River Severn is the fastest, 5 points.
What is my role? – good question, we have a permanent standby of staff 24/7 who keep tabs on river levels and weather. This incident triggered the on duty staff member to escalate the situation. By the time I got to work the incident room was opened and a rota of people being populated to fulfil the myriad of work this generates. Outside of this rigid structure (that was also dealing with pollution incidents and further flooding) we operate a logistics and engineering cell. I managed this side of things in this incident, it’s an as and when scenario, I’m not on a roster and I have to drop the day job or weekend if I happen to get collared.
Who pays and how much did it cost. – The Environment Agency (through taxation) will probably pay for these works. We won’t pay to fix the private defence wall as it is if there is a solution with a better benefit/cost ratio, if that happens to be the cheapest way of protecting the town then so be it. The strategy for the area recommends a £20m sheet pile solution in 2050, it may be this is brought forward, if so, contributions from various beneficiaries will be sought.
Cost? Less than a 911, more than a Boxster.
Will we have to remove the bags? – I will not lift this material that has been in a watercourse over property. I suspect removal will involve a very big knife and the rock will be allowed to wash away. This is a long way in the future.
Did the locals make us cups of tea? – generally yes, some people were very frightened and we and our partners hopefully managed to reassure them as best as possible. We had the normal range of reactions. Some were abusive because the road was closed, some were angry they had to move their cars a few refused. A minority were seeking compensation for the noise disturbing them. However, like all of these stories, I think the people who didn’t voice an opinion were probably grateful we have a civilised system of taxation that means should this happen, there is a mechanism in place to minimise the potential harm. A local pub made us free tea all day and I was gifted a slice of home made fruit cake.
One chap ‘accidentally’ moved the road closure sign to drive to his spot outside the pub, I think the sight of the artic backing toward him made him need the pint more than he thought!