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  • Apple WWDC 2014 – iPhone 6/ iWatch? / iWotM8?
  • ti_pin_man
    Free Member

    Just seen the pricing, ouch.

    Seems like a significant mark up on UK prices. I still quite fancy an iPhone 6 but the smaller version with the bigger memory will at least fit on some of my pockets, ha.

    Anybody know if Apple stores have dummy models so I can see how big they actually are, I like to pick it up and look at it in my hand first before buying??

    The iPhone 6 will be priced at £539, £619 and £699 respectively for the 16/64/128GB models. And no, that’s not a typo – there won’t be a 32GB model of the new iPhone 6.

    The iPhone 6 Plus will set you back £619, £699 and up to £789 respectively for the 16/64/128GB models. Again, no 32GB option is available.

    Both versions will be available for pre-order in gold, silver or space grey. A bevvy of operators will be selling the new devices, including Vodafone, EE and O2. Pre-orders of both iPhone models begin on Friday, September 12.

    The UK pricing is a mark up on the iPhone US cost. Over in the US, the Plus model will set you back $299, $399 and up to $499 for 16/64/128GB versions respectively. The iPhone 6 will cost $199, $299 and $399 for the 16/64/128GB models respectively on two-year contracts in the US.

    Free Member

    Pricing is in line with the usual if not a touch cheaper?

    My 32gb 5 was 600, a 64gb 6 is 620.
    Anyone buying a 16gb is daft, too small.

    Those quotes above compared subsidised US prices against sim free uk…

    Free Member

    Anyone buying a 16gb is daft, too small

    A few years ago I would have agreed. With 4g and fibre broadband I keep nothing but apps on my phone.

    Music I stream spotify
    Video I use netflix or link to my network hard drive
    Photos upload to drop box.

    I have 8GB free on a 16gb phone

    I’m running an xperia z2 currently but had every iPhone until the iPhone 5 which I hated and vowed never to go back. I’m really liking the look of the iPhone 6, the watch and the potential strava links. The question for me is whether they’ve sorted the battery. 2hrs on strava used a massive chunk of iPhone 5 battery, xperia z2 it uses basically nothing. I’m also a bit annoyed the camera is still pretty poor. Design is lovely though

    Free Member

    Can’t decide if the 5S is too small, or the 6+ too big.

    Full Member

    It’s too big. HTH. One of the 5’s killer features is its size; it’s the one thing I’d change about my HTC One.

    I’m really starting to dislike the “phablet” movement. It’s all the disadvantages of a tablet with all the disadvantages of a phone in one convenient package. Convergence isn’t always a good idea.

    People are increasingly wanting large screens but small handsets. That’s an impossible ideal, so anything attempting to do it is always going to be a compromise until we develop high quality screens that you can fold / roll / project / otherwise minimise when not in use.

    Free Member

    I was intending to get the 4.7 32gb phone but see they don’t do one, bit strange. I’ve managed fine with 16gb on the 4s but I’ll probably go for 64GB at £619. My iPad is 64gb and it’s rarely full. hopefully I can get some education discount via my daughter. I calculate I’ll be much better off than with a locked in contract and have a phone I can sell for £300-400 anytime I wish.

    The watch looks interesting but I don’t think I’ll be an early adopter of that.

    The Apple-pay could be huge for them, I could see myself using that a lot.

    The live feed was pretty buggy, I assume it was just swamped.

    Free Member

    The live feed was pretty buggy, I assume it was just swamped.

    If only they had known in advance it was going to be that popular….


    Incidentally, if you go back to http://www.apple.com/live/ then the full presentation is now there.

    Free Member

    All I really care about is.. will the iPhone 6 (the small one) fit inside my poncy Rapha Essentials Case ? (it’s like a wallet, but you know, more poncy) 😀

    Free Member

    @jamie, yes I am sad enough to usually watch these things more than once ! I was using the ATV and it was quite annoying the stop/start/rewind nonsense.

    BikeBouy I will be cutting out a piece of cardboard to see if the new 6 will fit inside the inner phone pockets I have in my suits/work trousers. Based on informal work so far the answer seems to be yes 😳

    Free Member

    bikebouy, will be a tight squeeze, don’t they just about accommodate a 5?

