>Real men go through the Gaick!<
Yeah and real mountain men take the Minigaig or Comyns 😉
A9 cyclepath dull as dishwater on an mtb.
The new track running parallel to the A9 is just a reworked old track serving the shooting butts higher up the hill. AFAIK it doesn’t link in to the track that ascends to meet the railway line further SE. The owner (Ben Alder Estate)who did all that nice work reinstating the Stalkers paths around Culra (the ones everyone on here call natural trails ;-)has also been a busy little beaver carving up the Southern flanks of A Mharconaich. Big 3 to 4m wide machine built paths with a series of 2m wide, what I can only assume to be Quad tracks, running off in all directions. Simply no need to be scarring the hills in this fashion just so some lazy bastards can Quad it up to the shooting. Vandalism imho…
Apologies, went completely off topic there.