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  • Where's the STW summer budget thread?
  • Solo
    Free Member

    And where’s the thread/ranting about the bank’s maximum protection threshold being lowered from 85k to 70k, thread?

    Full Member

    All summed up nicely here

    We all know what we’re getting. Shafted! Unless you’re rich. In which case… happy ****ing days!!!!

    Disabled people can go and **** themselves. The bloody parasites! My mates get to pass on their million pound + homes on to their braying offspring tax free. BOOM! prioriies well and truly sorted.


    Free Member

    TL;DR – the lefties aren’t going to like people having to pay for their own lifestyles.

    Free Member

    Thanks, Binners, you realise I’m going to have to get my phone decontaminated now it’s been directed to the guardian website.
    Does anyone know if theres any Gov support for replacing my phone?

    Free Member

    Excellent piece by Frankie 😀 Where’d you hear about that then binbins? 😛

    In short folks, they hate you. Even you right wingers (who have been shown to be on average a bit thicker than lefties) who aspirationally vote for them – here’s a thing…they hate you too.

    Full Member

    the lefties poor aren’t going to like people having to pay for their own the rich’s lifestyles.


    In short folks, they hate you. Even you right wingers (who have been shown to be on average a bit thicker than lefties) who aspirationally vote for them – here’s a thing…they hate you too.

    Unless you’re a millionaire in which case you’ll have already received your invite for the hookers and coke after budget party. Apparently they’ve hired some disabled people for paint ball target practice as part of the after party entertainment.

    Free Member

    I’ve heard in-work tax credits may be up for revision.

    That’s only ok with me if the gov twists both arms up the back of business to get wages elevated to fill the shortfall.

    Free Member

    trying to follow binnies link from work and I get

    The website you have tried to access has been blacklisted by the UK security authorities and/or xxxxxx Security. Access to this site is not permitted

    Free Member

    yay! – tax cuts for millionaires!

    thank Christ for that, i was beginning to worry about the poor lambs. Because, y’know, the problem with this country is that there just aren’t enough ways for rich people to avoid paying tax.

    Full Member

    I’ve heard in-work tax credits may be up for revision.

    Fine if they upped the minimum wage, but if they don’t it’s just shafting the poor whilst letting the rich off the hook for paying peanuts.

    Full Member

    trying to follow binnies link from work and I get

    It’s a guardian link, who do you work for? GCHQ?

    Free Member

    tax cuts for millionaires!

    We need to keep wealth creators in the country don’t you know! 🙂

    Don’t want them all going to live wherever they keep their bank accounts. 😐

    Full Member

    We do know that pic is old don’t we? I believe it is Champagne delivered for Gordon Brown if memory serves.

    Full Member

    About the champagne photograph, it’s from 2004, when a certain Mr Brown worked inside, but the champers is thought to be headed upstairs to Mr Blair’s residence above.


    Free Member

    Footflaps. I thought that was my point, wages need to rise.
    essentially, replacing gov subsidies to shareholders, with higher wages paid by the employer.

    Full Member

    I’ve heard in-work tax credits may be up for revision.

    Fine if they upped the minimum wage, but if they don’t it’s just shafting the poor whilst letting the rich off the hook for paying peanuts.

    You’re familiar with the Tories raison d’etre, right?

    At the risk of sending the security forces round for midnight door knocking

    the benefits scroungers George won’t be addressing today

    How do we ALL finance this demand in wage rises? I run a small business and pay my shop staff above minumum wage, which she is happy about. If I had to pay her £9 odd p/h, my business would fold. I can’t increase my retail prices, or reduce any other overheads.

    Full Member

    You’re familiar with the Tories raison d’etre, right?

    Sadly yes.

    The five tenants of conservatism.

    1. Poverty is a moral failing
    2. Disability is a moral failing
    3. Moral failings must be punished to instil character
    4. Money is a virtue
    5. There’s no point being rich if you can’t lord it over the poor, so the government’s duty to the rich is to ensure there is an underclass to mock

    Full Member

    Free Member

    And where’s the thread/ranting about the bank’s maximum protection threshold being lowered from 85k to 70k, thread?

    does that only count for a single bank – ie can you spread it out between different banks and be protected?

