Home Forums Chat Forum What's the best mobile phone you've ever had?

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  • What's the best mobile phone you've ever had?
  • tinybits
    Free Member

    Loved the original startac but never had the slim battery, it was replaced before my upgrade time, but the razr original was just so nice to use, far preferred it to my iphone 5 I’m typing this on.
    Had a few nokias before moving to the Sony Ericsson stuff that had a camera, as an attachment that clipped into the bottom of the phone. Witchcraft I tell thee!

    Edit Sony Ericsson t68i – can’t post a picture

    Full Member

    Feeling the love for the Nokia 8s – harking back to the day when businessmen would brag about whose was smallest…

    Free Member

    Nokia 6310 hands down.

    10 days battery. It was a badass too – ran it over on my bike twice, dropped it down wooden stairs.

    And snakes. Nuff said.

    Dropped mine down the toilet when pissed. Two days on the radiator with the battery and sim card out and it worked again.

    I miss the old nokias.

    Full Member

    Nokia 5100.
    Bloody tough, waterproofish.
    Very, very small screen.

    Still got it somewhere. 🙂

    Free Member

    The scrolly thing on the side really should have caught on, made menu surfing really, really fast.

    Mine died when I accidentally gave it a warm wash and short spin :'(

    Full Member

    I seem to have had most of those. 6310i indestructible and clearly running on a cold fusion reaction. A 52xx that came with a belt clip. Ah the days of swinging your phone off your hips. We were cool kids. Possibly. And the Silver clamshell Nokia. It was the first voice activated phone I’d ever seen.

    I used to shout ‘LAGER’ at it and it’d call my drinking buddy. I never got bored of that 🙂

    Apparently – might be urban myth – those 6210/6310 now trade on eBay for more than they originally sold for. I could go and look, but I want to preserve the mystery 😉

    oh oh oh the 5100 With the temperature gauge. And a tiny torch. Ah fellas you’ve made a happy man very old this evening 🙂

    Free Member

    jaaaaaaaaaam – Member
    Galaxy Note 2 that got destroyed when I got knocked off my bike by a car.

    Gotta say I’m surprised by the number of technological luddites.

    Pretty sure that your phone is the only one posted that wouldn’t survive a crash, or wouldn’t last about a week without charging. As a phone, are you sure your phablet’s that great?

    Full Member

    Yeah. Give the luddites a bit of respect. Backintheday(tm) it was a blooming technological breakthrough when not only did the CLI come through BUT your phone matched it to an internal directory. It was like elven magic. No really it was. Maybe you had to be there 😉

    One of my first phones had the keypad on one side by the speaker and mic on the other. I wish I could remember what it was called. Never seen one before or since.

    Free Member

    Funny you mention it, I’ve just dug my old 6500 out of a drawer to see if it’s worth resurrecting as a saddlebag phone:

    Full Member

    Loved this thing. Was never packed full of features, but it worked perfectly. In fact I’ve never found a phone that’s worked properly since. Or doesn’t annoy me in some way. I’ve even hunted around for this one, but it must’ve been chucked out.

    Full Member

    Favourite phone – I had a couple of Sony Ericsson flip phones; T20e and then it’s colour screen replacement with attachment camera that took 640×480 pics.

    Worst phone – Motorola Razr. Had one as a work phone. All about the looks, but rubbish to use.

    Free Member

    The 6310 is still the phone I compare all others to, it just worked and well. My old man still uses one and has a stockpile of spares and spare batteries so he won’t have to figure out how to use a new phone for a few years.

    I used to change my phones every few months as I worked in the industry and whilst certain ones were great for various things,such as Sony CMD-MZ5 or Siemens SL45 of music the Samsung A400 and the Benefon Q for size, the Nokia 8*** range and the Sony CMD-Z1 for looks, the 6310 is the king in my mind of all phones up until the current smartphone ranges, now if one of them had the battery of a 6310 or even half as good they would be on to a winner.

    Full Member

    6310i definitely the best, by a large margin, but I still have a soft spot for my original Nokia Orange

    Free Member

    Loved the pared-down look of it, and the fact that you could programme your own ringtone melody, in the days before sampled ringtones became de rigeur.

    Allowing smartphones, favourite phone of all time though is the iPhone4. No contest. One of my favourite THINGS of all time, never mind phones.

    Full Member

    N95 was the first one that made me think that phones could do more than just, well, phone. After trying to browse internet and write emails on little Nokias, the N95 made it easy and had WiFi and GPS too. It was a long way from perfect but better than the first android phones I had later. Symbian was rubbish though.

    Full Member

    I had a 3310 for years and years because it was tough, great battery life and you could text with 2 thumbs at a quite frightening speed even accounting for the reduced set of digit buttons for texting

    The other great phone is the one I’m typing on right now; a nexus 4. I really can’t see what extra a galaxy 5 or similar would buy me really

    Free Member

    Nokia N95 was the best phone I’ve had..
    Loved my Razr tho..
    But the N95 for the music, camera etc etc..

    Free Member

    Great phone with an amazing camera – really miss it even after several newer smart phones

    Sony c905 btw

    Free Member

    well about 1995/96 I had my first mob phone, before any of my mates or family

    had an Motorolla Mr20
    with a spare massive battery

    Free Member

    I loved my Ericsson SH 888 because it had a built in modem and infra red connection port. That meant I could get onto the tinterweb with it through my Psion series 5.

