I was stunned how much better I was shooting left handed (I wan’t too shabby right handed). Turns out I have a very strong eye dominance. Had a lesson at Wisley and the guy picked it up very quickly.
Jamba, oddly I’m left eye dominant but have always shot rifle, shotgun and latterly archery tight handed.
It’s eye dominance which dictates which way round you should shoot (a bow), not hand. So if it’s any comfort, you’ve been taught incorrectly thus far and can now look forward to doing it properly. I’ll wager your game actually improves after this.
If you’re shooting wrong-handed (well, -eyed) then you’re sighting across the arrow at an angle rather than straight down it and it throws off your aim. I’m fully left-dominant (hand, foot, eye) but learned to shoot right-handed as that was the only kit available. By the time I got access to a left-handed bow I was so used to a RH-er that I couldn’t use it; it felt unnatural and I had little compelling reason to re-learn everything. In the end I was taught to draw as normal with both eyes open, but close my left momentarily to fine-tune my lateral aim before loosing.
My dad took me along to the range at our, now just demolished, TA Centre, and I just couldn’t get to grips with using the rifle, because I’m right-handed, as were the guns, but left-eye dominant, so everything just felt wrong; shooting left-handed worked, but the bolt was on the wrong side.
Easier using a bow, but I haven’t done any archery since I was at school, and my bow is quite possibly a bit undersized for me now… 😀