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  • Being a fatty now socially acceptable
  • Solo
    Free Member

    TSY, I would guess that you would lose weight and gain fat.

    That can happen, Taubes’s referral to other peoples work which lead them to conclude that the fat accumulation process can appear to work independantly to the body’s functional requirements, giving rise to processes such as gluconeogenesis.

    Would mean that the body can make and store fat from the food you’ve consumed then consume skeletal muscle and organs to fuel activity.

    Ah !, bollocks, I’ve got that all wrong.
    Ignore me !.

    Just move more and eat less, oh and count calories like your pancreas does.

    ***Damn, I owe myself a fiver now 😕 ***

    Free Member

    yeti, you need to watch more ‘supersize vs superskinny’ for that answer. as you well know most of the skinny ones live on sugar. stalk one of the skinny ones then chase them for exactly the amount of time it takes to burn 3000kcals

    Free Member

    So at best you’d lsoe muscle and some fat, at worst you’d lose lots of mucle and no fat

    This had been demonstrated in independant research, as referred to in that Taubes video of total spin.

    Free Member

    What did the professor tell us at the end of that 15 min video ?.

    that if he follows you around with an intravenous supply of insulin and he injects you when you eat then he can make you fat
    he certainly did not say if you eat less than you use you will put on weight but he did offer an explanation of why people may eat more than they need.
    Why not just answer the question rather than side step it?

    the western world is very demanding of our health sevices and unfortunately most people expect to be fixed with a tablet so they dont have to change anything they’re used to or stop doing whatever they please.

    THIS. It is what fat people want to hear – hear have a pill you will be thinner eat what you like- he did not say that either

    can appear to work independantly to the body’s functional requirements,

    so I can eat less than I use and get heavier then…can you explain this in terms of the first rule of thermodynamics?- If you were consuming your skeleton you would probably notice this nor do I think you would get fat [ certainly nit heavier]whilst doing this

    We are just getting silly now

    Free Member

    I was listening whilst typing… the Doc seems to be hypothesising about someone who’s sedentry anyway?

    Even the iDiet allows for sugars around exercise?

    Free Member

    eat what you like

    Yeti eats whatever he likes.

    Free Member

    I was listening whilst typing… the Doc seems to be hypothesising about someone who’s sedentry anyway

    Ok, so now, what I’m going to do is point out that you are asking for answers to your questions, but not really paying attention to the answers.

    You’re just not getting it.
    You’re not alone though.

    Even the iDiet allows for sugars around exercise?

    So ?, whos saying anything about iDiet ?.
    Forget the iDave diet.

    This is the thread for the first law of thermodynamics and move more, eat less.
    *** another £5 to me ***

    Oh, btw TSY, I asked you about that Taubes video.
    I’m not convinced you watched it, did you 😉

    Free Member

    no, this thread is about whether being fat is socially acceptable, then we moved onto CG’s situation and i posted a fantastic post thats been lost amongst you lot arguing about the same old thing over and over again.

    foools, you’re missing my wisdom.

    Free Member

    foools, you’re missing my wisdom.

    Actually I have read your posts here, I like most of what you’ve written.

    ^^^ I was being a bit satirical, while waiting for the ruling on whether ” Chunky ” in place of ” Lard ass ” is socially acceptable.

    Free Member

    Your post was indeed very good phil and to answer the OP, being fat is socially acceptable to other fatties, thinnies will still point and laugh!

    Free Member

    You’re just not getting it.
    You’re not alone though.

    who would have thought that patronising your audience whilst not answering their questions was such a poor pedagogy?

    You cannot breach the first law of thermodynamics* hence the repeated mockery

    * if you can there is a noble prize waiting for you

    Free Member

    Maybe I listened to it whilst working Solo… Powerpoints are boring at the best of times… let alone whilst at work 😀

    What isn’t Junky getting though… enough sugar?

    He’s lean. I’m lean. Edukator is lean. Jota is lean when he wants to be.

    I mentioned iDiet… because of sugar… because of the insulin response that we are all aware of. I mention this because of the first rule of thermodynamics. I mention this because the lean people I know generally move more and eat less. I mention this because the fat people I know don’t.

