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  • What would it take for their to be a revolution in the UK?
  • wanmankylung
    Free Member

    The Tories are not seeming at all popular at present, so this raises the question – what would be needed for there to be e revolution?

    I suspect that it would need a radical change away from apathy in the general public.

    Free Member

    We’d need to have a real reason for an uprising, but we don’t.

    Free Member

    If it didn’t happen in the early 80’s it will never happen.

    Free Member

    The misuse of THERE and THEIR could tip me over….

    Free Member

    Beeter speeling tort at skool.

    Free Member

    A change of tone and content in the media rather than just blithe acceptance and repetition of lies and half truths.

    Free Member

    The general population are way to comfortable for there to be a revolution anytime soon. There would need to be a significant change in employment levels, cost and standard of living before then. Either that or an imminent world war which could be avoided by some mass population direct action.

    Free Member

    it would affect property prices to much

    Free Member

    Ya, Pol Pot started a culling revolution when he tried to change his surrounding into his idealistic “paradise”.

    Ya, revolution … do you have guns? No guns no revolution.

    You want to turn the place into shite hole?


    Free Member

    You want to turn the place into shite hole?

    The place is a shite hole.

    Full Member

    High levels of immigration to rural parts of the country, an overbearing bureaucratic european union hell bent on centralization of power in Brussels, high levels of rural unemployment, a perceived distance from a semi-corrupt Westminster body politic, a right wing demagogue and a nationalist, independent, jingoistic political party to bring it all together. Should do the trick provided they’re not too incompetent. Oh, wait…

    Free Member

    The place is a shite hole.

    Quite nice where I live.

    Free Member

    What would it take for their to be a revolution in the UK?

    A call by United States for regime change.

    Free Member

    A ban on all soaps, eg emerdale, eastenders, brokside, hollyoaks, neighbours, casulty, holby city would bring all the women close to riot

    And for the men banning audis and Bmws, from the outside lane of motorways, and hondas from the middle lane which they pay extra to drive in at 60mph.

    Free Member

    The place is a shite hole.

    Care to elaborate?

    Quite nice where I live.

    +1 Glorious walk around the Surrey Hills this morning – hard to imagine anywhere better!

    Full Member

    No TV or cheap beer would send the masses into a frothy Starbucks style protest.
    In real life? A huge push into a federal euro zone with power handed over to non elected drones might just do.

    Free Member

    If it didn’t happen in the early 80’s it will never happen.

    Agreed. Scargill’s best efforts weren’t enough. We had the right Prime Minister at the right time.

    Free Member

    The place is a shite hole.

    Care to elaborate?

    I think he lives in Scotland.

    Full Member

    Are any of the political parties popular?

    I don’t see any of them getting good press at the minute.

    Free Member

    Oh, the never satisfied brigade 😉

    Should nip up to East Neuk it’s all getting rather exciting there

    Voter apathy? Highest voting since 1997
    Tories unpopular? Against expectations won a majority

    WMK – what next????

    Free Member

    The Tories are not seeming at all popular at present, so this raises the question – what would be needed for there to be e revolution?

    Haha, seriously?….some people really are still reeling from the election result arent they?!

    We have a decent level of free education to A-levels in this country, free Uni stuff would mean more taxes and lots of the electorate dont want to pay more tax.

    We have fairly low crime levels and murder rates far lower than countries like the US with their ‘freedom’ gun laws that supposedly allow the population to rise up ready in ‘revolution’….

    We have an NHS which can be frustrating at times when waiting for routine stuff but if you smash yourself up in an RTC, suffer a heart attack etc it swings into action and preserves life as well as any other health provider in the world.

    We have loads of forestry commission land, national trust, MOD and common land available to walk, ride and run on.

    We have a temperate climate with an absence of tornadoes, earthquakes etc…

    We arent exactly struggling for food, quite the opposite as despite the media hysteria over food banks we actually have an obesity crisis.

    Fuel is relatively cheap….i know this winds up the greenies….but the alternative is you tax the hell out of petrol/diesel and freedom of movement then becomes the preserve of the wealthy….hardly a good way to create a more equal society.

    Yes, lots of stuff in this country needs improving but it would take more tax or diverting existing funds from current projects which would upset those areas having funds taken from them to be put elsewhere…

    …and as someone else above alluded to, we actually have it quite safe, comfortable and cheap in this country when compared to somewhere else you could be born.

    Given that we are a small island with limited natural resources our quality of life is quite remarkable, the general humour, work ethic and resourcefulness of the British never fails to amaze me….we seem to muddle on in a (generally) successful manner no matter which party is in government, i like that….its almost like we govern ourselves, you know like a mature grown up country usually does…no need for revolutions here.

