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  • Whats New Zealand like for riding?
  • beb
    Full Member

    My girlfriend and I are thinking of heading to NZ for a year or two but I'm worried that the riding scene might not have the variety / quantity / quality the UK has? Obviously scenery looks amazing but have heard land access is poor, there aren't many trails, and am getting the impression the riding scene isn't huge and is a bit xc / fitness / fire road orientated – please tell me I'm wrong…?!?

    Full Member

    Well I went in 1994 and mainly road fire roads and roads as we were touring

    But some guys from Christ Church offered to take me proper riding. I missed it due to my reaction to my Typhoid jab. But clearly they believed I was going to see amazing rooty single track. Its not likely that there isn't any decent MTBing.I think you need to specify where in New Zealand you mean. Its a very big place divided into two big Islands

    Finally on a non MTB note I would go anyway. I think walking hut to hut in New Zealand is the bigest adventure of my life. You will find plenty of things to bring on the Adrenalin

    Free Member

    I was there in January, and I've never seen a MTB scene like that (granted I've never biked in the UK either). Seems there where biking centers all over the place and trails where amazing.


    Woodhill was close to Auckland, less then an hour by car. It cost a few dollars to enter, but not very much. The trails had great flow and luckily there was an emergency center fairly close (don't go riding very fast on your first day after flying there from Europe).


    Roturua had amazing trails, anything from world cup DH runs to flowing trails. They are all free, if you want a shuttle to the top it will cost a few coins.

    I did'nt have the chance to go to any other centers, but there are plenty of them. There is also a pretty active scene on the south island (did not visit).

    I've traveled to a lot of countries and NZ I can't think of many I'd rather live at then NZ. There did seem to be a lot of road biking in Auckland, but the mountainbiking scene is far from dead. I don't think there where a lot of trails right next to the town though. We went to most places by car, don't think there is very good public transportation.

    Free Member

    I met some guys guiding in Whistler last summer and when the snow hits Canada they all jump on a plant to NZ. Queenstown to be specific. I think they worked for a company called bearback biking or something. I also met a few Kiwis out there and from what they say its a real outdoor mecca. I don't think they have the same kind of watered down, way marked trail centres like us but they do have a hell of a lot of wilderness and real mountains.

    Full Member

    thanks guys that sounds positive – very early days so not really got any fixed plans where we'd be looking to stay yet – still trying to work out what would be best! Also depends where we could get work obviously. The areas we've been looking at mainly are on the south island, christchurch, nelson, queenstown, wanaka or rotorua / taupo on the north but open to suggestions really.

    Also my original post may have come across negative, I'm sure there is great riding there just wanted to get a general feel for what its like and where the hotspots are.

    Free Member

    in the short time I was there (December) the riding I found N & S was sweet. In particular a gold mining place down south somewhere was just incredible for my riding style… Lots of other things to do, walking and watersports being just two. It's fun, and the kiwi attitude & welcome is superlative. Goodluck!

    Free Member

    It's a hell of a lot better than the UK. Helps that there are proper hills over there.

    IMHO, of course.

    Full Member

    doof doof – where have you ridden over there – still trying to gauge which areas to head to…


    Free Member

    NZ is awesome for mountain biking look at http://www.vorb.org.nz

    Free Member

    Great riding in Queenstown, around Christchurch, Nelson area, Wellington Hills, Hawkes Bay (my old stomping ground), Taupo, Rotorua, even Auckland has Woodhill forest.

    Just avoid Hamilton/Waikato. Lived there for a couple of years, it's NZ's mtb equivalent to Norfolk.

    Full Member

    nice one thanks all – much appreciated!

    Free Member

    I was there for a year, couldn't get away from the place quick enough. Horses for courses. Biking is ok; I just found the country soulless, characterless and a bit depressing. I wasn't alone on those thoughts from people I've spoken to here and the countless kiwis’ that I know living here – UK (and have no intention of going back). Go have a look and decide for yourselves. It's wet too, very wet..

    Just my opinion and experience!

    Nice for a visit, just couldn't live there.

    Free Member

    Blimey ChunkyMTB. better not let me Kiwi wife hear you say that.Thought Australia was like that tho – full of racists as well to boot.Just ask an aussie with a beer gut what he thinks of Aboriginies before you all slag me off!
    Riding, – Rotarua for sure,bike hire is cheap(bikes are a bit shonky),but the terrain has some fantastic flow.Maps would drive you nuts though,there are that many trails.Try and hook up with some locals,and then hope you can hang onto their speed.Some decent stuff up at Whangarei in the North,but NO bike hire there,despite two decent shops locally.
    Oh! and try their organic beers,AND go dolphin spotting at Fuckatani(ok its not spelt like that – but thats how THEY say it)

    Free Member

    I actually found NZ to be one of the most racist places I've ever been too.

    Full Member

    It's rubbish. Don't bother 😉

    Free Member

    I guess in some quarters that would be true,especially in the north.Lovely place,but the unemployment was shocking,and there was definitely a culture of "sod it the goverment can keep me" – but hey thats a new thread,cos this country is full of those lazy b>#@stds as well.

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