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  • 100 Day Challenge 2024 – Exercise every day til Christmas
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    2 dog walks today. One long one this morning then a smaller one the evening. Also did a load of digging in the path that runs round our garden, clearing some big weeds and nasty grass stuff. Dunno what it was, I just dug out what the wife told me to!!

    Was planning a bike ride but other stuff got in the way.

    Full Member

    I’ve managed to stay consistent until today – positive Covid  test this morning, and spent the day lying bed feeling like crap.

    on the upside, I did fit in a nice wander up Conic Hill with the dog on Friday, before things went downhill


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    Absolutely spanked after 46km round the Grwyne Fawr loop

    Weather mostly stayed dry, until the last few km it started to rain heavy and I got a pinch flat that wouldn’t seal after the last rocky descent

    Full Member

    An 11km run today – on the road!

    New (road) shoes arrived this week and this was my first chance to try them out.


    I don’t want to jump to any conclusions after one short run but I’ll be paying extra atttention to some of my running dynamics stats for a while.

    Free Member

    Work and life knackered me again Friday and Saturday but took the boys swimming today, an hour of being chased and dunked and about 20 or so actual lengths. Run and karate tomorrow.

    Full Member

    Was a bit hungover today after some generous whisky measures last night, but managed an afternoon swim to skoosh away the sweats. Good to do something different, too.

    Full Member

    Day #21 – early pool swim 3.26 km in 65 minutes, energy levels were really low, I was ducking knackered all the way through the swim. No cramps though, but no speed, no flow, zero good swimming technique, Blurgh. Still managed to get it done though so all good.

    Full Member

    Day 22: public holiday here for the Monarch’s Official Birthday (!) so had a one hour gravel recovery spin.

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    Day 22: pre-breakfast Kassandra session.

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    Day #22 – physio exercises for 30 minutes, then lunchtime pool swim 2.82 km in 60 minutes.

    Full Member

    My usual run this morning and I have just completed an hour of weights straight after getting home from work.

    I always thought that my run which is the furthest perimeter of our village was about 5k after Jnr who is a regular runner estimated it. Turns out it’s a bit more, being measured at 7.3k. It takes me around 35 minutes on a good day, I’ve no idea if that is good or bad for a fifty something with dodgy knees?

    Full Member

    I’d be happy with that :) My goal is 1hr 10k pace on a non flat but not massively hilly route. But then I’m definitely more of a middle aged jogger than runner!

    15 mins Yoga, Muddy hike with mutts, 1hr10 on the Zwift-0-matic turbo, 15 mins with my free weights, what feels like about 2 hours doing blooming physio/ice on my elbow. I loved getting back on the MTB, the elbow wasn’t so keen.

    If I can make myself do that first thing Yoga, defo makes a difference to my day. Maybe just in my head but I’l take it!

    No time for doggos tomorrow, off to the big city, so it’s a 630am Zwift run instead. Can’t wait…

    Full Member

    Heavy weights at lunchtime and a zone 2 Zwift ride just now. I think I’ve lost 3 grams.

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    @sandboy, that’s a pretty tidy pace especially for a fiddy-something with dodgy knees.

    Monday rowing session here, 6x500m / 2:30 rest (plus 2k warmup)

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    Monday night is running club social run. 9.6km in the gloaming/twilight and full dark.


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    I thought I was blessed living on edge of  Cotswolds / FOD, but some of these pics are outstanding areas. Keep them coming

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    Weekend was a shortish bike ride on Saturday, and then a Vertical Kilometre trail race on Sunday. A long way off a podium finish, but quite happy with how it went – it took just over 1:20 to do the 7km / 960m climb. Today was pilates with the wife.

    Full Member

    Is it day 21 today? Hour in the gym this evening.

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    Day 23 and I got a weights session in before brekky and 30 mins of walking to and from work from the train.

