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  • 30% flat tax rate?
  • El-bent
    Free Member

    @tandemjeremy no that’s not right. The reason the “rich” find ways of exploiting loopholes and avoiding tax is *because* the taxable rate is too high (50% of all earnings over 150k with no initial allowance I believe).

    They avoid tax because they can. It’s irrelevant what tax system you have.

    Allong with pretty much everyone else? Including employers?


    e.g. say I’m a brain surgeon, getting paid large amounts of money but having the constant stress of facing death and disease every day, knowing that one slip could kill, plus continually studying, researching, going to conferences etc.

    This may be a bit revolutionary, but has it occurred to you that the brain surgeon does his job, because he actually enjoys it? Possibly the money is just a bonus?

    Not everyone is a heartless mercenary looking to get paid as much as possible. Unlike those in the city. 😉

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Flat rate tax is a way of shifting tax burden from rich to poor.

    If the poor don’t like it, they should find a better paid job 😀

    Free Member

    The reason the “rich” find ways of exploiting loopholes and avoiding tax is *because* the taxable rate is too high (50% of all earnings over 150k with no initial allowance I believe).they are selfish amoral **** and we should put them in prison and take their assests back till they have learnt to behave like the restof us

    FFS when peole spped we dont increase the spped limit

    Tax is the only thing where we are meant to change the rules due to the naughty kids and then they suggest this will actually lead to us getting more money if we do this.

    We could have zero crime by just simply having no laws

    Free Member

    I’ve always thought it was a good idea. However, whilst those of us who don;t earn enough to manipulate the system to their advantage find it outrageous that other people do, once you start to think about it you suddenly think of “exemptions” (e.g. as per now their are ‘reliefs’ available for charitable donation and investment in early stage (high risk) business – which are (broadly speaking) good for society and growth respectively). At this point a flat scheme and a simplified approach start to trip up. I’d welcome it, if someone can propose a solution to those issues.

    Flat rate tax is a way of shifting tax burden from rich to poor.

    I thought that was complex tax systems where only the rich earned enough to justify working the system.

    Free Member

    OK TJ – last request for honesty as really not worth the effort.

    Progressive taxes – distributes from the richer to the poorer.
    Negative taxes – the opposite.

    Is a flat rate of tax with a minimum threshold, progressive, neutral or negative? Simple question, no need to personalise the response. But it is important to clarify, otherwise the debate really is dishonest!

    Full Member

    So grahamS what you are saying is basically your wife does not care and only does it for the money…

    She’s no brain surgeon 🙂 She cares and she enjoys her job, but yes of course the money helps. I’m not sure she’d put herself through all the stress and long unsociable hours if there was no financial reward above that of a burger flipper.

    In fact if that was the case she’d be a lot worse off.
    Professional costs this month include £250 for GMC/MPS sub and £800 to sit her MRCP/SCE exam.

    FFS when peole spped we dont increase the spped limit


    Free Member

    FFS when peole spped we dont increase the spped limit

    Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t consider it though. 😉
    Not really a good analogy either as the rich aren’t likely to crash into the poor.

    Free Member

    @Junkyard why do you have so much negative energy? It can’t be good for you, let it go. Why do you think that “rich” people are any more amoral than the rest of society?

    The politics of envy I believe it’s called, alive and well on STW, which I thought was a bastion of middle classiness…. 😉

    Free Member


    this is the bit you seem unable to understand.

    With that I really will just ignore you as you are so dishonest in these debates. be a Thatcherite if you want to be – just don’t deny it and do not try to tell others that thatcherite muyths are facts

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    THM – so your point is they want a flat rate tax because they want a progessive tax rate…..someone has not thought this through properly have they. its a mute pooint and you can defend your stance if you wish but i doubt you actually “believe” it.

    No JY – I have no idea what their motivation is (and haven’t read what they are saying in detail TBH). My SIMPLE point is that if we are going to debate the merits or otherwise of their suggestion at least lets be honest and correct in what we are talking about. Many people assume that a flat rate of tax is not progressive ie, its like VAT. This is factually incorrect. That was my only point. But fun to see how people jump to conclusions!

    Free Member

    I think that combining NI and the lower rate of income tax into a single tax rate would be a good idea. A flat rate of tax for everybody (plus the personal allowance) seems like a good idea as long as it is watertight when it comes to avoiding paying tax. There is a big difference between percentages and absolute amounts…..

    Free Member

    @tandemjeremy I don’t think you don’t understand “maths”.

    Free Member

    The politics of envy I believe it’s called

    Or its down to the “squeezed middle” wanting to see rich people pay their fair share of tax.

    I have just looked at the countries operating a flat tax system…some real success stories there. 🙄

    Full Member

    It’s never going to happen since the 49billon would be one of the biggest right off’s in history (and payments for the better off) and businesses would go nuts if you put up a 30% corporation tax.

