Home Forums Bike Forum Which yellow bleed block for Shimano M445 brakes?

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  • Which yellow bleed block for Shimano M445 brakes?
  • perthmtb
    Free Member

    Shortened my front brake hose last week, and then did a quick bleed just to make sure. Didn’t have the yellow Shimano bleed block thingy so stuck a wooden peg in there instead – damn thing twisted and one of the pistons popped out – brake fluid everywhere, and lots of air inside system 😳

    So, I want to get the proper yellow Shimano bleed block for next time I need to do a bleed, but can’t find anything on the interweb under my brake model – M445.

    I can find one here Slanes M575 bleed spacer for M575 brakes, and seeing as the M575 takes the same pads as the M445 I’m assuming that will fit?

    Can anyone confirm or otherwise? Thanks.

    PS: Don’t bother suggesting I ask LBS for one – it took them 3 months and constant pestering to come up with one of the orange pad spacers thats supposed to come with the bike.

    Free Member

    why not just fold up some cardboard and push it in?

    Free Member

    Appreciate the suggestion – but I don’t want to try anymore workarounds in case I get another disaster like the peg! After the faff last time I’d rather just use the thing made for the job – its only a couple of quid, and I wasted that much in new oil last time!

    Free Member

    In the remote chance that someone is trawling through the archives pondering the same situation – I’m now able to answer my own question –

    Yes, the M575 Shimano yellow bleed blocks fits the M445/6 brakes….

    Free Member

    I find the blocks are too big – for XTR anyway. I prefer a thinner space as that moves the bite point of the lever closer to the bar.

    Free Member

    Hmmm… trying to work this one thru in my head… wouldn’t a thinner bleed block move the bite point further from the bar, ie. the brakes bite earlier in the lever travel?

    Free Member


    It was early 🙂

    Free Member

    i used a stack of 2pence’s.think it was 5-6 and it worked a treat.pistons wouldnt budge…

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