    Free Member

    I’ve managed fine with 16gb on the 4s but I’ll probably go for 64GB at £619

    +1. I’ll probably be panned for this but quadruple the storage for an extra £80 seems reasonable. I’v had to do the rounds through my phone a few times deleting pics and videos (some of which was garbage) so this will let me fill the phone with more garbage now. The single HDR shot will be nice. I’m assuming though that Apple will have no plans to up their icloud storage limit any time soon to accommodate all these folk buying 64Gb devices…

    Free Member

    Anyone buying a 16gb is daft, too small.

    No it’s not.

    Anyone not using the Fast data transfer for Streaming and cloud storage is daft 😉

    I’ve got 100 or so apps on mine. (Including satnav with offline maps of the whole of Europe, and view ranger with tons of offline OS Maps)

    Photos upload to photobucket automatically.
    Music streamed (or downloaded in seconds from the cloud when needed)
    Vides (the same as music)

    Fast 4G and loads of wifi does away with the need for massive storage IMO

    16GB phone, and it always has at least 6GB of free space.

    Free Member

    Anyone not using the Fast data transfer for Streaming and cloud storage is daft

    Which is great until you arrive in the middle of no where, or Scotland, and you have no access to anything because there’s no 3G never mind 4G.

    Free Member

    Fast 4G and loads of wifi

    sadly 4G in Scotland is a rare thing. The office i’m sitting in at the moment has 2G coverage and no wifi (yet) #firstworldproblems

    I agree in principle though, except offline usage will always need storage for music etc.

    Free Member

    Which is great until you arrive in the middle of no where, or Scotland,

    … or you happen to be on Vodafone.

    Free Member

    BikeBouy I will be cutting out a piece of cardboard to see if the new 6 will fit inside the inner phone pockets I have in my suits/work trousers. Based on informal work so far the answer seems to be yes

    Niioce, thanks for your scientific analysis, pleae continue with your important research and report back with all findings, fankUveryMuchly 😆


    bikebouy, will be a tight squeeze, don’t they just about accommodate a 5?

    Indeed it does, not a squeeze at all, in fact you could say it was designed around it.. Which I suspect it was.
    I use my poncy case a lot, it’s rather ace and I get all my gunk in there, don’t really want to get anything else.
    Anywhoo’s I’m pretty sure Rapha had a word with the Designers from Apple a year or so ago with this very important situation in mind, dontchathink? 😆

    Free Member

    Think I’ll get a 5S in a couple of months when hopefully people will be flogging them off a bit cheaper – the new phone is too big for me really.

    Free Member

    Which is great until you arrive in the middle of no where, or Scotland,

    When I’m planning a trip to the middle of nowhere, or somewhere where I’ll have to pay for data, I download what I’ll need beforehand.

    Recent 3 week trip to the alps, I downloaded around 80 albums worth of music and had room for a 1000 or so photos.

    All deleted/uploaded when I got back.

    I don’t really get data blackspots where I live, but if I did need to think about that, I have plenty of space for a few dozen albums to keep me going if I needed to.

    Free Member

    Fast 4G and loads of wifi does away with the need for massive storage IMO

    I have fast unlimited 4G, lots of wifi, and get free data in several countries I go to regularly.

    20Gb used 8gb free on my 32Gb. And that’s after a recent music cull and I don’t have much on there.

    Even spotify streaming it keeps a largish cache, if you record any video that eats space, I’ve a couple gigs of offline maps, half a gig keynote, same pages, same in goodreader etc… it all adds up.

    Higher res screens on the new 6 and 6+, combined with the continued existence of lower res screens on the 5S,5C and the fact apps are bundled one-size-fits-all means some apps might have 3 sets of art assets in them, for the three different screen res. Or at least two, for the two different DPI between those 3 sizes.

    So anything with heavy art or custom GUI stuff might start to double/triple in app size…and these are the apps that take the most space already.

    Someone might come along saying “but vector graphics!” whilst it’s true that many of the original art sources will be vector, they’re often rendered down to precise pixel sizes for the app deployment to improve performance at the user end.

    Free Member

    16GB works fine for me too – I mostly stream music or listen to podcasts if I’m away from 3G/wifi. I have unlimited data and 3 data coverage/speed is pretty good in general IME.

