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  • Who's got a big TV then?
  • molgrips
    Free Member

    Saw a reasonably priced 60″ TV in Currys when looking at 55″s.

    Our current one is 40″, with loads of black plastic surrounding it as there was back in the day. It’s too small for video games – the sofa is now about 4m away and I can’t read any of the text.

    But the concern is that it will look enormous. So if you have such a thing, how do you find it? Were you concerned about size and were you justified, or not? Can you post up a picture?

    I’m sure lot of people keen to show their superiority will come post about how great they are because they have a 10″ black and white set for watching documentaries about beards and 70s French Molliere productions or have no telly choosing instead to sit and meditate with their family. If this is you, save your fingers, because I am already quite convinced of my superiority.

    Full Member (-:

    It’s odd, isn’t it. I used to have a 28″ Sony CRT which people commented on as being huge. I’d no problems playing games on it. Now my current set is 42″ and I get antsy if I’m further than a couple of metres from it.

    Free Member

    I used to have a 28″ Sony CRT which people commented on as being huge.

    …especially when they tried to lift it.

    Full Member

    We have a 50″ that we’ve had for quite a while now, I’d have no qualms about upgrading to 60″.

    I’m not posting pics so that people can criticise the carpet, etc.

    Free Member

    I upgraded from an old LG 37″ to 49″ Sony last Christmas, with the smaller bezel on the Sony it wasn’t that much bigger though now I wish I had gone for the 55″ model so my advice is go for the bigger TV.

    Full Member

    We have a 48″ and sit around 3.5m away. It’s mounted on the wall, with the bottom around 1.2m from floor.
    Would i go bigger? Yeah, i was a big sceptic about this one before we got it, but I love it now.
    I was sceptical about putting it on the wall before we did it, but i like that too.
    At 4m id say 60″ is a good size, not too big, not too small.

    Free Member

    65″ one here 🙂

    Went through the same thought process, but mounted on the wall it doesn’t look too big in my opinion. Most people don’t even really notice it.

    So glad we didn’t go smaller as it’s absolutely fantastic, along with the 5.1 surround sound for watching films. Gradually increasing 4k content on Netflix and Amazon Prime, which is good as well.

    Edit: we sit about 9′ away from the screen.

    Free Member

    In the spirit of Carry On you get used to the size quite quickly. One TV is 54 (46 screen) including the surround and when we look at the 40 it looks tiny. The newer ones of course the screen goes to the edge so less wasted space. Does also depend on the room of course

    I am already quite convinced of my superiority.

    Have you been eating Cajun rice ?

    Full Member

    60″ here too.. as always now we have it, it looked enormous in the shop and frankly, we would probably go up to 80″.

    Perfect for google earth and route planning….

    Full Member

    38″ here I think. Anything bigger would look daft in my living room

    Free Member

    went from a sony 50″ to a sony 65″. Looks far too big for about 10 minutes then seems normal. The 50″ on the bedroom wall looks like a postage stamp now.

    Full Member

    The relative massiveness of any new TV lasts about 2 hours afaik!

    Full Member

    ours is about 45 or so – seemed massive when we got it (replaced a 37 that went a bit wappy on the HDMI input), now I’d deffo like a bigger one still although it wouldn’t really fit where the current one goes if it was much bigger

    (and if we’re humblebragging about massive lounges ( 😉 ) then my 37 inch one is in the upstairs bit of my garage running zwift ! 8)

    Free Member

    ^^ Andy K this 🙂

    Free Member

    We have a wall mounted 46″ in the living room and that doesn’t seem too big. If anything it takes up a lot less space than the 32″ CRT TV it replaced. We’ve also got a home cinema set-up in another room – that’s something like an 8ft screen so when the screen is down it does somewhat dominate the room, but otherwise it’s not obtrusive.

    Free Member

    I have a 108 inch TV in my media room*.

    It looks tiny compared to my Imax screen in the ballroom**

    *not really
    **also not really

    Full Member

    Just moved into a new house where the previous owners had massive tellys which they had mounted on the walls all over the place. The living room is way bigger than in the old house (humblebrag counter – other rooms are smaller).

    Our 32″ telly on which we view black and white Moliere documentaries now looks like a child’s toy one and I’ve no idea if it can be put on a wall.

    How big is big these days, and what’s normal?

    Free Member

    We have 2 TV’s. One is 19″, the main one is 22″ neither are black and white , both are LED and we don’t watch french beards

    Neither of us can see the need for anything larger. We are obviously living in the stone age

    Full Member

    perchy, one of your pouffes* is out of alignment**

    * really
    ** not really

    Free Member

    perchy, one of your pouffes* is out of alignment**

    Not pouffes – actually cleverly concealed sub woofers.*

    As for the alignment, I shall give the butler a sound thrashing** when I get home

    *just made this bit up but it’s a crackin’ idea

    ** Not a euphemism, but it might be if that picture was actually my house.

    Free Member

    When we moved in to our place we upgraded from a 32″ to a 42″ or maybe even 48″ not sure now. Wall mounted in the new place as opposed to on a corner stand in the old place. We must sit 3.5m away from it directly in front, on my sofa off to the side closer to 4m I imagine.

