Home Forums Bike Forum What's the best SS chainring?

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  • What's the best SS chainring?
  • Elfinsafety
    Free Member

    Well my cheapo FSA one has worn and the chain is slipping badly; can’t put any power down without it slipping.

    Is it worth buying something like a Surly stainless steel one? Will it last a lot longer?

    What other chainrings last for a decent while if SSing? TBH the FSA was only a temporary replacement but has lasted pretty well. Think it was a Middleburn or something previously; that lasted ages.

    Ooh Renthal!!

    It’s forty pounds though. Is it worth it?

    Full Member

    I’ve always used Surly. When the chain is .75 worn, I replace the chain and reverse mount the chainring and cog – last for ages

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    I thought Titanium chainrings wore down very quickly..
    Have heard that about cassettes

    Free Member

    Surly are the ones to go for

    Free Member

    I’m not spending all that money on a Ti ring. Don’t be daft.

    But please feel free to argue on this thread, in fact I positively encourage it. 🙂

    This chainring is the best

    No, this one is and you’re a moron!

    No, you’re a moron so shut up!

    You smell!

    Oh, and preferably 5-bolt 94mmBCD pattern, although I spose I could utilise a 4-bolt crank I have in my spares box.

    Free Member

    On-One stainless steel, £25

    Full Member

    Salsa last very well for alloy
    Surly wear incredibley well, but dont like being bashed on logs
    Renthal look lovely, and you can wear them as medalions when they wear out.
    FSA are cheap, look great, work well, but wont last forever.

    If your chain is slipping… do you need to adjust your tensioner?

    Give me a call or email if you get stuck… here to help.

    linky linky


    Free Member

    my on one stainless has been going for an age and haven’t had to reverse it yet….cheap and hard as nails..

    Free Member

    If your chain is slipping… do you need to adjust your tensioner?

    That’s a thought. I’m using a Surly Singulator on a regular geared frame. TBH there isn’t a great deal of tension in the spring, but that’s cos Singulators are crap imo as it’s impossible to do the cheese-like springs up to provide enough tension on the chain. Chainline is fine.

    Tried new cog, new chain so must be the chainring, no? It does look a bit worn.

    Free Member

    I’d say Surly too.
    I generally use Surly F&R, and they seem to last ages.

    Free Member

    turn the ring around and see if that works, if its not ramped and pinned then should be ok.

    I also rate the surly however they are finicky on what chain you use, e.g they have issues with 9 speed.

    I also have a salsa which is lighter and is lasting very well, so that would be my recommendation.
    fwiw i also have an fsa which works fine, and is cheaper than all the above.

    Free Member

    have a 32h Renthal (1 month old) tis super 😀

    Full Member

    for power and performance Rotor Q ring, for longevity surly stainless steel, for ultimate bling a boone Ti

    Full Member

    how’s the Q Ring going tazzy?

    Full Member

    stu has my spare one that’s doing the demo rounds I can get him to send it on to you if you fancy a go.

    My 34 SS specific is fantastic and has been top banana for some very fast and consistent lap times.

    There may be some more cost effective versions available soon via some very nice CNC machining chappies. I should be testing one soon and i’ll let you know prices, but should be less than £40.00

    Free Member

    Er excuse me Tazzy; this is my thread about my SS chainring dilemma. So don’t be trying to hi-jack it with your tales of funny shaped rings please. 😯

    So rude… 😐

    Stainless last loads longer than alu?

    Full Member

    well my dear elf, if you want your little pointy shoes to spin faster for further you’ll listen to your great uncle taz as he knows bestest and his ring collection is more mishapen than goatse 😆

    Full Member

    Chuzz, I have a 32t FSA in my spares box if you want? 😀

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Yes pliz Andy fankyoo!


    And so, comes Great Joy.

    Free Member

    his ring collection is more mishapen than goatse

    But the Great Joy soon dissapears when The Wrongness descends once more. 😥

    Full Member

    😆 xx

    Free Member

    Stainless last loads longer than alu?

    mine has but you can get some thicker SS DH specific alu ones which are prety hard wearing too and a bit lighter than steel, but steel probably lasts longer as its harder isnt it

    Full Member

    “… more cost effective versions available soon”

    interested in this.. keep us posted.. thank you.

    Full Member

    There may be some more cost effective versions available soon via some very nice CNC machining chappies. I should be testing one soon and i’ll let you know prices, but should be less than £40.00

    Yep – let us know 😀

    Free Member

    This is nice if you can find one 😀

    IMAG0614.jpg[/url] by ten_sim[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Could I find one in your spares box Psychle?

    Give to me it please.

    Free Member

    Took me 2 years to secure that one Mr Elf… stupid rare things they are, pointless too, no better than a £20 chainring really, wanted one just for the bling of it tbh 😳 8)

    Free Member

    here I use the gebhardt one at £21.95. loves em.

    Free Member

    toys19 has the right idea 🙂

    Velosolo are not that well known, but well worth a look. I use their chainrings these days and they last well without being as heavy as Surly.

    Full Member

    Surly Stainless, won’t flinch at buying another. 4 years old, only thrown the chain once or twice (when I let things slip a little) and still no obvious signs of wear.

    Forget the weight penalty (!) won’t really matter with all the stuff you probably cram in your Camelbak.

    Free Member

    I have a Pauls comp one that just won’t die bit you need the cranks as well

    Free Member

    Surly, On-one and Salsa, all good. Sometimes they will last 6 months if I’m lucky. Not found any better.

    Free Member

    Six months?? I want it to last six years, not six flippin’ months!! 😯

    Surly or On-One steel ones winning at the moment, it’s got to be said.

    Middleburn one lasted about 2 years. FSA one about a year. So about roughly the same sort of ‘value’, as the FSA one was about half the price of the Middleburn.

    Full Member

    Get the Surly because the On-one doesn’t come in 5 bolt. I’ve been running one for at least 3 years. It’s been bent right over in a nasty chain-dropping incident, and trued several times after heavy rock/step strikes, and it still looks only lightly worn. It’ll last for 20+ chain changes I reckon.

    Full Member

    i’ve got a Renthal, it’s lovely but i did get it for £20 in a sale
    Renthal + N-Stop[/url] by rOcKeTdOgUk[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Surly or On-One steel ones winning at the moment, it’s got to be said.

    On-One from my point of view – a previous Inbred SS had one and after 2 years of grime/slop/general hamfistedness I’d still not killed it. Pretty hooked by then, mind you.

    Full Member

    On-one stainless vote here. It’s had a load of grief from me over a couple of years and still as good as new. You know it mkaes sense.

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