Tricky, as I remember several and they all blur together a bit. My dad was a GP and tended to change cars quite frequently in the early days so :-
Probably a pale ?green Ford Anglia – got a vague memory of peering out the bedroom window and seeing it in the drive.
But about that time a ?Grey Singer Gazelle came and stayed for a very short period. It apparently understeered so badly that every time my Dad turned the wheel he had enough time to wonder if the steering had in fact broken before it changed direction. I think it was with us for less than 3 months.
There was also a series of Ford Cortinas. Possibly a Mark1 before the Singer and a Mark2 after but the one I can picture on the drive was a light metallic green Mk3 Estate.
The first family car I can remember riding in was a bright Yellow Mk1 Ford Escort Mexico.
After that my dad went through a Renault phase, a Saab phase and then a Citroen phase which coincided with the start of my own car ownership which began with a 2CV6, NTB906W.