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  • Brexit 2020+
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    Ed – Black!

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    I’m going to imagine for a moment how much £4bn could have bought in flood defenses, Northern rail links, nurses or school resources.


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    Opportunity cost? 🤦

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    Even more damming is the fact that there is very little detail on how that money was spent.

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    Crossing the streams…

    Free Member

    I hope they’ve put something heavy at the back of the boat to counterbalance that useless fat knacker

    I don’t.

    Also I’m imagining the encounter with the trawler captain going mostly the other way.

    Can but hope.

    Free Member

    Interesting that the EU couldn’t make up for that massive drop in international nurses.

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    It takes time. It was increasing year on year. And it would have by now if we hadn’t voted to make them feel unwelcome.

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    I fully expect that by 2030 non-EU incomers will make up for the lack of EU staff… but the next 5-10 years are going to be _______ squeaky bum time in nursing homes and hospitals up and down the UK as regards Nursing recruitment.

    Free Member

    They could just pay nurses £50k a year starting salary, I’m sure we’d get a load of new people starting training asap. Surely that’d fit right in with Tory values on market economics?

    Full Member

    Again, still a lag. Who fills the gaps this year and the next (and the next) (and the next) (and the next)? Lots of ways to sort staffing issues in the longer term, and as I said, filling the gaps by 2030 is entirely doable (and hopefully will be done) but that is of no use to those staffing nursing homes and hospitals in the years in front of us now. The worry is that current staffing issues are about to be made clear to a lot more people (crossing the streams with the other thread again).

    Full Member

    Along with a massive drop in EU nurses there, there’s a (much smaller) steady rise of non-EU staff.

    I wonder which countries they might possibly be coming from and whether that’s what our brexity friends voted for.

    Free Member

    Along with a massive drop in EU nurses there, there’s a (much smaller) steady rise of non-EU staff.

    I wonder which countries they might possibly be coming from and whether that’s what our brexity friends voted for.

    Our Brexity friends were either voting for:

    Less foreigners. Nope, just different foreigners.


    Less brown people. Extra fail, as it will probably mean more.


    Not a **** clue, but some sepia-tinted image of a golden age that never really existed (where, of course, 99% of the people in the photo just happened to be white).

    Sometimes they say the third option to disguise the fact that it is really the second.

    Full Member

    At least the North is getting all those billions of investment….. Or has just been postponed?

    Free Member

    At least the North is getting all those billions of investment….. Or has just been postponed?

    Easy Tiger, there’s £350m a week for the NHS first.

    Funny isn’t it? The only people who have actually had a Brexit Dividend so far have been the DUP as they were the ones who had to be bribed at the time. And they have since been thrown under the bus.

    It is a bit like a kleptocracy.

    Full Member

    There’s plenty of currency speculators and hedge fund managers who will have had one almighty Brexit Dividend already. But that will be a mere aperitif to the main course they’ll be gorging on when we crash out with no deal at the end of the year

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    Sod your northern investment and £350m for the nhs, the tory ballsack alister jack has promised us a tunnel to ireland and he’d better not let us down, bridges are so last century.

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    I hope they are both burgundy…

    You can buy covers for passports.
    Mine is bright blue with European Citizen in yellow.

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    To allow for upsurge in steam engine production?

    Full Member

    Free jet packs for everyone!

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    “One of the things we’ll want to do is be particularly forward-leaning in technology and automation

    Yep the t word that they keep on coming up with.

    It’s mind bending how many things ‘we’ will actually be leaving and I did have to laugh when when recently heard the clown prince saying they’d ‘got Brexit done’.

    He does like to re-iterate that ‘done’.

    Full Member

    Technology? The solution to everything.

    Good job the track record of government IT projects is so impressive.

    A mate was working as a consultant for one of the larger government departments. He noted that we’ll no longer be able to use the EU IT infrastructure we do at present once we’ve left, so all those systems will need to be replicated.

    They haven’t even started.

    I’m sure it’ll all be fine. It’s sure to all be in place by December and completed at a reasonable cost

    Full Member

    So… does this mean we’ll some how out pace technological advancement in Germany, or Holland… by not sharing air safety standards with them? Anyone have any idea how that’ll work? Is this on behalf of UK or USA companies do we think…?

    Full Member

    They could just pay nurses £50k a year starting salary, I’m sure we’d get a load of new people starting training asap. Surely that’d fit right in with Tory values on market economics?

    Yes – they always talk about private companies needing to pay the best money to attract the best skills.

    But market economics only apply one way to the state. And that’s the bottom line.