    Went from lugging this massive tele through Argos thinking wow this is going to be too big, squeezing it into the car, this is going to be too big, got it out of the box, wow, look how big it is, got it on the wall and within 5 minutes, yeah wish I’d bought a bigger one.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 15″ bush.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 15″ bush.

    Is it from the 70’s?

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 15″ bush.


    Full Member

    My one and only telly will be one of the smallest on here and it suits me fine. Have no need for anything larger nor a need for them in the kitchen or bedroom.

    Shall keep my thoughts to myself concerning larger sets. 🙂

    Free Member

    I am not hijacking this thread as such just more of a side note but how do people hide all the connections for the tv when wall mounting them? I am considering a larger tv just like the OP but i am more bothered about the ugly wires. Its on a thick chimney breast with no way of my chasing the cables in (not doing conduit either).

    Free Member

    It’s odd, isn’t it. I used to have a 28″ Sony CRT which people commented on as being huge. I’d no problems playing games on it. Now my current set is 42″ and I get antsy if I’m further than a couple of metres from it.

    They make the font smaller, as screens get bigger.

    I become convinced we need a larger TV when I can no longer read the graphics on Tour de France coverage.

    Free Member

    I went from a 37″ samsung with the large surround of black plastic to a more modern 47″ one with virtually no surround at all. The overall increase in width was something like 25mm and as it sat back so flush with the wall it actually appears smaller than before until you turn it on.

    Now I’ve swapped my living room around and have he tv at one end and a couple of comfy armchairs at the other for non tv lounging around, not every moment in a comfy chair has to be in front of the tv, so I wish I’d gone to 60″.

    Oh, and they will appear bloody massive in your house compared to the shop. I also found Richer sounds a little cheaper and far nicer buying experience.

    Free Member

    I am not hijacking this thread as such just more of a side note but how do people hide all the connections for the tv when wall mounting them? I am considering a larger tv just like the OP but i am more bothered about the ugly wires. Its on a thick chimney breast with no way of my chasing the cables in (not doing conduit either).

    I’m afraid you’ve ruled out the only two ways!

    Are you sure you can’t chase them in? Chimney breast is made of brick / stone so would be fine?

    Free Member

    We have a 37 inch tv (about 10 years old) which I think is too small but my wife thinks it is perfectly fine. However we are redecorating/remodelling our front room in the near future so I am working on getting a bigger/newer tv for then.

    Full Member

    Tentatively mentioned looking at bigger tellies to Mrs Pondo only last week (we’re stuck in 32″-land), and that was declined. 🙁 We don’t have a massive living room so couldn’t go enormous, but I reckon it’d take something a bit bigger.

    Free Member

    If you’re not prepared to cut a chase in the brickwork or run conduit, which I wouldn’t be happy doing either, then you’ve limited your options to zero 🙂

    Full Member

    I’ve got a 12 incher* but I don’t use it as a rule**.

    *Not true

    Free Member

    I’m afraid you’ve ruled out the only two ways!

    except the third way?

    Strap out the chimney breast with timber and include a plywood pad for fixing the TV bracket to.

    Run conduit between the straps, plasterboard over and decorate.

    Free Member

    Is the TV the new penis compensator now that cars are not so cool?

    Full Member

    49″ here which is more or less the same size as the 40 it replaced. I’m sure this isnt to everyones taste but i like it

    Free Member

    60″ here and all I see is the big picture, but I just put a 32″ HD TV in the bedroom and was watching a movie on it last night and I was conscious that I could see the TV itself as well as the picture. Go back to the 90s and a 32″ TV would have been huge!

    Free Member

    The room is slightly L shaped. One leg of the L is now filled with a big lounging around on L shaped sofa (which we were initially concerned would be too huge but now love…) and opposite it is the long wall of the L, 4.5m away. So it’s a pretty large otherwise blank wall.

    Existing wall mounted telly has a fat plastic surround (just measured it, the screen is actually a 40, the same wife who is now hankering for the 60 prevented me from buying the 46 at the time) and is pretty thick – this coupled with the cheap mount puts the screen about 6-8″ into the room.

    Really, the wall is perfect for it, and as thin as they are now (and with an appropriately slimline mount) I think 60 will be ace.

    As for cables, they are already hidden in the wall. Sawed out a piece of plasterboard to hide the wires behind. Saw cuts at an angle not perpendicular, it was un piece de gateau to put the piece back and it’s surprisingly undetectable.

    Free Member

    They look much smaller when they are mounted on the wall I thinkZ

    This is my man cave, 65″ on the wall and it looks perfectly normal to me, especially now the screen goes right to the edge.

    Free Member

    Do people actually have houses that tidy?

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