    Full Member

    nationalist, independent, jingoistic political party to bring it all together

    Yep describes the torys to a t

    Free Member

    For people to care about something other than themselves. Humans are selfish, and thus extraordinarily easy to deceive and coerce. Also, people need to stop deferring their conscience to religions, politicians, media and celebrities.

    Ya, revolution … do you have guns? No guns no revolution.

    You’re confusing social change with military conflict. I suppose another thing we need for revolution is for people like you to keep right out of it. Just watch how the grown-ups do it.

    Free Member

    If there are those who genuinely think the UK is a shite hole need to get out and spend time in other countries – and I don’t just mean on their tourist beaches and idylls. I wonder what other country they think is better than the UK on the balance of everything? They all have their pro’s and con’s – mostly con’s relative to the UK. It’s not perfect, but nowhere will ever be. Get over it and get a bit more ‘glass is half full’ instead of ‘glass is half empty’.

    Full Member

    We have an NHS which can be frustrating at times when waiting for routine stuff but if you smash yourself up in an RTC, suffer a heart attack etc it swings into action and preserves life as well as any other health provider in the world.

    Make the most of that while you can.

    Free Member

    Take a look through history and look at the conditions that were in place last time we had a revolution…

    Free Member

    If there are those who genuinely think the UK is a shite hole need to get out and spend time in other countries

    well said….

    Free Member

    are all those desperate folk at Calais trying to get here to start the revolution because the place is so bad?

    Full Member

    The place is a shite hole

    If you really want to see shite, start a revolution.

    Free Member

    Switch off SKY?

    Full Member

    If there are those who genuinely think the UK is a shite hole need to get out and spend time in other countries – and I don’t just mean on their tourist beaches and idylls. I wonder what other country they think is better than the UK on the balance of everything?

    Bang on. It’s brilliant going abroad on holiday for a couple of weeks, but if you had to live there all the time you’d still be paying taxes, dealing with local healthcare, transport and all the other shit that pisses you off in the UK, just in a sunnier location.

    Full Member

    It would require internet keyboard warriors to put down their hazelnut macchiatos and get off their arses.

    I’m not buying shares in guillotines any time soon…..

    Free Member

    Humans are selfish, and thus extraordinarily easy to deceive and coerce.

    Actually humans aren’t selfish. It’s one of the principle reasons why humans have been successful. You would struggle to find another species of mammals as selfless as humans.

    Free Member

    Actually humans aren’t selfish. It’s one of the principle reasons why humans have been successful.

    Humans are never selfish?

    Free Member

    The thought of a revolution in this country is utterly hilarious.

    We will bend over and take pretty much anything that’s dished out. On the whole we are a passionless lot with very little fire in our bellies.

    Full Member

    On the whole we are a passionless lot with very little fire in our bellies.

    Unless you spill my pint 👿

    Full Member

    Living standards are way too high for a revolution. You’d need real hunger / repression on a mass scale for a revolution.

    Free Member

    I think he lives in Scotland.

    Dunno which part, the bit I’m in is a really nice place to live. Plenty of really interesting and rewarding jobs going in my industry sector too. Even with my limited experience!!

    Was having a really good blether with some Angus locals near Carnoustie on the coastal path today. They also really like where they live. Come to think of it, I don’t know many people (in real life) in Scotland who don’t actually think it’s a nice place to live.

    Free Member

    Three_Fish – Member

    Ya, revolution … do you have guns? No guns no revolution.

    You’re confusing social change with military conflict. I suppose another thing we need for revolution is for people like you to keep right out of it. Just watch how the grown-ups do it. [/quote]

    Ya, unfortunately my understanding of the word “revolution” is always associated with guns like Pol Pot. Ya, I doubt I will join in unless the street is full of ZMs trying to harm me that forces me to find something to defend myself.

    However, I always wonder why people don’t use poo/turd/human excrement as weapons by throwing at ZM bureaucrats? … I mean by getting the message to them by telling they stink to high heaven with their policy. Put it this way by throwing poo at those ZM you might create good for people as someone will have to clean the shite out out of their clothing.

    How about throwing bags of poo at the riot police instead of confronting them head on? Throw the poo then run like hell. Nobody get hurts but the whole place will stink to high heaven … 😆 Just remember not to get the poo on yourself.

    Personally, I would like to throw poo at those unelected ZMs … imagine their clothing are dripping with running poo … yaaccckkk … 😆

    The slogan should be:

    “Poo for change!”

    “Poo for revolution!”

    edit: try bagging poo … not as easy as you thought. I used to dog walk for my friend and everytime I picked up the poo it was like warm-ish … hmmm …

    edit edit: seriously, try using poo instead … that will definitely attract attention. It will be big news!

    Free Member

    The place is a shite hole.

    chain broke ?

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