RE: Blair Witch – IMO it’s not a bad film for what it is – a micro budget ($35K), indie filmed over 8 days.
It’s problem was that it was actually, much, much better than it should have been given the above – someone paid them $1m for the rights, spent another $750k padding it out and then $25m promoting it – the first people who saw it, were told it was all real, which of course makes it far more interesting than if it was fiction and the ‘found footage’ angle made it very believable.
By the time it got it’s general release everyone knew it was ‘fake’ and audiences expecting a slickly made Hollywood big budget blockbuster which befitted a $25m promotional job, saw a $35k indie with $750k’s worth of padding and hated it.
I actually quite enjoyed it, but by the time I saw it, the back-lash had started and I wasn’t expecting much – I also enjoyed Prometheus, I didn’t see it until it came out on Blu-ray and by then everyone was screaming how crap it was – they were expecting a brilliant Alien prequel, I was expecting a slightly shit Sci-Fi shocker.