Home Forums Chat Forum What would be the most expensive cut of meat on a human?

  • This topic has 70 replies, 42 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by DrP.
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  • What would be the most expensive cut of meat on a human?
  • poppa
    Free Member

    If cows took over the world, became carniverous and started eating humans, what do you think the best cuts of meat would be, and what do you think would be best for stewing?

    On a cow the fillets seems to go for the most, because they are tender and there isn’t much of them per cow (even though other cuts are more flavoursome). Shin on the otherhand is cheap as chips (but possibly my favourite braising cut).

    I would imaging that the legs on a human would be the hardest working part and probably fairly tough? Especially for a cyclist. I’m not sure what the equivalent of fillet steak would be. I imagine that people with desk jobs would be more tender than people with active jobs.

    I’ve just realised i’ve thought about this too much.


    Free Member

    It would depend on the human too.

    For example, a fillet of Gillian McKeith would be less valuable than a sirloin of Nigella.

    Free Member

    Mmmmmm longpig mmmmm

    Free Member

    @Poppa, I suppose you enjoy the bits in the walking dead when the Zombies eat?

    I’d think rump would probably be popular, especially if Kylie ended up in the food chain!

    Free Member

    For example, a fillet of Gillian McKeith would be less valuable than a sirloin of Nigella.

    I imagine Gillian McKeith would be one of those ‘delicacies’ that cows in the Far East would eat, the sort of thing that would generally turn the stomach of a Western cow.

    Free Member

    who would taste better:

    meat eater?
    middle manager who eats what he wants and has the belly to prove it but not obese?

    would kids taste better than old people?

    Free Member

    who would taste better:

    Surf Mat. No question

    Full Member

    Amazing! Four posts on a topic about a future in which cows have taken over the world and someone mentions Kylie’s rear! A new record shurely!

    As for meat, I’d be tempted to say the sirloin. The back would get a decent workout all the time, and the meat would be lovely and tender. Not sure that sedentary people would make that good eating. Their meat would be too marbled with fat, and would be produced at the expense of too much cheap food and booze. Would you want to eat a cow that had been fed on the equivalent of Iceland sausage hotpot (£3 for a whole family meal!) and White Lightning?

    Free Member

    I suspect if one were to eat many on here it would be the sphincter which seems to do the most work….

    Free Member

    back would get a decent workout all the time, and the meat would be lovely and tender

    The tenderest meat is the stuff that does the least work (e.g. fillet), but the most flavoursome (and tough) is the stuff that does the most work!

    Their meat would be too marbled with fat,

    Also, you actually want your meat to be marbled with fat if you are roasting it…

    Free Member

    You would need some sort of tracking system for humans if this came about – some sort of human version of the livestock passports that we have now, otherwise unscrupulous dealers might tell you you’re eating Kylie rump when in fact it was Gordon Brown’s arse cheeks.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I think Nigella would make a fine sausage filler.

    Free Member

    I’d think rump would probably be popular, especially if Kylie ended up in the food chain!

    Why on earth would anyone want to eat surgically and chemically enhanced meat?
    Surely it’d have to be the sweetbreads?

    Free Member

    If the cows had shows like “I’m a celebrity get me out of here” what body parts would they be challenged to eat?

    Thatcher’s ring-piece?

    Prescott’s moobs?

    Free Member

    the “oysters”

    Full Member

    The ****.

    Free Member

    cranberry – Member
    You would need some sort of tracking system for humans if this came about – some sort of human version of the livestock passports that we have now, otherwise unscrupulous dealers might tell you you’re eating Kylie rump when in fact it was Gordon Brown’s arse cheeks.

    When Kylie entered the food chain, they’d have to televise everything, the slaughter & subsequent auction of the best cuts.

    Let’s face it, all ireelevant as cows won’t take over the world, nor can hooves operate cookers & ovens, but good for a bit of midweek giggles.

    I’m more surprised that Nigella beat Kylie!

    Free Member

    crispy fried nipples

    Free Member

    Best tasting human would definitely be a cider and ale glut who liked eating lots of porridge!

    Free Member

    Penis. It would be a delicacy. Mine would be worth more as theres not much on it.

    Full Member

    nigella could provide the bangers to go with the mash.

    Free Member

    Within minutes the thread descends into a bizarre eating/perving obsession with Kylie and Nigella and a preponderance of genital gags.

    I should have known better than to ask a serious question on STW.

    Free Member

    Stoner: are sweetmeats what I think they are?

    I was going for a bacon sarnie, might have cheese today

    Free Member

    Rick Waller has the same body fat % as a pork scratching, now I like pork scratchings, but… no thanks!

    Free Member

    For example, a fillet of Gillian McKeith would be less valuable than a sirloin of Nigella.

    Arguable point
    the rat faced little fraud has so little meat it might prove to have some form of rarity value, so be of interest to the insect eating inhabitants of the far east, whilst there’s plenty of the voluptous nigella to go round

    Free Member

    Hmmm…Bruce Forsyth’s underarms….

    Free Member

    I should have known better than to ask a serious question on STW

    I’m not sure the opening post could be called a serious question though! 😆

    Free Member

    Bingo wings?

    Full Member

    adrenal gland

    Free Member

    poppa – Member
    I should have known better than to ask a serious question on STW.

    WTF did you expect FFS?! No point getting all offended when you ask such a ridiculous question in the first place.

    Where would cows get their milk from then? Would they have loads of twenty somethings locked in a shed, all being forced hormones to make them continuously lactate?
    Would they have “Happy Human” free-range organically fed carcasses on sale in in supermookets?

    Free Member


    Get out!


    Free Member

    But onto sweetmeats…

    I get confused as there is also sweetbread.

    Is sweetmeat the conkers and sweetbread the stomach lining?

    Then there is shortbread but that is something different again.

    Full Member

    Most expensive? Cue joke about Irish brains.

    Free Member

    *steps forward, takes bow*

    Free Member

    mmmmmm shedloads of lactating 20 year olds with enhanced uber udders

    Free Member

    I’m sorry, I have nothing intelligent or constructive to add to this thread, as I am too distracted by the thought of biting Kylie and Nigella’s bottoms. 😳


    Free Member

    Could you try a pillow instead?

    Free Member

    will the girls be farmed for their milk in this moo world

    Free Member

    I always thought you were a bit of a bottom feeder elf……

    BBSB might want to keep that particular “interest” to yourself… Mind you I like the way you think. 😳

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