    Full Member

    How do we ALL finance this demand in wage rises? I run a small business and pay my shop staff above minumum wage, which she is happy about. If I had to pay her £9 odd p/h, my business would fold. I can’t increase my retail prices, or reduce any other overheads.

    Do your staff top up their wages with tax credits? It sounds like it. What happens when they can’t do that any more (tomorrow)? Then they no longer earn a wage they can live on. What happens then?

    Do you think the Tories have thought that one through?

    Actually, they probably have, and decided they couldn’t care less. Somebody has to pay for their rich frends tax cuts, after all. The poor and the disabled are the usual scapegoats, but it seems like like the working poor are really for it this time! Again.

    Free Member

    Hate! So, um, those who voted Conservative, kinda like the conservatives, but they’re fools because the conservative party hates them back.

    Hhmmm, so it wasn’t anything to do with what was on offer, with regard to whom to vote for….
    A somewhat narrow perspective.

    Profits are lower or if they’re already zero, then….. 😉

    Free Member

    How do we ALL finance this demand in wage rises? I run a small business and pay my shop staff above minumum wage, which she is happy about. If I had to pay her £9 odd p/h, my business would fold. I can’t increase my retail prices, or reduce any other overheads.

    Oh well – it looks like your business, as with a hell of a lot of other businesses, isn’t financially viable without government support.

    Full Member

    If we raised more money from large corporations we could reduce taxation on small companies eg reduce rates etc…

    Free Member

    A somewhat narrow perspective.

    Voting Tory certainly is. 🙂 It’s as narrow as it gets. Only allows one person through. Me me me me me me.

    Free Member

    That’s only ok with me if the gov twists both arms up the back of business to get wages elevated to fill the shortfall.

    If you think that’s going to happen, you are smoking crack

    Free Member

    Err. If minimum wage is, £7 ph and “she” works 45 hours a week. Then if it goes up to £9 ph, a weekly difference of £90.
    Then that £90 pw is going to sink the business? Or the business makes less than 5k profit a year??

    Edit: Numbers above were simplistic, for illustrative purposes.

    Free Member

    And where’s the thread/ranting about the bank’s maximum protection threshold being lowered from 85k to 70k, thread?

    does that only count for a single bank – ie can you spread it out between different banks and be protected?

    £70k per financial institution. If you’ve got £210k in cash, place it with at least 3 banks. Be aware that cash balances with other firms (investment brokers for instance) are likely to be placed with similar firms & you may, in aggregate, have more than the threshold as a result.

    The reason for the reduction has nothing to do with our government, its an EU directive. €100,000 is the maximum protected, Sterling equivalent is reviewed every 5 years. The strength of sterling means the GBP protected amount has fallen.

    Free Member


    With respect, I believe you’re very much smarter than that.

    Free Member

    “with respect” = “I’m about to floor you with a mild insult”

    Typical tory.

    Full Member

    Voting Tory certainly is. It’s as narrow as it gets. Only allows one person through. Me me me me me me.

    People think they’re voting for ‘me’, but really they’re voting for ‘them’ (as in the rich, which they’ll never be).

    It’s a great scam which seems to work really well.

    Free Member

    Ending permanent non-dom status and not allowing it to be inherited = terrible tories being terribly tory again.

    Free Member

    Typical tory

    I meant it, also, I didn’t vote, if that helps.

    Free Member

    It’s a guardian link, who do you work for? GCHQ?

    No, but close 😉

    Free Member

    So, ‘road tax’ returns!

    Free Member

    guardian links dont work here since the recent format change.

    Full Member

    Is that since they relocated their servers to North Korea?

    Full Member

    Pay rise capped at 1% for public sector workers for another 4yrs.

    <doffs cap>


    Full Member

    You do know that GCHQ run the Guardian, it’s a honey pot for 5th columnists.

    Full Member

    Pay rise capped at 1% for public sector workers for another 4yrs.

    That much! He must be feeling generous. Probably matched with a tax credit cut of 50%, just to balance the books!

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