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  • 6 Music Schedule Changes
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    The move is to clearly attract a younger audience

    Is it though? Or is it more about maintaining an age profile?

    To my ears, Marc Riley plays guitar music from about 1973-83, and modern stuff that sounds heavily influenced by that era. Which is fair enough, that’s his generation. Riley was in his early 40s when he started on 6. He’s in his early 60s now, and so are the rest of the generation that remember that time.

    I’m in my early 40s now. I’m probably just as partial to nostalgic sounds as he is, it’s just that nostalgia for me is Tom Ravenscroft playing jungle.

    So I’m not sure if it’s about changing the age of the audience over, or just maintaining the sort of mid-ish age group it always had (not middle-aged! Ha!)

    Full Member

    thought they might be bringing back George Lamb for a second :-/

    Free Member

    Tom Ravenscroft playing jungle

    Sounds like hell on Earth. Not for me 🤣

    Free Member

    You think that’s bad! Wait til you hear what the 20somethings like!!

    Full Member

    Sounds like hell on Earth. Not for me

    oh hang on what’s wrong with insects buzzing, frogs yelping, birds shrieking, mammals scuttles, and bats clicking. And the odd macaw.

    Full Member

    I’m in my early 40s now. I’m probably just as partial to nostalgic sounds as he is, it’s just that nostalgia for me is Tom Ravenscroft playing jungle.

    …as someone in their 30s, who grew up during during the 2000s when guitar music had another moment, jungle or dance music with piano stabs sounds antiquated, like it was knocked-up on a cheap Casio keyboard….which it probably was, tbf.

    I’m sad, but as long as Ravenscroft doesn’t start playing 100Gecs, we’ll be alright. Hopefully they’ll have bands in for sessions, as that’s always been the major appeal of Riley and Coe. I wonder how many sessions they’ve had on Riley over the years…easily in the multiple thousands, I’d guess.

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    I wonder how many sessions they’ve had on Riley over the years…easily in the multiple thousands, I’d guess

    Over 3,500 sessions on Marc Riley’s show since it started, which is one of the main reasons I’m so disappointed at the changes. Yes, there are a lot of guitar bands in those sessions, but there are also many acts that aren’t. But fundamentally it was about live new music, and I think that will be lost – I can’t imagine how they’ll fit so many live sessions in every week now. The impact on bands or artists starting out could be hugely detrimental.

    Full Member

    Worse thing for me is that Riley and Gid move to a much later time slot when I tend not to be listening to the radio. I’ll be sad not to hear them but plus ca change

    Full Member

    In some ways, yep. But to refer to the full quote (plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose) the more it changes, the more it’s the same thing: it won’t improve the mix of music, it simply ghettoises genres into hour or two hour slots. I don’t think it’ll help new music.

    Free Member

    Poor Marc.

    I think his show would be better off, rescheduled to 8am.
    (I’ve always harboured the suspicion that our biological clocks are on pacific time)☺️

    Props to him for playing the doom metal (pigs*7).
    The rest of his show increasingly became a bit twee.
    It’s nice to play some sweet and wistful tracks, but it seems like the rest of the station was trying to overdo it with daytime tracklists that would be unthreatening to a female audience.
    A lot of the male vocals tracks sounded like tiny Tim.

    I’d rather Marc just got back to playing more psych pop: baba naga, Porsche majeure, etc.

    The main problem with 6music is that they’re still reeling from having their tenure up for debate, back in 2010?
    There’s a lot of very safe listening choices, borne out pension-fright.

    I’d still like to hear an extreme metal slot, between 12-2pm on a Sunday. If only to break up the monotony of near constant pop music.

    Realistically, the beeb should do more to promote other genres, such as folk and jazz.
    Maybe they need their own channels?

    If I was a uk jazz/ folk/ metal musician, I’d be fuming at the lack of support to promote my music on the radio.
    Gilles Peterson/ Jamie cullum and Mark Radcliffe do a great job, but we need more to get uk bands on a global stage.

    That’s my two cents.

    Free Member

    They need to drop that boring disco type retro stuff they play on saturay.