    Free Member

    Oh I do randomjeremy. A flat rate tax reduces the amount of tax paid by the rich

    Either services need to be cut as in this proposal or the poor need to pay more tax to make up this shortfall

    You cannot reduce taxation for the rich without either cutting service or increasing taxation elsewhere

    Free Member

    @tandemjeremy you don’t seem to get that 30% of a big pot is more than 50% of a pot that doesn’t exist.

    Free Member

    Thats a very good swerve TJ and quite different from your opening line on what a flat rate of tax does. So be honest.

    We may well agree that in comparison with the current system this proposal may well be less progressive. But the difference (while being subtle) is an important one. But never let fact…oh forget it, life is too short!!!

    Funny how the mood of the forum suddenly changes!


    This thread is only “likely’ to end in tears,

    Full Member

    i m a tory voter but i could nt vote for this. lift the poor out of tax to spend what they need on essentials big telly staffies etc and tax the big earners ( 50k +) more tax pensions over 50K at 75%.. (whose grandma needs a grand a week! ha but thier not grandmas thier over 50yr old former public sector workers, over 9ooo of them!)
    let clever folk make a bundle no problem with that just let tyhem know they have a commitment to those less fortunate.. havent a problem with that!

    Free Member

    TJ does £13500 make me rich then? Cos my tax under this goes down. I really don’t think I am btw, still junky thinks I’m selfish and you think I’m rich!!

    Weird world, I feel like I’m missing something that I don’t understand.

    Free Member

    Has the BBC been bought out by the Telegraph?
    “Conservative” opinion now appears to regularly be presented in the headlines as FACT , whilst any contrary views are immediately attributed to their originator and clearly quoted as opinion.
    Its about 6 paragraphs in before the sponsors of this report are revealed.
    This is where the STW forum shines, as it’s right (or left 😉 ) wing opinion is always preceded by it’s source so readers can make their own mind up on the “facts”.

    Free Member

    Surely Hollande has proved in the last couple of weeks that excessivley high taxation results in an overall reduction in tax take, due to the ‘fat cats’ fleeing abroad?

    or has there not been a sudden surge of interest in West London Apartments within easy reach of the Eurostar terminal?

    as Boris said – ‘Bienvenue a Londres’ 😉

    Free Member

    TJ – its only less progressive (I hate that word) than the system you think we have – which is not the system that is actually in place. In reality the rich don’t pay the same %age of income as even the comfortably well off. The whole point about “flat tax” is there are no loop holes, so everyone has to pay. The downside is there are no loopholes – so the things the treasury might want to encourage people to do (e.g. save for pensions) get reduced…

    Free Member

    What would this proposal do for employment in the accounting sector?

    Full Member

    My two cents worth:

    When did it become fact that how hard people work is related to how much they are paid or what they are taxed? All the evidence shows a very poor correlation between the two. So lowering taxes just means the better off pay less tax, you don’t get any more GDP for it.

    Secondly, what do people really want – lower taxes or to be happier? If it’s the latter then minimising inequality would be a better aim. Lower taxes just increase the gap between rich and poor, increase envy and make people less happy.

    Free Member

    Surely we’d get a stonking saving from not having to employ vast numbers of people in HMRC (PAYE, self-assessment and NI)?

    Not for the first time I’m disagreeing with TJ, as long as the ‘start’ amount is set at a decent number (say £10k) and both income tax and NI are abolished then even the poorly paid will be no worse off.

    Also need to ensure that the rate applies to all income, including investment, Capital Gains, divi’s etc – and that everyone gets the same tax-free amount (unlike now!).

    Free Member

    poly – Member
    TJ – its only less progressive (I hate that word) than the system you think we have…

    I fear that distinction may just be a little too subtle!!!!

    I am still interested to know has a system in which the MRT rises can be described as regressive?

    Free Member

    She’s no brain surgeon

    She would have married someone brighter if she was?
    She married beneath her , all women do etc

    Junkyard why do you have so much negative energy?

    I am sorry I should adopt a more tolerant approach to injustices lest a troll mocks me on the internet 😉

    Why do you think that “rich” people are any more amoral than the rest of society?

    Why do you think they are not ? DS taught me this style of debate

    Is a flat rate of tax with a minimum threshold, progressive, neutral or negative

    Is it flat rate with a threshold? You can argue this either way..if you pay tax you pay the same as everyone else whether you earn £1 above the threshold or £20 billion. Its not called flat rate because it is progressive now is it ? If you pay tax you pay a flat rate. Selling this as “progressive” is spin and you know it. It is not designed to redistribute wealth or to make the rich pay more than the poor [ above the threshold] and you know this to. Bit of a MLEH point as we could argue it from either way so lets just agree that it is a flat rate with a threshold and discuss the effects of this?
    On that point we can be fairly sure redistributing wealth is not one of the effects of this.

    Many people assume that a flat rate of tax is not progressive

    It is not progressive without a threshold…what were you saying about honesty and lack of understanding ?
    Ok I give up you and TJ can have the floor on this one

    he politics of envy I believe it’s called

    Nah I would have to want to be a rich amoral asshole to be envious what I want is for people all over the world to eat and not die from preventable disease because some rich person has to have a £20 billion pound fortune because they worked hard…. I can see why this moral code is repellent to some 🙄

    you don’t seem to get that 30% of a big pot is more than 50% of a pot that doesn’t exist.

