I’d avoid the Renthall.
I’ve tried:
Salsa – lasted ages,trouble-free.
Cycle Dynamics (Ti) – lasted ages, trouble-free.
Thorn – lasted ages,trouble-free.
Renthall – constant aggro. Chainring bolts kept undoing themselves, chain dropped as a result, teeth chewed up. Tried numerous different bolts of different lengths and they all needed tightening daily to keep it working. Same cranks (XT HT2) and bolts had no problems with any of the other rings.
As for a tensioner, I’ve got a Yess ETR-V and Rohloff going spare, either of which would be fine, but anything else sprung seems designed to fail. Currently running a DMR Tension Seeker which sought tension and failed to find it, so it’s now held in place with a thick zip tie. Can’t get the right chainline with either the Rohloff or Yess (as running a big ring) otherwise I’d use one of those.