Home Forums Bike Forum Best tubeless milk/latex and where from/cheap?

  • This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by hora.
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  • Best tubeless milk/latex and where from/cheap?
  • hora
    Free Member

    Whats best now? Willing to try tubeless again…..

    Free Member


    Ze Germans iz cheep for Conti Revosealant, but add 5e p&p

    Full Member

    Cheapest is prob making your own – it’s something along the lines of latex soln (from a model shop), antifreeze and glitter.
    Was not a big cost saving when I looked at doing it, but depends how cheap you can source the model latex I suppose.

    Free Member

    Fair enough you can do this, experiment a bit until it’s right, save a few quid. But is it really worth it? I’ve got liquid Stans in my tubeless setup that’s months old, no loss of air to speak of.
    Just saying, of all the things to save money on during an average week….

    Full Member

    A 16 oz bottle of stans costs twelve quid. It works. You’ll be able to setup a bike, have a spare little bottle of it in your pack, and replenish the jizz in your tyres every so often for the next few years. Why skimp?

    Full Member

    Agree with Scapegoat. I use Stans because it works.

    Free Member

    Ok Stans- wheres best from?

    Full Member

    Hargroves. 12 quid and free shipping

    Free Member

    Cheers ears

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