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  • 200+ miles a week and I'm getting fatter – I blame the missus
  • ourmaninthenorth
    Full Member

    170 miles aggregate commuting, 60+ miles at least one day on the weekend (often 2) and I'm fatter than I was three months ago.

    I blame Mrs North being pregnant and her constant desire for carbs. It's got nothing to do with me being a greedy fatty. Oh no.


    Free Member

    Sympathy belly?

    I'm doing 25 miles a week commuting and one big ride a month – 200 miles a month is a good month.

    I have to eat chips and chocolate for lunch, and drink beer every night, to keep above 11 stone.

    Full Member

    Sympathy belly?

    It's the only answer. It's definitely nothing to do with me eating biscuits and cake and chocolate and all sorts of other junk food.

    I have to eat chips and chocolate for lunch, and drink beer every night, to keep above 11 stone.

    You lucky, lucky ba…. 😀

    (But I bet you don't drink Robinson's Unicorn)

    Free Member

    You lucky, lucky ba….

    It's genetic. Or a tape worm.

    Free Member

    but 200+ miles a week! You must be eating alot of cake to not be in calorie deficit. 😕

    Full Member

    Fatter or heavier? Big leg muscles weigh a lot.

    Full Member

    Or a tape worm.

    Can I borrow it for a bit….

    Free Member

    Wait until the missus starts cooking kids meals, they're so yummy and they always leave some, which of course you can't waste.

    Free Member

    😆 Just starting to shift the stone I gained over the course of my wife's pregancy and first two months of new babyness, being sat in front of a computer for the last 3 months doing stuff for the business hasn't helped either. Cutting out the beer seems to make the most difference 😯

    Full Member

    Fatter or heavier? Big leg muscles weigh a lot.

    Fatter. Lard is growing round my belly.

    Legs are already big – classic squat build.

    Full Member

    Cheers oldgit and loco – you've effectively told me I'm doomed now. 🙁

    Right, better set about shifting this before the nipper arrives in August.

    I'll have to listen to my own maxim: eat less, move around more. I can't do much more moving around, so the food has got to go.

    "Dear Food

    It's been good while it lasted, but really I need some space. In my clothes.

    I'll be in touch later in the year when the sleep deprivation kicks in and micorwave meals are the only answer.

    Love and Kisses

    Mr North(ern Hemisphere)"

    Free Member

    Not being funny but you really must be putting it away!

    Free Member

    What do you eat of a day?

    Free Member

    Nah, your not doomed, like you said just eat less. I have had the most stressful 6 months ever with baby and business setup and not much time to exercise. So eating a bit less with the amount your riding will soon sort it 😉

    Free Member

    I've experienced unprecidented weight gain when going from a 8 mile a day commute to a 37 mile a day commute.
    My theory is that unless you do it every single day, your new eating habit of getting the extra calories in really takes its toll on you on the days you dont cycle. So basically you have to cycle the distance every single day or just eat 2 parsnips and a carrot all day long.

    I'm averaging over 200 a week at the minute and havent even started doing weekend leisure miles yet this year, I managed to lose a half stone over a few months by conciously eating much much less than usual. Its all the snacking on Jaffa Cakes etc that do the damage

    Full Member

    I know what the culprits are:

    1. Junk food – I have a sweet tooth, so end up feeding off biscuits etc.
    2. Bread – I seem to have taken to this again, and have been eating toast at work in the morning.
    3. Convenience food – just laziness, and I can't say I even enjoy it
    4. Beer – this is a sad one. I hardly drink, but have recently got a bit of a taste back for ale.

    So, less of all of the above (esp 1-3) should see me right.

    EDIT: just seen Barry's post – quite..!

    Full Member

    Hunger is your friend.

    Free Member

    Or a tape worm.

    Can I borrow it for a bit….

    i once pulled a tapeworm out of my bottom

    Full Member

    i once pulled a tapeworm out of my bottom

    Some things just don't need to be shared…. 😯

    Full Member

    how hard is your commute? If its quite flat and your just going along steadily you probably wont be using up that much energy and I take it the 1 day 60 miler at the weekend is on the road.

    Free Member

    My wife's due soon, she's so round now, but I'm getting slimmer as she's stealing my food.

    Free Member

    Ourman' I was the same. It took me a while to realise. Put on some normal jeans and realisation.

    Funnily mrshora 10weeks on is now within 5lb's of her pre-pregnancy weight (she was a size8)…….but Im still struggling…..grrr pregnancy is hard on us men 8)

    Free Member

    I was the same. It took me a while to realise. Put on some normal jeans and realisation.

    You're not supposed to wear the missus' maternity trousers…

    Free Member

    It was actually my sisters jeans for my fakinger commute 😀

    Full Member

    how hard is your commute? If its quite flat and your just going along steadily you probably wont be using up that much energy and I take it the 1 day 60 miler at the weekend is on the road.

    Only a couple of mild lumps in the middle of the commute. Have been riding it at a tempo pace generally, so not completely slacking off but not battering. Did a chaingang last week as part of the ride home.

    Weekend riding is on the road – tend to ride hard (either chaingang, or fast ride with intervals thrown in). Now Mrs North is quite preggers, I've tended to restrict riding to once a weekend. Last Sunday was 70 miles in the Peaks.

    Free Member

    200miles+ a week…..

    Mines 30miles total commute a week 😆

    Free Member

    Funnily mrshora 10weeks on is now within 5lb's of her pre-pregnancy weight (she was a size8)…….but Im still struggling…..grrr pregnancy is hard on us men

    you'll be fine once you and your new boots hit the line dancing club 😉

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