    Free Member


    JY is trollin cos hes still got a sorre ring from the Empire thread.
    So he’s rocked up here with an agenda.

    JY, I’m not sure what your Q was, but your take on the Lustig video was obtuse to the point where I can’t really spare the time to drag you through it all.
    If you want to play games, go ahead.
    I will just ignore you.

    I mentioned iDiet… because of sugar… because of the insulin response that we are all aware of. I mention this because of the first rule of thermodynamics. I mention this because the lean people I know generally move more and eat less. I mention this because the fat people I know don’t.

    And waving your arms and legs about, or starving yourself.
    Moving more, eating less
    *** WOOHOO, another £5 for me ***
    Is what you’re all about.
    So, that being as it may.
    I can’t help but notice that you never seem to post much about hormones, you know, insulin, glucagon, etc, etc.
    Leptin resistance, blah, blah.
    These things are ignored by the move more, eat less group.
    yet these hormones and processes are there and doing their thing.
    How do you reconcile the presence and activity of our digestive systems, with the simple mantra of move more, eat less.

    *** That was a tenner there, I’m getting the hang of this ***

    Free Member

    These things are ignored by the move more, eat less group.
    yet they are there and doing their thin

    Maybe it’s because we’re not fat or we’ve lost weight through this route and eat what we want so don’t need to naval gaze and worry about hormones?

    Free Member

    I cannot move more unless I eat more.

    Free Member

    I also think that Junky is pointing out how offensive you can be to others when discussing things on a forum BTW.

    Free Member

    These things are ignored by the move more, eat less group.

    OK – given that I can control my weight, tell me why they should be of any great concern to me

    Free Member

    I mentioned iDiet… because of sugar… because of the insulin response that we are all aware of. I mention this because of the first rule of thermodynamics. I mention this because the lean people I know generally move more and eat less. I mention this because the fat people I know don’t.

    Maybe cause and effect are the other way round? Perhaps the fat people eat more and move less because they’re fat? Perhaps the skinny people eat less and move more because they’re skinny?

    Or, perhaps the greed and sloth have the same cause as the fatness and they’re not the cause of the fatness at all?

    Some people remain skinny despite eating lots and moving little. So, perhaps there are people who become fat despite moving a lot and not eating much?

    Free Member

    OK – given that I can control my weight, tell me why they should be of any great concern to me

    Perhaps you could control your weight more effectively by learning about them?

    Free Member

    perhaps there are people who become fat despite moving a lot and not eating much?

    I’m not fat I have big bones. 😈

    Free Member

    A wise man (of this parish) once said:

    “We’re all different”

    (between mouthfuls of cheesecake)

    Free Member

    Some people remain skinny despite eating lots and moving little. So, perhaps there are people who become fat despite moving a lot and not eating much?

    YES!!!! back to the basal metablic rate 😀

    Free Member

    Perhaps you could control your weight more effectively by learning about them?

    It’s good now, causes me no hardship, I have no need for anything that claims to be more effective

    Free Member

    JY is trollin cos hes still got a sorre ring from the Empire thread.
    So he’s rocked up here with an agenda.

    i recall Molly and Trailmonkey but not you on that thread-sorry to disappoint you.i dont think anyone won or lost we simply disagreed and I saw little point going over it again and again.
    I am not even sure hat you mean here tbh but i will go for it not being flattery.

    Is this how you always “debate”?
    Ignore the points,gentle attacks, mockery and evasion

    I will just ignore you.

    As you have been ignoring all my points I dont think I will be loosing out on anything bar your gentle ad hominems

    If you do reply please claim your noble Prize re thermodynamics rather than your £5

    I also think that Junky is pointing out how offensive you can be to others when discussing things on a forum BTW

    they are but it is more the fact they seem pretty passionate about this and I dont see why they think this approach will help anyone get it. FWIW i debate on issues not people…play the ball no the person so to speak.

    Free Member

    YES!!!! back to the basal metablic rate

    And the basal metabolic rate is regulated by what?

    Free Member

    Maybe it’s because we’re not fat or we’ve lost weight through this route

    Now I know you haven’t seen that video.
    You’re missing the new info you are being offered.
    You’re remaining stuck and entrenched in your opinion based on our personal experience.
    You do not appear to be considering what new research is teaching some people.

