The Tories are not seeming at all popular at present, so this raises the question – what would be needed for there to be e revolution?
Haha, seriously?….some people really are still reeling from the election result arent they?!
We have a decent level of free education to A-levels in this country, free Uni stuff would mean more taxes and lots of the electorate dont want to pay more tax.
We have fairly low crime levels and murder rates far lower than countries like the US with their ‘freedom’ gun laws that supposedly allow the population to rise up ready in ‘revolution’….
We have an NHS which can be frustrating at times when waiting for routine stuff but if you smash yourself up in an RTC, suffer a heart attack etc it swings into action and preserves life as well as any other health provider in the world.
We have loads of forestry commission land, national trust, MOD and common land available to walk, ride and run on.
We have a temperate climate with an absence of tornadoes, earthquakes etc…
We arent exactly struggling for food, quite the opposite as despite the media hysteria over food banks we actually have an obesity crisis.
Fuel is relatively cheap….i know this winds up the greenies….but the alternative is you tax the hell out of petrol/diesel and freedom of movement then becomes the preserve of the wealthy….hardly a good way to create a more equal society.
Yes, lots of stuff in this country needs improving but it would take more tax or diverting existing funds from current projects which would upset those areas having funds taken from them to be put elsewhere…
…and as someone else above alluded to, we actually have it quite safe, comfortable and cheap in this country when compared to somewhere else you could be born.
Given that we are a small island with limited natural resources our quality of life is quite remarkable, the general humour, work ethic and resourcefulness of the British never fails to amaze me….we seem to muddle on in a (generally) successful manner no matter which party is in government, i like that….its almost like we govern ourselves, you know like a mature grown up country usually does…no need for revolutions here.