well, not Exactly self apointed experts BUT i think you might just know a few of em, Lol
Oh good grief.
They’re talking about technology we have, or had at the time. Like, physically built and in operation. We had the Space Shuttle up until a couple of years ago, we didn’t have any working Saturn V rockets lying around. It’s like me saying I’m going to buy a car so that I can drive to work and you concluding that I’ve never driven before and cars don’t exist.
I put it to you again. Conspiracy theories and videos of out-of-context quotes aside, if the moon landings were indeed faked do you think other countries would have sat back and said nothing? In the “space race” during height of the Cold War, do you not think that the USSR would’ve been all over NASA like a tramp on chips if they’d tried to pull the wool over their eyes? That’s the only question you need to ask to decide whether it’s true or not.
There was a lot of independent observers at the time, and of course Russia, China and other countries have their own space programmes today. Even if – somehow – the USA managed to either fool the entire world or get them all to buy in to a global conspiracy back then, they’d surely have been busted by now. See here:
You reckon Putin wouldn’t trade his entire gay porn collection for actual evidence that the USA had lied back in 1969? That’s an even crazier notion than suggesting that the moon landings were a hoax.