    If I believe this argument [ I don’t] why not just change the law to make sure you get the 50% as 50 % is bigger than 30% hence why the rich want it lowered…they don’t want it lowered because they want to pay more tax do they…FFS how can anyone buy that as the reason for the change

    still junky thinks I’m selfish

    Well you did just think of yourself didn’t you what would you call it?*
    FWIW I have no issue witha large personal allowanc elike the lib dems say to change the burden form the really poor [ I think you are poor if that helps emsz] to the more well off. i do not support aflat rate tax as it it doe sshift the burden from the rich to the less well off/poor.
    Do we need th graph that shows how much more the rich pay to prove this point or can we just accept if a billionairre plays 15 % less then asomeoen poorer has to pay more to counter this.
    PS emsz the 30% tax rate is higher than basic rates so I assume middle /avergae earners would be worse off

    * i was more lamenting the fact that Thatcher changed people’s perception from thinking about the common good to thinking about their own personal self interest than I was meaning to say anything personal about you. I did not mean to offend so apologies if I did

    Full Member

    emsz – I think you have something that they don’t understand…called common sense. You need to think more about points scoring in personality clashes and less about the OP’s original question.

    Free Member

    It is not progressive without a threshold…what were you saying about honesty and lack of understanding ?

    JY – please read my first post (including the bit about the threshold) and do the basic maths. Its really very simple. What I was saying about honesty, was let’s respect it!!! 😉

    Free Member

    I’m glad that Junky and I can agree on the progressiveness of a basic flat Tax (without threshold)

    Personally, I’m thoroughly of the belief that the overall tax burden should not be either progressive or regressive, but equal – ie everyone, yes, everyone pays an equal and fair share into the pot, as that means that even those at the bottom are contributing to the system and contributing equally towards the society around them – this leads in the long term to greater social inclusion.

    from each according to his ability, to each according to his need, I believe was the goal…

    Free Member

    please read my first post

    I did and I even quoted it and replied to it 🙄
    Again Can we call it a flat rate with a threshold as that it what it is ?
    FWIW if flat rate was progressive we would have no need for the word and tax coulld be divided into two types
    regressive and progressive with flat rate as a sub set of progressive….that is how they teach economics isnt it? 😛
    Anyway you and TJ have the floor on this I cant be arsed beyond what i have posted

    Free Member

    Do we need th graph that shows how much more the rich pay to prove this point

    you can’t have that because we don’t know what most people actually pay after their deductions etc? I thought I saw some highlights from self assessment recently but google didn’t find it. IIRC though people on £1M income were paying less than 25% tax. Assuming there are no loop holes they would be paying more.

    or can we just accept if a billionairre plays 15 % less then asomeoen poorer has to pay more to counter this.

    to some extent yes, although there can be efficiency savings from a much simpler system.

    PS emsz the 30% tax rate is higher than basic rates so I assume middle /avergae earners would be worse off

    actually on the proposed figures (£10k threshold + 30% on earnings above it, no NI) everyone pays less ! (Hence the £50 Bn hole!). To put that in perspective: here are some examples:

    £15k pa — current PAYE 16.3%; proposed 10%
    £30k pa — current PAYE 24.0%; proposed 20%
    £60k pa — current PAYE 31.0%; proposed 25%

    Free Member

    Junky, when you put it like that I suppose j was being selfish! Duh!

    I think I need to apologise too, sorry. 😳

    Free Member

    I’m glad that Junky and I can agree on the progressiveness of a basic flat Tax (without threshold)

    Ah the bit where you argue that the rich pay more but only if you ignore the % part of the % tax rate…see my point above why would we call it flat rate if it was progressive? You know we dont agree on this as one of us can count you cheeky little scamp you 😉

    Its deja Vu all over again.

    Free Member

    Edit – Strange layout…

    Free Member

    There won’t be a massive hole… we’ll just cut more services… privatise healthcare properly maybe.

    Then we can spend all our tax savings on healthcare insurance.


    Free Member

    If you want to boost grow, reduce VAT to 15% and take a serious relook at the construction market and homes building.

    Free Member

    Poly – why not simply remove the loopholes in our current system?

    Junkyard – you are wasting your time arguing with THM. He is so wedded to the far right economics that he believe the myths and propaganda the proponents of it put out are facts.

    Full Member

    Where does this “the rich wouldn’t dodge tax if we lowered it” argument come from? It’s cobblers. If you were getting paid 300 million a year and a nice friendly tax-loophole-finder accountant said “oh you can save £50 quid if you do this”, how many people would say “no no it’s ok I’ll pay the £50”?

    not many

    edit emsz has broken the internet

    Full Member

    “take a serious relook at the construction market and homes building”

    Hmmm…..lets let the construction industry boom, maybe with cheap loans so people can buy homes that they could never afford to pay back, letting the bankers make huge profits without any checks…..it will never fail……

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