    I could send faxes, write “word” documents, surf porn. I couldn’t email anyone though because nobody had email addresses then.

    All that in 1998, it was a sort of DIY smart phone with the Psion.

    Full Member

    Loved my 8310, had a jack daniels cover on it, ahhh 6th form days.

    Always wanted a 6310, but because I wasn’t in sales or middle management I couldnt afford one.

    I had a siemens C35(?) for a while, text the same girl so much the numbers wore off the buttons, didn’t get anywhere though.

    All in all though apart from the battery life my Galaxy S3 is the best I’ve had so far, even if it does looks pathetic and effeminate.

    Full Member

    I had the SH888 too, had no idea it had a modem. Feel like I’ve missed out!

    Full Member

    Siemens M65 was my first camera phone & was pretty bombproof as well. Lost it under a lawn sprinkler for a couple of hours one night.

    Free Member

    Suppose it needs at least one mention. But erm the moto g. :mrgreen: every other phone I’ve had has just been a frustrating wait until cheapness caught up with technology for me.

    Full Member

    This was my first mobile – the Nokia 2110 – still have it in a drawer somewhere.

    The best pre-smartphone mobile I had was a Nokia 6210 which was the predecessor of the 6310 and did not have Bluetooth.

    When I changed jobs and was given an Ericsson I was really miffed as the Nokia was just so easy to use.

    Free Member

    First ever phone was a Motorola MR10
    What a technological marvel. On my 15min orange talk plan, and nobody i knew had a mobile at the time. I was like royalty!

    Full Member

    N95 was the first one that made me think that phones could do more than just, well, phone. After trying to browse internet and write emails on little Nokias, the N95 made it easy and had WiFi and GPS too. It was a long way from perfect but better than the first android phones I had later. Symbian was rubbish though.

    Teetosugars – Member
    Nokia N95 was the best phone I’ve had..
    Loved my Razr tho..
    But the N95 for the music, camera etc etc..

    I had one of those. It was crap, a bitter disappointment. Phone reception was dire, a fuzzy, buzzing sound, the camera sucked big-time, it wouldn’t focus on a bike propped against a tree ten feet away, let alone an 80′, 80-ton sailing ship in the middle of Bristol docks, the GPS wouldn’t work unless the keyboard was slid open, unless it was paired with a BT GPS receiver, and listening to music would kill the battery in two hours from fully charged. And as for web-browsing… 🙄
    I was truly glad to get shot of a real piece of junk.

    Full Member

    It wasn’t clam-shell though

    Nokia massively blew it with Clam Shells – they missed the flippy phone boat by a year and went from being the best selling phones in the world to not even being the best selling phones in Finland as a result.

    I really liked my old n73 – reasonably smart but still candy-bar sized. But really my old ip4 is the best phone i’ve had simply because its stayed operational for twice as long as any other phone I’ve owned and, unlike all the other phones I’ve owned previously, it hasn’t filled up with dust, which all the nokias I’ve had, even the supposedly rugged nokias like the 5210, were terrible for.

    The old Razr was good – properly strong and hardwearing as well as pretty but massively let down by have the enter and cancel buttons back to front. So nice as an ornament now that I don’t actually use it for anything.

    Free Member

    Ahead of its time for me – decent screen and internet capable before many thought it affordable:

    Full Member

    This was my favourite…

    Followed by this which is my current phone

    Free Member

    Sony Ericsson k800i surely wins this

    such an amazing camera and decent music player too!

    Full Member

    Jedimaster has it although mine was ?750i

    Sony Ericsson C902. I still have it and use it in the shop.

    Worst phone was the one I replaced it with – my first smartphone. A Nokia N97 Mini. It wasn’t very smart 🙁

    Free Member

    My first phone was a Ericsson PF768 which was the daddy of the T28 that arrived 2 years later in 98 , I then went to a p800 touchscreen in 2002 which was an amazing PDA style phone and a smartphone granddaddy
    Went through all the early Sony Ericsson phones as they tended to have the best cameras and also flashes before most others until the iphone came along and I am still a convert now
    The PF768 was a brilliant little phone though -so tiny compared to most bricks people had back in the mid to late nineties, texting was a pain though as it was a single line screen

    Full Member

    The first of the breed – a total game changer. Changed how my tiny world worked.

    Free Member

    Great phone with an amazing camera – really miss it even after several newer smart phones

    Sony c905 btw

    loved the camera on mine so good.

    Free Member

    I’m shocked at just how many of these phones I’ve had, but had forgotten about !


    …In terms of a phone, smart-features irrelevant.

    Full Member

    Another vote for the 6310i here. Battery lasts for over a week (never bothered taking a charger away on any trip lasting up to a week) and in extreme circumstances you can use it to fend off attackers.

    Have three in a drawer at home. Got to the point hwre I had to take them apart every three or four months to clean the screen of the dust so I could read it – think the rubber keypads were perishing or something. Sitll got at least one 8210i in a drawer as well

    Full Member

    Nokia 6300

    Still got one in the cupboard for emergencies.

    Free Member

    nokia 8910i had to be the coolest phone i ever had
    followed by the 6310i, 7110, i used to love the old ericcson phones too

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