    Full Member

    One of the areas where nursing vacancies are most alarming is private nursing homes… it’s not just the public sector where this is an issue… deterring EEA nurses from working here before putting in plan a place to recruit/train alternatives is damaging care for people across the country… and not just in NHS hospitals.

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    My friend’s wife is a director of one of the Government’s favoured IT providers to HMRC – apart from the nation’s shortage of software engineers and the bit of a mess that having to onshore dedicated data centres from the EU back to the UK, I’m sure that it will all go swimmingly.

    On a more general note, the chronic technical skills deficit across all sectors will help immensely in terms of “new technology” and businesses looking to invest in the UK – unless of course they’ll recruit and retrain all those let go by Nissan, Airbus and the like, but who the heck is going to pay for it when you’ve just walked away from your biggest accessible market.

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    ^^ Yeah,I read the BBC report on this earlier.

    It comes across as the government ignoring any organisation in the know on what is purely ideological grounds.

    We really are heading for the hardest best possible aren’t we? At any cost.

    Full Member

    Everything must be sacrificed on the alter of Brexit.

    The predictions of ‘Project Fear’ are presently looking like a best case scenario.

    God only knows what these Disaster Capitalists have got lined up for what’s looking like the inevitable meltdown we’ve got awaiting us at the end of the year. They certainly won’t be wasting a good crisis

    Full Member

    It’s mind bending how many things ‘we’ will actually be leaving and I did have to laugh when when recently heard the clown prince saying they’d ‘got Brexit done’.

    When and where will they draw the line on ‘us’ leaving things, and rejecting the idea of supranational rules and laws and being signatories to international agreements?

    I’d like to see these as just examples of how the logic used for withdrawing from shared bodies is flawed… but since 2016 I’ve learned to not rule out such nonsense actually happening for real, if there is political capital to be gained in doing so. For example, prominent Vote Leave campaigners claiming that we wouldn’t withdraw from Erasmus, that we wouldn’t leave the Single Market, that rEU citizens living here would automatically keep the same rights as they had while we were a member… etc… this project, that swept this Vote Leave team to power, appears to be an ever expanding and worsening rejection of all existing joint National schemes and arrangements… all.

    Full Member

    The most worrying aspect is that once ‘we’ withdraw from everything, the people presently in government hand themselves a blank sheet of paper to write the new rules.

    Do you want this lot writing all the rules?

    The new UK constitution, brought to you by Dominic Cummings

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    The most worrying aspect is that once ‘we’ withdraw from everything, the people presently in government hand themselves a blank sheet of paper to write the new rules.

    I don’t think they’ll actually be able to follow thru with it ,how many people is it going to require to set up and run the new stuff that we’re gonna need like yesterday.

    Free Member

    I don’t think they’ll actually be able to follow thru with it ,how many people is it going to require to set up and run the new stuff that we’re gonna need like yesterday.

    ‘Technology’ (in reality = unicorns if you are capable of independent thought, but….well, you know).

    Then when the unicorns don’t show up you blame unpatriotic civil servants.

    The key thing to remember, a large enough proportion of their target audience are actual morons. Why change a winning formula?

    Full Member

    The key thing to remember, a large enough proportion of their target audience are actual morons. Why change a winning formula?

    You can’t really blame them. Recent tests on Leavers have shown that many were afflicted by a previously unknown illness originating in the north of England.

    Novel Moronavirus-16 – longterm symptoms similar to Mad Cow disease and a propensity to swallow bullshit.

    Free Member

    Plenty of middle England southern t**ts already had that virus….

    Full Member

    The most worrying aspect is that once ‘we’ withdraw from everything, the people presently in government hand themselves a blank sheet of paper to write the new rules.

    And when you combine that with aviation regulation things end up in burning piles of twisted metal and bodies.


    Full Member

    Plenty of middle England southern t**ts already had that virus….

    Correct. This is not a northern or southern issue.

    I’m in Kent and as a Labour voter I’ve always felt like I’m in hostile territory.

    It’s just even more hostile these days.

    Full Member

    We have burgundy for both !! small victories, small victories

    Don’t start me on Govt technology – main problem being that the govt doesn’t know what it wants and doesn’t understand technology in any meaningful way in order to get a product that might work.

    The only logical solution is to wait for Boris to completely fold when it gets to crunch time (like he did in that meeting with Varadkar) and we end up in a CU but with a daft name to make out like we are getting what we wanted all along to sell it to the tabloids

    Free Member

    the govt doesn’t know what it wants and doesn’t understand technology in any meaningful way in order to get a product that might work.

    This is true. Because the civil service doesn’t pay well, and only attracts people who want a safe easy job with a short commute. These people aren’t always the best most clued up talent, and they can very easily get done over by predatory firms.

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