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  • Wheelbuilders, what would be stiffer?
  • bigdugsbaws
    Free Member

    Assuming the same hubs, rims and equal spoke tensions are used, what would be the least flexy:

    A: 32H 29er wheel built with DT Comps

    B: 36H 29er wheel built with DT Revs

    My money is on B despite the skinny spokes.

    Free Member

    I doubt anyone actually knows the answer, though i have read somewhere that 36 over 32 gave x% more stiffness or strength, or something. Can’t remember the number x, though it was more than 4/32 IIRC.

    Free Member

    Are the comps 2.0/1.8/2.0 and the rev 2.0/1/5/2.0? If they are I am not sure as use Sapim spokes then I have tried building a front wheel (less tension than the driveside of a rear) using Sapim 2.0/1.5/2.0mm spokes and I gave up in the end as the spokes twisted when tensioning and stretched to much preventing a really true wheel forming. I got the wheel to within 0.2mm laterally and radially and it went out again after stress relieving. Even making just one adjustment and stress relieving and then another did not help much. Rebuilt it with Sapims Race spokes and no such problems. So I think the 32 hole with comp spokes would be stiffer and rounder and truer and it would stay that way for longer.

    But for larger flange hubs these thin spokes might be more useable as lower tensions can be run ad still provide lateral stiffness. So in truth it will partly depend on what hub you are using. For simplisity stick the competition spokes or use Sapims Race spokes + nipples.

    Free Member

    0.2mm how did you measure that?

    Your race spokes are the same as revs, the only difference could be the thread or nipple. I doubt either could make the difference you suggest.

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