Newcastle Brown has not been the same since they moved it to Tadcaster. FiL gave me four bottles at Christmas, still got 2 of them.
some of my favourites:
Thornbridge Jaipur
Theakston’s Old Peculier
Theakston’s Lightfoot
Wychwood Hobgoblin
Wychwood Wychcraft
Thwaites Tavern Porter
Fullers London Porter
Saltaire Raspberry Blonde
Saltaire Triple Chocoholic Stout
Saltaire Cascade Pale Ale (well they are my local brewery!)
Fullers Black Cab London Stout
Blackout (NYMoors brewery?) Porter
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Thwaites Wainwright
Moorhouses Pendle Witches Brew
Old Speckled Hen (but I have the recipe so I brew my own version! Same for Old Peculier & Hobgoblin)
when in France: Pelforth Brune
when in Ireland – well there’s not really much choice TBH (where I go): Guinness or, er, can’t remember the name, but it’s a bit like John Smiths and no, it’s not Caffreys