Here was me thinking that deregulation would actually help SMEs
But we aren’t talking about deregulation, we are talking about trade. Most EU regulations are sensible and easy to comply with and are accepted globally as a sign of safety and quality so are sensible to comply with as they open you trade options. Deregulation is generally acknowleged to limit higher value export trade. Most export business will have to continue to comply with EU or equivalent standards but UK will have even less (read none) say in their setting.
Before you answer just stop, please go and read some informed commentators on global trade, have a think and then comment. Believing your opinion, based on poorly understood superficial observation, to be equivalent to fact is what caused this shitshow. Gets some facts on your side, understand the implications and then engage.
Sorry if that sounds patronising but I’m getting tired of dealing with people who gladly act in ignorance or out of prejudice.