Home Forums Chat Forum Where's the STW summer budget thread?

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  • Where's the STW summer budget thread?
  • Northwind
    Full Member

    everyone – Member

    I just wonder why you’re getting so het up about something that’s going to have minimal impact in your lives

    Because we’re not ****s, basically. Are we only allowed to want what makes things better for ourselves, or to complain about what cuts us personally? Jog on.

    Free Member

    Sky News being in no way biased with it’s reporting of “the key points”.


    It’s not even factually correct!

    “Tax-free personal allowance to be raised to £11,000 next year – boosting wages by £900”

    What? the current Tax Free Personal Allowance is £10,800 meaning those earning more than £11k a year, will now avoid tax on £200 of it, at 20% – which will save you £40 a year, £3.33 a month.

    “Higher rate of income tax threshold raised to £43,000” from £42,385 – meaning if you earn more than £43k a year, you’ll pay 20% on £615 of it, instead of 40% or £123 a year, £10.25 plus the £3.33 so a grand total of £13.58 a month.

    Try as I might, I can’t make any of those figures add up to the £900 in their vague, but nice sounding headline.

    Full Member

    Living Wage Foundation says:

    “Is this really a Living Wage? The Living Wage is calculated according to the cost of living whereas the Low Pay Commission calculates a rate according to what the market can bear. Without a change of remit for the Low Pay Commission this is effectively a higher National Minimum Wage and not a Living Wage.”

    Free Member

    Hang on, how many of you self title middle class whiney c*ockbags are actually on minimum wage?

    I’m not trying to argue the rights or wrongs of it I just wonder why you’re getting so het up about something that’s going to have minimal impact in your lives (yes I’m aware that it might impact on some of you due to being an employer/being on min. wage, I’m talking about the other middle class whiney ones)

    Some of us have worked minimum wage jobs in the past? And have class allegiances?

    Free Member

    Yeah… why would we give a flying **** about anyone else other than ourselves?

    There’s no such thing as society, after all eh?

    I wonder who you voted for?

    It was only a question, no need for that sort of vehement response. Now, do you need a stepladder to get down from that horse or do you think you can be a brave boy and manage all by yourself?

    Oh and I voted Labour btw, so you can funk off with your stereotypes.

    Some of us have worked minimum wage jobs in the past?

    Same here, and it’s nice to see that it’s getting increased (whether it’s in line with the increases in food/bills/housing etc are another story) but since it doesn’t effect me or my gf then I take less of an interest in it than other things that do have an impact.

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member

    everyone – Member

    I just wonder why you’re getting so het up about something that’s going to have minimal impact in your lives

    Because we’re not ****s.

    Exactly, some of us really believe in society, and not ‘grab what you can and **** everyone else.’.

    Full Member

    Hang on, how many of you self title middle class whiney c*ockbags are actually on minimum wage?

    Some of us prefer to be known as German Apologists.

    And no, not on the minimum wage.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Yay 1% max rise a year for the next 4 years.

    Full Member

    everyone – Member

    It was only a question, no need for that sort of vehement response.

    Yep, it’s not like you dismissed people as being whiny middle class cockbags is it? Oh no wait.

    Free Member

    Yep, it’s not like you dismissed people as being whiny middle class cockbags is it? Oh no wait.

    The majority of the damn forum calls itself that for crying out loud!

    Full Member

    Yeah, but its like the N word. We’re allowed to use it to refer to ourselves! You’re not 😉

    Anyway… I’m authentic northern working class scum. Don’t be calling me middle class. Though I am a whiney cockbag 😀

    Free Member

    Yay 1% max rise a year for the next 4 years.

    What’s the current rate of inflation?

    Would you prefer a 6% pay rise and 5% inflation I wonder? Would that sound better?

    As already pointed out, them in the public sector who are on or around minimum wage will be getting a 10% pay rise, that’s a good thing innit? Those worse off than you are getting your pay rise, isn’t that how it’s supposed to work?

    Full Member

    It’s a whiny middle class cockbag thing. You wouldn’t understand.

    Full Member

    Osbourne announces that anyone receiving disability benefit can now be legally hunted by Non Doms for sport.

    Full Member

    That image is genuinelly really, really disturbing. He gets more like Steve Bells portayal of him by the day…

    Full Member

    Good summary in the Grauniad

    He has used the first budget of the new parliament to establish a second important untruth. Namely, that poverty in Britain is in some curious sense the product of the government having given poor people too much money. As the chancellor savaged family tax credits, he was shameless in skating over how these are in fact the building blocks for the Tories’ own universal credit, which he is undermining before it has even got going. He was shameless, too, in forgetting how he himself had – during the days when David Cameron’s Tories were still interested in projecting a moderate face – felt it necessary to increase the main tax credit rate to protect poor children. Now the credits were presented, plain and simple, as the wicked legacy of Gordon Brown, which ensnared the poor in a hideous system of bureaucracy.


    Full Member

    Hang on, how many of you self title middle class whiney c*ockbags are actually on minimum wage?

    I’m not trying to argue the rights or wrongs of it I just wonder why you’re getting so het up about something that’s going to have minimal impact in your lives (yes I’m aware that it might impact on some of you due to being an employer/being on min. wage, I’m talking about the other middle class whiney ones)

    Are there any Tories here today?

    Full Member

    Those worse off than you are getting your pay rise, isn’t that how it’s supposed to work?

