So many, where to start? At least (insert a number over 70)% of all the stuff churned out of Hollywood is utterly unredeemable pulp that takes itself horribly seriously. We find ourselves having to enjoy it ‘ironically’.
True – I dont’ (and don’t wish to) subsist wholly on a cinematic diet comprised of ‘World Cinema’ (you know, that ‘special interest’ sub-section of this American Globe) – but ye gods why can’t Hollywood at least try and make characters and their dialog even slighly believable?
It’s so customarily awful- yet they (Hollwood actors) are given pompous awards for even half-decent self-conscious attempts at appearing human before the camera – a big golden hurrah for grandstanding cheese – for doing ‘gravitas’ in such a way that makes you feel somewhat stupid for even viewing it. Wait, you paid for it?
Case in point – somebody mentioned Shawshank Redemption? I enjoyed this film a lot, it is a great Boy’s Own type tale of hope and of the human spirit – yet the acting is execrable cheese of a high pong-factor and the characters have all the cardboard-cut-out complexity and depth of the Muppet Show. It could so easily have been ‘high art’, yet it was popcorn, sweet and salted. Maybe that’s what we want? Who watches Shakespeare anyway?
So it’s really difficult choosing ‘the worst film’ ever from the endless reel of ‘worst films ever’ that we are customarily enjoying – whether unthinkingly, ironically or semi-ironically. The big attraction each year is most often *not* a sumptuous feast for the eyes, ears, brain and heart – it’s just more sugary, carb-loaded fast-food, albeit wrapped in this year’s new, ‘best-ever’ wrapping.
As for ‘World Cinema’? Even that also-ran backwater of the American Globe isn’t safe from Hollywood producers. They lurk, they. watch, waiting to pounce on any ‘Foreign’ cinematic triumph. They then quickly remake it in the aforementioned style of self-conscious fast-food pseudo-gravitas.
Imagine if you can Claid Chabrol’s ‘L’Enfer’ – except that it’s now titled ‘The Pain In Her Eyes’ starring Sharon Stone.
Blurgh. Blarrrghy! Grumpyman.