I know it’s a bit lefty but does it really matter what folk wear? If some fat bloke wants to go out and buy a flash bike and tight lycra then fair play to him, I hope he enjoys it. Likewise if someone wants to ‘buy’ into an image then let them, what does it really matter? Dress head to toe in the most expensive outdoorsy gear you can find and never set foot out of Chelsea, it really doesn’t matter does it?
What marks you out as a complete and utter bellend is behaving like a knob. Being rude, selfish or/and ignorant of others marks you out as a weapons grade helmet in my book. Want to look like a blend? Stand around talking loudly about how great you are, look down on others because they’re different, don’t say hello when someone says it to you, be rude. All of these things are a good indicator of the type of person you’re dealing with.
I’d rather talk to someone in pointy shoes, his sisters jeans and thick rimmed glasses who is a decent person than I would someone who dresses ‘correctly’ (ie like everyone else) who acts like a tool.