Back in August (yes, august) my sister sent a e-mail around the family, and in short she said “Amazon tokens, i want a Kindle….”. Now this is the person who in recent years has given second hand presents at Xmas pleading poverty, her husband is a tight fisted prick of a solicitor, and she currently doesn’t make enough of an effort to work.
At the time I was waiting on an MRI scan result that would make a decision whether I’d need chemo or maybe further brain surgery, so I didn’t even know if I would be in employment, my sick pay entitlement was due to end imminently anyway, and I e-mailed her to tell her I had other priorities. Oddly she’s managed to buy a Kindle herself, and my scan was fine, so I’m back on full time pay, and she’ll probably get an Amazon voucher from me for an e-book, however at the time it was just her typical blinkered “me, me, me” manner. I’ve got used to it over the last 40 years fortunately.
Spongebob – Member
I bought the misses a Dualit toaster one year. She went nuts!
Donkeys years ago my dad bought my mum a deep fat fryer, the old Tefal type, but put a bottle of Chanel No 5 inside it. Mother freaked on opening it, when she found the perfume she went even more ballistic and emptied it over the contents of his wardrobe! Mega Xmas that one was………