair bit more than a tenner each!

    OK, so let’s say 30 quid, it’s still only 1k. I understand the principal, I was just introducing the idea that this might be a drop in the ocean compared to losing his business/ home/ family and that folks should be talking to the authorities. 😉

    Free Member

    He raced the Brass Monkeys race at the weekend, I’m not sure if I was was beset by familial apocalypse that I’d toddle off to a bike race!

    I am stunned no one’s escalated this though.

    Free Member

    only 1k.

    You earn too much.

    Full Member

    Th items cost between £50 and £70 and around 30 were commissioned.

    They have been made and sent to Jo. I can only assume he paid the jeweller.

    The useless fecker only has to post them.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I hate to be the one to spoil a lyinching but if this

    Diane – Member
    Heard the orders are in to the jeweler this week then 4 week lead time . Will post if i hear otherwise. An official word from Jo would be nice though.


    and this

    Diane – Member
    E mail from the jeweler folks – work is progressing – should be about 2 weeks


    are anything to go by then its not really been a year has it? if anything then they are only 2 weeks late.

    His lack of communication is poor but calm down people, really!

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