Home Forums Bike Forum Calibre Bossnut rear mech hanger…anyone know where to find one?

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  • Calibre Bossnut rear mech hanger…anyone know where to find one?
  • choppersquad
    Free Member

    Hello all.
    One of our group could do with a spare rear mech hanger for the aforementioned bike, but I’ve tried to Google it and have come up with nothing.
    Can anyone help?

    Free Member

    Mine had a spare one that came with the bike
    Tell him to check its not in with the docs

    Free Member

    Go outdoors?

    Free Member

    Is it not a direct mount to the frame ?

    Free Member

    The extra part they give you is what is removed from a standard mech to allow it to fit to a direct mount frame I think.

    Free Member

    It is “direct mount” in Shimano parlance, the hanger itself looks removable:

    Free Member

    Having googled the bossnut just now, it seems to me there are two different versions of rear mech hanger for sone reason

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Go out doors would be the obvious first port of call, failing that there’s a few uk companies that do extensive ranges of hangars, and will machine you a custom one if you send them yours to use as a template.. BETD is one but there’s couple of others

    Free Member

    I’ll have to have a better look at it then to see what’s what?
    Never really come across a bike without a hanger before.

    Free Member

    It definitely has a hanger , in both of those pictures

    Free Member

    I’ll have to have a better look at it then to see what’s what?
    Never really come across a bike without a hanger before.

    Free Member

    I have a Calibre Bossnut and i wanted a spare mech hanger for when im out riding just incase. I searched and everywhere for one and emailed a few companies but they hadnt seen one like that before. I emailed GoOutdoors asking where i could get a spare mech hanger from and they ended up sending me one in the post for free. So i suggest contacting them and asking for one. They were pretty helpful. Mine is the same as the black meck hanger. The silver one in the last pic is not a standard item so maybe its a modded one?

    Full Member

    It’s pretty likely the same part appears on other frames- the hanger for the Dune is identical to one of the Scott’s frinstance as they’re closely related frames from the same factory.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys.
    Will try emailing them and see what they say?

    Free Member

    Pretty sure the silver one is standard too, as that’s s picture of a bike test bike.

    Free Member

    Here you go guys. This is what the mech hanger looks like. Maybe someone else can match it up to something already out there. I couldn’t find anything that match tho.

    Free Member

    2 of the best independent sources, as Northwind says there are a lot of generic ones out there.

    Having googled the bossnut just now, it seems to me there are two different versions of rear mech hanger for sone reason

    Some bikes did a SRAM and a Shimano variant as the mechs were mounting differently/more direct.

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