So. It’s all a bit different 🙂
The feedback is already being worked on. Ali has a growing document of tweaks and bug fixing reports that we are documenting with your help.
Here’s a non exhaustive collection of our very early thoughts.
– The link to the Forum overview page from within a thread will return. That’s one of those obvious things that you completely don;t see until it’s too late 🙂
– The advertising positions and what’s in them will settle down in the next day or so. The general aim has been to reduce the ads around the page and use them in a less intrusive manner within stories.
– We’ve reduced the ad positions in the RH column on desktops.
– The shortening of the forum thread titles was to truncate things so that each thread is displayed on a single line on the screen for mobile. There’s a lot of data displayed for each thread on a desktop and we had to lose some of it to adapt it for mobile. Thanks for pointing out that the page count is no longer there, which was used to go directly to the latest page in a thread. We are thinking hard about bringing you a solution to that that maintains the single line approach to mobile.
– We’ve made it clearer to see what type of stories you are reading by displaying the categories on the stories on the front page. These categories are, of course, clickable to take you to similar content.
– Sponsored stories are better labelled now so you are aware that a commercial partner is involved in producing it BEFORE you click on the story to read it.
– We are aware of some font sizing issues and they are fairly high up the list of bug fixes. For example the font size is too small in the forum post entry box. There’s also a bug that reduces the size of the font following the insert of a quote.
– Pinch and zoom – We are aware of the issues with different browsers. Our plan is to eliminate the need entirely. I’d like to see a editable font size controls. We are looking into it.
That’s all for now. But keep feeding back 🙂