normally see 2 or so bike a year when doing bikeability, normally supermarket BSO.
Best one I had in the workshop, guy brought a bike in as his brakes not working very well and wanted them fixed as he was of to bike park Wales.
Anyway bike comes in, first thing I notice the grips, ones with wide parts to support the palm better, the palm bit pointing straight up!
then I pull the right brake to test the front brake, not much happen at the front, but the back brake is sort of working, no biggie I thought, he have them set up euro style, but something not right, just looks odd, notice the shifters not seating right then it dawns on me…….
Someone fitted the bars upside down making all the levers/brakes (cables a mess) the wrong way round and upside down, (why the brakes did not work fluid not covering the ports in the master cylinder)
SO chatting to him asking where he got the bike, would of put money on him say he got it mail order, but no he got it from a bike shop and that how it came!!