    No, I’d prefer to be able to employ good teachers to replace those leaving the job in huge numbers. All schools around me are really struggling to get enough teachers let alone good ones.

    Free Member

    Yup ^

    Full Member

    Are there any Tories here today?

    They’re all at Wimbledon, no one in the City works in the summer!

    Full Member

    @ everyone ” I voted Labour btw, so you can funk off with your stereotypes “
    Ah a #redtory 🙂

    Err. If minimum wage is, £7 ph and “she” works 45 hours a week. Then if it goes up to £9 ph, a weekly difference of £90.
    Then that £90 pw is going to sink the business? Or the business makes less than 5k profit a year??

    The business loses money through the winter and makes money in the summer. It’s a sideline for me, so doesn’t need to make money, but I’m not doing it for fun. It’s only been going for 18 months, so the next 6 months will determine whether or not I continue. With a crap exchange rate to China (USD) and an increasingly competetive online market compared to a bricks and mortar outlet, if I paid her an extra £80/90 p/w, the business would close and she would be in the situation she was before I employed her. I’ve no idea what her disposable income was before I gave her a job, but she’s told me, she is much happier working for me than she was before.

    Yes, this is just a snapshot of what goes on with my tiny business, but I’d hate to rely on retail for a living and I don’t blame the government for that.

    Free Member

    Well with Harriet caught a little off guard today she can at least come here for inspiration and ideas.

    Free Member

    Pay rise capped at 1% for public sector workers for another 4yrs.

    Except for MPs of course.

    theyre not public sector workers but elected members of a parliment, that some people voted in .

    Free Member

    No-one likes a Tory..
    Me personally? I find them repulsive in all their forms, from the tory voter to the prime minister they instill in me a physical revulsion, hatred, sadness, fear and contempt..

    But I have to say, I thought this budget seemed pretty fair and even elicited spontaneous applause as I listened to it on the wireless earlier

    Full Member

    But I have to say, I thought this budget seemed pretty fair and even elicited spontaneous applause as I listened to it on the wireless earlier

    I assume you don’t like people with children (and neither do the Tories).

    They seem to do rather badly out of it:

    Full Member

    None of the above guardian pigeon holes

    Free Member

    Any Tories in? Yes thanks.

    binners – Member
    An interesting stat for you:
    If the minimum wage had kept pace with average boardroom pay rises since it was introduced, it would now stand at £21 an hour.

    I call bullshit on that.

    yunki – member
    No-one likes a Tory..
    Me personally? I find them repulsive in all their forms, from the tory voter to the prime minister they instill in me a physical revulsion, hatred, sadness, fear and contempt..

    That’s pretty pathetic, and surprisingly seemed to be very prevalent in social media before, during and after the election.
    and yet, look around. Most of the country voted Conservative….

    Free Member


    Pull the other one you insidious turd

    Grow up!

    I thought the budget was fair, that’s a compliment but like a true tory you still have to be odious..

    Free Member

    You’re going to have to elaborate on that?

    Edit post your edit:
    Ok, fair comment ref finding the budget fair but the rest was perhaps a little over the top no? I’m sure your a perfectly nice chap, yet I somehow feel that to be that judgmental based on voting Tory make you sound completly unhinged. It’s also, as pointed out, not just a yunki thing, it’s been expressed over Twitter, Facebook and all over here. Haven’t seen much of the labour bashers and you’ve got to admit that most people prefere the Tories so you would have thought that’s not be the case…

    Free Member

    Most of the country voted conservative..!? You’re living on a dream world!

    Get thee behind me vile tory demon!

    There are many many more of us than you

    Free Member

    Most of the country voted Conservative….

    Only 37% of the country voted Conservative….

    Personally I don’t know how anyone with even a tiny bit of social conscience can try and justify Tory policy 🙁

    Free Member

    whatnobeer – Member
    Most of the country voted Conservative….
    Only 37% of the country voted Conservative….
    Personally I don’t know how anyone with even a tiny bit of social conscience can try and justify Tory policy

    Ok more people voted Tory than any other party, but that part was a troll really.

    And you’ll notice I don’t try to justify any policy at all, but I sure as hell didn’t enjoy the last labour policies either!

    Free Member

    Ok yunki, who did you vote for?

    Grouping everyone else against the Tories is a fairly stupid argument.

    Free Member

    Which way did I vote?
    Which part of ‘get thee behind me’ did you not understand oh foulest blue sphincter of the darkest night?

    Be gone evil etonian.. Reign terror and dread upon us no more

    Free Member

    tinybits are you new to the forum. There is a reason why anyone with a non left view doesn’t bother posting on these threads, it isn’t worth the effort.

    Free Member

    Yes jonba.. Tories are despised universally, and it is reflected here as it is anywhere in the country

    The world is changing rapidly, and it must have come to your attention that most people in the world are leftists..
    One day the right will be extinct..

    You’re dinosaurs
    Profit and greed are no longer fashionable 🙂

    Free Member

    Tories are despised universally

    Yet they just keep winning elections 😈

    Personally, working for myself, I quite like making a profit yunki – I’d be pretty screwed otherwise. Do you make no profit whatsoever from whatever existence you scrape through life with? Accept that some others may have it a bit better than you FFS!

    I’m getting pretty tired of socialist/communist pretenders who haven’t had the gumption to go out and make some sort of decent career for themselves bleating all over social media how unfair life is. You should have listened harder at school, deal with it!

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