    Free Member

    If I was a uk jazz/ folk/ metal musician, I’d be fuming at the lack of support to promote my music on the radio

    It isnt just that, other genres have lost their slots too over the last few years for more bland everyday pop music.On R2, Clare Teal was very popular with her Big Band (not just big bands!) slot on Sunday evenings, that was dropped for more of the same as the rest of the week, Paul OGrady was very popular, but was kicked off at half time to allow Rob Beckett to present his show half the time, The Rock show was popular on a Saturday at 8pm, I was told listener input was as high as any evening show, but it was dropped for Gary Davies 80’s pop show.
    Marc Riley and Gid Coe are definitely not happy with their changes. Listening to them this week, it is quite clear they are well and truly pissed with it. I’m not sure why they are staying, I’d be out the door if it happened to me. Marc is sorting something with Rob Hughes, possibly podcasts for their joint presentation shows, that is a ray of sunshine through the crap, as their slots are really good. If you’ve never heard it, listen to their ‘A-Z of Punk’ also,A-Z’s of prog and rock, and of course, ‘The parallel universe’ twice a week, which never fails to give a good insight to the week featured that show.

    Full Member

    I started listening to 6M when on a Sunday morning while mildly hungover they played pearl jam followed by dinosaur jnr and there seemed to be lots of interesting music. Now it’s turning into smashy and nicey. With Craig Charles’s and Chris “the hawk” Hawkins, honestly what adult would refer to themselves in such a way?

    Full Member

    what adult would refer to themselves in such a way?

    Two adults. RadMac call him that.
    Not sure it’s self-anointed.

    Free Member

    Listener since Jupitus did the breakfast slot, used to have it on all day everyday, I have seen some good bands off the back of it, Wave Pictures through Riley, Glass Animals when they started out, quite a few others too but it’s just turned into samey repetitive mush, the only thing I’d actually want to listen to now is Ravenscrofts Friday night show, I bloody hate the same news popping up every hour too.

    Moved to NTS, it’s not for everyone but the morning slots are perfect for me and the rest suits my tastes most of the time. They’ve just replayed a few old Weatherall shows for his 60th.

    Ideal morning would be Keaveny followed by Charlie Bones in NTS though, both sadly moved in to other things.

    Free Member

    Is that idiot still on Lerpacks show who tries to guess how old people are by random facts like how much loose change people were carrying? That was a sure sign to switch off…

    Free Member

    Maybe this is a topic in its own right, but ‘missing music genres’:



    Goa psytrance


    In the latter case, despite 6music claiming to support grass-roots live music venues, they forget that it’s the metal bands that pull in the crowds.

    Even Carcass bring home the (vegan) bacon.

    I’d like to support my local music venues, but without a radio station announcing when sepultura, etc, are in town, my attendance is a bit hit and miss.

    Full Member

    Is that idiot still on Lerpacks show who tries to guess how old people are by random facts like how much loose change people were carrying? That was a sure sign to switch off…

    Took me a while to work out what you were on about. Robin Ince I think. No. One of the few things that’s gone from 6 that I don’t miss.

    Full Member

    Side moan… Thinking about it, without this thread, I wouldn’t have known about these changes til they happened, same as with previous ones. I don’t follow any of their social media, which is presumably how they announce it. Why don’t they announce it on the platform that, by definition, reaches the most listeners? Is it because they know it’s going to be unpopular, or is that conspriracist thinking?

    Full Member

    Whatever you do, don’t turn on now, it’s continual ‘dance music’. Something to do with some dead guy called Weatherall. Honestly!

    Full Member

    Here is what NME1 have played this morning.The adverts do my **** head in but thanks to alexa its easy enough to swap channel for 1 minute.
    I’d definitely pay for an ad free version.

    Full Member

    Nah, there’s only guitars on 6 Music though.

    Is it because they know it’s going to be unpopular, or is that conspriracist thinking

    I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there. The reaction from Marc Riley and Gideon Coe has been pretty clear; it’s not what they want at all.
    There’s also the announcement that the 6 Music Festival will be held annually in Manchester from now on. The one a few weeks back was a pale imitation of previous events, so I’m assuming cost cutting.

    Free Member

    The reaction from Marc Riley and Gideon Coe has been pretty clear; it’s not what they want at all.

    Absolutely, not at all. The joint show will probably work – why wouldn’t it – they’re clearly good pals and have a great deal of respect for each other. But we’re going from 5 hours of great radio into just 2.

    Also, as mentioned above, there is very little metal on 6 music which is a shame. Pigs * 7 are the only ones that spring to mind who have been pushed by certain DJs on 6. Appreciate that Pigs probably span more than just one genre, though.