    People saying the camera is still poor – the camera in the 5S is great and any improvement on that will obviously be even better. 😕

    Is it because the MP count hasn’t gone up? Unless you’re making really large prints or regularly doing extreme crops it’s not really relevant. I guess it does give you more ‘digital zoom’.

    Full Member

    hmm.. still torn between a Z3 compact and a iphone6. cost isn’t an issue but quite fancy the built in IP protection of the sony.

    Free Member

    What is it with these big phones? I have an iPhone 5 but even that I find its too long, I much prefer the size of the 4.

    I take it everyone sporting these giant phones has a manbag/handbag to carry them in?

    I don’t get it at all.

    Full Member

    Maybe they’ll launch an iPhone 6 Mini next year for people who have functioning eyesight and don’t wear clown trousers?

    Free Member

    @Gary the 5S and the standard 6 aren’t that big, however I do not use a case/cover. I favour larger screen as 95% of the use of my phone is not for phone calls.

    Free Member

    I take it everyone sporting these giant phones has a manbag/handbag to carry them in?


    Full Member

    As a long term Apple fanboy… I won’t be buying either.

    Full Member

    I’ve never watched one of those events before, though I have been a fully paid up Apple fanboi for a few years.

    All that fawning, cheering and standing ovations when the watch was announced was just horrendous. Sickening sycophancy at it its very worst. I’ve been thinking of binning my iPhone for a while – I think that performance has just put the tin lid on it.

    Besides, those watches have the potential to become as vulgar as a RR Evoque.

    Free Member


    Do you wear combat trousers?

    Free Member

    Do you wear combat trousers?

    It’s STW. We all wear khaki cargo pants.

    Full Member

    What is it with these big phones? I have an iPhone 5 but even that I find its too long, I much prefer the size of the 4.

    I take it everyone sporting these giant phones has a manbag/handbag to carry them in?

    I don’t get it at all.

    My 5″ Xperia fits in the front pocket of all the trousers I own. No cargo pants. Not an issue.

    Free Member

    I thought the apple fan boys were still sporting skinny jeans? Not sure how you fit a phablet in the pockets of them.

    My 5″ Xperia fits in the front pocket of all the trousers I own. No cargo pants. Not an issue

    Ah I notice you didn’t say ‘comfortably’ 🙂

    Full Member

    It’s STW. We all wear khaki cargo pants.

    Takes notes…..

    Free Member

    Gary_M – Member
    I thought the apple fan boys were still sporting skinny jeans? Not sure how you fit a phablet in the pockets of them.

    iWotch 🙄
    Rucksack 🙄

    Free Member

    so you need a iSack to carry your iPhatblet then an iWatch to see whats on it because its in your rucksack. Makes sense iGuess 🙄

    Full Member


    iWatch + manbag surely!

    Free Member

    iWatch +

    So they’re doing an over sized version of the iWatch too?

    Full Member

    It’s a special edition for Flava Flav.

    Free Member

    If you take a look around Town these days there are more iPsters sporting rucksacks than ManBags, must be an iMage thing or the fact that it frees up hand space for personal grooming solutions (comb, beard spray, RayBans etc..) 😆

    Full Member

    My 5″ Xperia fits in the front pocket of all the trousers I own.

    Well you may have five inches spare at the crotch of your jeans, but I certainly don’t 😉

    Seriously though, even my 4S isn’t always that comfortable when I’m sitting down in jeans. A massive phablet thing would just be a pain.

    Full Member

    Gary_M – Member
    What is it with these big phones? I have an iPhone 5 but even that I find its too long, I much prefer the size of the 4.

    I take it everyone sporting these giant phones has a manbag/handbag to carry them in?

    I don’t get it at all.

    +1 pockets for my Xperia T, which is a 4.5″ screen. Fits in my smart work trousers, fits in all my jeans (although I don’t own any skinny jeans; slim fit is the limit with my manly cycling thighs) and other trousers with plenty of room for keys etc.
    Yeah it takes up more space than a smaller phone (due to physics or something), but well worth the convenience of having a decent sized screen. I will admit to thinking that it was huge when i first got it and wondered whether it was a step in the wrong direction, but when I went back to my old phone (HTC Desire) it felt pokey and too small, even after only about 30 mins using the new one.

    I do take it out of my pocket when in the car but I did that with my old Sony Ericssons too and they were tiny.

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