Home Forums Members Forum Whyte TeXtreme Innegra infused wheels

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  • Whyte TeXtreme Innegra infused wheels
  • endorium
    Full Member

    Looking at Whyte elyte MTB. They come with Whyte carbon wheels. Whyte TeXtreme Innegra infused.

    I can find nothing about these anywhere. Anyone any ideas? In house or rebranded etc?

    Full Member

    I reckon they’re probably the same rims as the Sector 9i, which I think is a Kinesis inhouse brand. Or something very similar anyway. They use the same “textreme” branding and made a big noise about innegra when they launched. But I had a wee look and I can’t find much info from whyte to try and match sizes etc

    (there’s another brand Nex-Gen that seems connected, but again it mgiht just be the same rims, even the graphics look the same as the Sectors)

    Full Member

    Think the bottom end Elyte comes with unbranded hubs (Novatech like older whyte hubs maybe?), the whole textreme innegra infused malarky is just the carbon fibre material used to make the rim, think the top of the range elyte comes with DT 240 hubs instead.

    They’ll do the job well no matter, especially on an ebike, so i wouldn’t worry too much about the wheels.

    Free Member

    The rims are Nex-gen. Awesome bits of kit!

    Full Member

    Had a wee further dig and the sector and nex-gen rims seem to be the exact same part so seems likely the Whytes are too. Though I think Whyte went 28/32 while the others are 28/28. But, the Sectors have reviewed pretty well in a couple of places.

    (plus, frankly the Whytes are the only ones that don’t look orrible, the sector and nex-gen share that hideous faux-woven graphic and “graphic design by an engineer” logo, the nex-gen gets a shiny logo like the Whytes but it’s lost with all the background, the whytes in the flesh are absolutely lovely with the shiny logo on plain carbon. )

    Full Member

    Brilliant, thanks everyone. Demoed the elyte today at forest of dean and loved it.

    Think I will have to get it 🙂 Thanks for the information

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