    Free Member

    Do agree that there’s a bit of a metal shaped hole in 6music. I’m not a huge metal fan but they could use a bit more!

    The closest you’ll get is stuff like Neurosis, Amen Ra and Sunn))0 on Maconie’s (usually excellent) freak show, and maybe Huey playing one track of 80s hair rock a week.

    Free Member

    Oh, and MAH playing Tool and the Deftones!

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    For balance, just listened to Gid’s Thursday show on catch up in the garage, and he does mention the “announcement”, though not the details (possibly mentioned in Wednesday’s show?). I couldn’t detect any disappointment, but then he’s a seasoned professional who’s job involves sounding a certain way, regardless of whether he feels the same, so that’s not surprising.

    Oh, and MAH playing Tool and the Deftones!

    Maybe she genuinely likes it, but there’s something that irks me about MAH inserting metal tracks in the middle of a playlist full of house, as if to say “I like guitars too, me, honest”. Either way I find it discordant rather than endearingly eclectic.

    Teenage Fanclub on CC just now too!

    Full Member

    The last two nights have been planned specials, so not really the platform for discussing it; just look at the start of Tuesday’s show however:


    Full Member

    There are people on STW though, who just want a radio station that plays round the clock Peel Sessions

    Shit, I’d listen to that

    Free Member

    Will there be less Arlo Parks as a result? It’s inoffensive, but still…

    Full Member

    No – there will be much, much more. And that’s probably the issue. As inoffensive as her music is, it’s dull as ditchwater. Also contains guitars though, so maybe it’ll be culled.

    Full Member

    Will there be less Arlo Parks as a result? It’s inoffensive, but still

    She’s wetter than a glass of water.

    Free Member

    Whatever you do, don’t turn on now, it’s continual ‘dance music’. Something to do with some dead guy called Weatherall. Honestly!

    Thanks, would have missed that!

    Free Member

    One off breakfast special from DJ Python on NTS right now, people were asking for more beats yes?? 🙂

    Full Member

    Superb. I’m listening to Yo La Tengo on NTS-2 at the moment, so later it is then.

    Full Member

    Will there be less Arlo Parks as a result? It’s inoffensive, but still…

    I actually quite like some of her music, but I could really live without her inane ramblings and that way of speaking that goes up at the end of every sentence and makes everything sound like a questION? 😖

    The more this sinks in, the more this feels like one of 6music’s biggest mistakes, and they have quite some form 😞

    Full Member

    The more this sinks in, the more this feels like one of 6music’s biggest mistakes

    Indeed. Listening to Marc Riley last night explain the wkeely schedule from next Month, it really did hit home how much we’re losing in terms of output: Riley on Monday night solo; him & Gid Tues/Wed, then Thurs is a Gid solo show. It’s even worse than I first thought.

    Free Member

    Someone has started a petition to try to get the new schedule changed. I cant see it making any difference, but it may make a minor point when the Managers hear of it.

    Petition link

    Full Member

    Someone has started a petition to try to get the new schedule changed. I cant see it making any difference, but it may make a minor point when the Managers hear of it.

    Ah, that’ll be the one that was mentioned in an article in The I on Monday called “The battle for the soul of 6music”. It’s behind a paywall, and I meant to get a paper copy, but didn’t.

    My thoughts on petitions are the same, but no harm in doing it anyway. Interestingly, I’m pretty certain it’s a made of a mate that’s set it up.

    Another mate’s brother is an assistant producer at 6music, and I was going to see if he could suggest a route that might get listened to, e.g. a particular person at the BBC to contact. I’ll post if I get an answer.

    Full Member

    You do wonder what comprising Polaroid photos Lamacq must have in a drawer somewhere tho. I don’t often catch much of his show, but my goodness the radio is back off again within about 5 minutes if I accidentally do.

    Every time these threads come up about schedule changes it’s clear that one persons poison is another’s favourite tipple. but I really wonder about Lamacq. His musical taste has always seemed so narrow compared to almost anyone else on the station and I find his worthy interviewing style tiresome.

    Presenters come and go. They need to move people on/around to keep the station fresh (although Sounds means you can listen on catch up to anyone who’s been moved to a slot that doesn’t fit your listening times).

    More Tom and Deb is a good thing as far as I’m concerned, but not sure I like the idea of an every evening ‘new music fix’. The reason most of us listen to 6 is that it *is* a new music station but mixing new with archive – as Tom does on his Friday shows – feels better to me than all new stuff.

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