    OK – given that I can control my weight, tell me why they should be of any great concern to me

    Well, how about this, now I’ve a question for the move more eat less brigade.

    I have been conducting a personal experiment.
    For the last two weeks I have introduced an additional activity while maintaining the same dietary intake.
    In the good weather I have been riding to work instead of taking the car.
    I eat the same, do the same amount of gym.
    I weight the same.
    Yet I have moved more.
    I haven’t been counting cals as this has been demonstrated to be total bunkum.
    So, whats going wrong, eat less, move more’ers ?.
    Why, after moving more, on the same amount of food, do I still weigh the same ?.

    Free Member

    It’s good now, causes me no hardship, I have no need for anything that claims to be more effective

    So, don’t learn about them?

    Free Member

    Q. And the basal metabolic rate is regulated by what?

    A. Activity levels.

    What do I win?

    Free Member

    So, don’t learn about them?

    That was the point I was making
    Solo was criticizing the ‘eat less, move more’ followers for not wanting to learn about them
    I was merely saying I didn’t want to as I had no need

    glad we’re in agreement

    Free Member

    And the basal metabolic rate is regulated by what?

    everything 😀 hell, even getting your heart-rate up by imaginging deadlydarcy in lycra will increase your BMR!

    Free Member

    Why, after moving more, on the same amount of food, do I still weigh the same ?.

    Oh can i do this TSY

    Some people dont get it you got a sore rear end from some thread or other yadda yadda yaddaI am going to ignore you.

    Surely you are satisfied with the reply and answer?

    PS the real reason is because you are so god dam awesome you alone can break the rules of thermodynamics and you can actually create energy.

    May i worship you ?

    Was that helpful? 😉

    Leaves thread as it will be a few more pages of this

    Free Member

    What do I win?

    A year’s supply of sugar.

    Free Member


    Think I’m going home now.

    So, if I’m not back.

    Thanks to all for their input, such as some of it was….

    Have a good weekend folks 😉

    Free Member

    Now I know you haven’t seen that video.
    You’re missing the new info you are being offered.

    Solo – I have… but I’ve obviously missed something. Why don’t you write it out for me so that there is no room for confusion?

    Also – are you 100% positive that your dietary intake has been the same? Are you sure you’ve maintained the same level of intensity in the gym… have you moved less in the rest of your life? I thought we weren’t allowed to use ourselves as examples…

    Free Member

    Leaves thread as it will be a few more pages of this

    Typical JY that one…flouncy flouncy flouncy

    Free Member

    Q. And the basal metabolic rate is regulated by what?

    A. Activity levels.

    But that doesn’t explain all the skinny people who don’t exercise but eat lots. Or the people who are fat despite watching what they eat and exercising.

    Free Member

    they’ve both flounced.

    back to the OP then, i think it is socially acceptable, when high street fashion is geared towards people with big bellies instead of slim bellies its a big clue.

    adverts featuring ‘real women’… FFS, are slim women not real women also??!?!?!

    EDIT – thyroid levels play a part, as does most of the endocrine system, stress also, disease, cancer, location, ambient temperature… anything that effects the body’s homeostasis and will make the body adapt to try to maintain itself on a level.

    Free Member

    A year’s supply of sugar.

    Is the next competition for a picture of you in lycra to help me burn it off?

    EDIT: It seems I only need imagine, I’m all set.

    getting your heart-rate up by imaginging deadlydarcy in lycra will increase your BMR!

    Free Member

    Why, after moving more, on the same amount of food, do I still weigh the same ?.

    I haven’t read the rest, so may be falling into a cunningly laid trap, but..
    My weight varies a kilo or so on a daily basis, so the tiny loss of weight that may have occurred by exercise may have produced may have been masked by this greater variation.
    The onset of excersie and the repair of muscle may increase fluid levels within the muscles.
    The muscles themselves may have gained mass.
    The choices the body makes on it’s default hydration levels may have changed.

    Free Member

    But that doesn’t explain all the skinny people who don’t exercise but eat lots.

    Mike do they really exist? The only people that I know that fit anything like this discription would also be described as having ‘high nervous energy’ or ‘stressy’. They may not exercise but are constantly moving… fingers strumming, knees jiggling…

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