    Full Member

    Zwift run done. Steps done. Shame I can’t just go back to bed :) Might sneak in a yoga later depending on how broken I am by the M32 later!

    Full Member

    Got a lovely 18 mile ride in last night with the Health Ride group.

    This morning was a trip to the gym. Got halfway through W7R1 of C25K and got an incredible dose of runners squits – luckily I was 10 feet from the disabled loo!

    Will need to do some stretches later to make it up to 30 minutes for the day.

    Full Member

    Day 23 – Yoga sesh.

    This challenge always makes me realise how little I ride my bike. But then, the weather is sheeeeeeite so quick and clean lunchtime rides are out.

    Full Member

    This challenge always makes me realise how little I ride my bike.

    My thoughts last week too – though I regularly mix up my exercise anyway.

    Full Member

    Day #23 – heading into London city today, so early doors turbo session on the Wattbike, 1 hour at 170w indicated 29.7 km. that’s me for today, as by the time I get home I’ll have zero motivation to do any more.

    Hats off to those of you who manage another 1/2 hour to hour after work.

    Full Member

    no idea what day we are on, but have not missed one yet.

    10 mile ride with my grandson yesterday, after school…….. pretty good for a 4 year old.

    and a couple of hours with Mrs t today, doing chores on the bikes.

    Free Member

    Another lunch run today, felt a bit meh and was lashing down all morning so had to dig deep into the reserves of canbearsedness but actually stayed dry and even sunny while I was out so will take that.

    Full Member

    Buggeration I’m out. Hacking cough and fatigue. Got bike on turbo set to go but shivery so no go.

    Free Member

    Give it a day or two then reconfigure your approach to suit, can always catch up later if you really feel that guilty

    Full Member

    I woke up this morning with a bit of a tight throat, that precursor to a cold. Managed a couple of hours zone 2 in (virtual) Colorado on the turbo, then a 20 minute post-ride stretch with Ash. I’m supposed to be swimming tomorrow but I’ll wait to see how I feel. My “long” Thursday run is looking in doubt too.

    Free Member

    D23 Fail. hit by bad cold and decided to just let it go.  Fingers crossed I can get back on tomorrow.

    Full Member

    After a couple of days walking I managed to get an hour of short tennis in today.

    Full Member

    I’m trying to keep motivated for this, or indeed any sort of exercise. Did an hour on the turbo last night, 30 minutes tonight. Will go back on for an hour tomorrow and repeat. The trouble is the job, the biscuits and the sitting around. And the coming winter. I have no drive to do anything and it is reflected in the 2kg I have gained since I last weighed myself.

    I need to stop eating biscuits. And exercise until I can’t do it any more,

    Full Member

    Day 23: busy and long day at work. Too cold to run (I’m in N Finland and only brought shorts) so opted for 30 mins Pilates with Nicole. Not pleasurable.

    Full Member

    an hour of short tennis

    Equivalent to 30 mins of ordinary tennis?

    Full Member

    @willard – don’t be too hard on yourself.  Try to keep it light and do something you might find fun/enjoyable. Can you break up the sitting around with 5 or 10 mins of light exercise?

    Free Member

    still going but the last 7 days have had to be walks with a chest infection keeping me off ‘proper’ exercise!

    Full Member

    Yoga last night then a 5k run between rain storms tonight, still tired from the weekend!

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    Day 24: A pleasant drizzly 26km lap up the old rail line and around the local dam (reservoir) before breakfast.



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    Got out on the bike this evening. Went into the garage to swap some cleats to new shoes and it starts pissing down!. Pottered about for 20 minutes and it was nice again! Actually remembered to take a photo as well.


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    Yesterday was a challenge in itself!!

    I single handedly carried over five hundred roof tiles onto a scaffolding, carrying five at a time meant for quite a few times up and down a ladder. By the time I got home, the only thing I could manage was an extended dog walk for just over an hour.

    The best of it is that I’m going to have to do it all over again today, only today forecasts rain all day!!

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