backhander I think for your own sake you need to sit down, have a cup of tea and read up on the facts and make sure you understand them before you dig a deeper hole, have a look at what you are actually linking to and bear in mind anti-wind sites have some truly hilarious ‘facts’ about wind turbines. My current favourite I came across the other day is that wind turbines actually work in reverse and are powered from the grid to spin to make the industry look better!
I’m a fan of well placed wind farms, but those with low capacity factors or too close to sensitive receptors aren’t a good idea. Offshore wind is fantastic and will be the way of the future – clamouring over onshore sites that have already been turned down is a sign that things will change. Micro renewables are great too – I’d love to have a house powered by things like solar, heated by the ground, a wee wind turbine, a little run of river hydro, would be lovely.