I’ve worked from home for the majority of my time since 2006 and there are only a few financial implications in my opinion. The main ones being:
Claiming expenses for travel to business meetings.
Company car option due to business travel.
No commuting costs
Reduced child care, as I can do the school run most of the time.
The main issues to be weighed up are are not financial though & I can certainly see how it won’t be good for everyone.
For example, you’ve got to be very motivated & ideally under pressure to make it work, otherwise distraction could be a major problem.
You have to find ways of dealing with the isolation, otherwise loneliness & paranoia (not knowing what’s going on in the office, or with your colleagues) could be a problem. Regular face to face meetings and decent online communication tools are invaluable for this too IMO.
If you’ve got a young family, like me, it gives you a fantastic opportunity to be there for them, much more so than if you had to work in an office/ factory from 9 to 5.
Basically if you’ve got an addiction to gaming, adult internet browsing habits or just love Jeremy Kyle, it’s probably not for you, but if you’re not too bothered about these things, give it a go, you might find you love the flexibility it gives you instead.