3, People who dash to get in front of you, then move really really slowly, as if they think you lost and therefore have to suffer for it (I work with lots of Italians, Spanish and Portuguese and it just seems to be part of their culture, but one day they will push me too far and will all die horrible painful deaths).
They do seem to be world champions at getting in the way, especially in the coffee shop / canteen.
4. people who don’t know how email frickin’ works and do “reply all” when they’ve been accidentally included in an an email, to ask to be removed.
5. as above, but when they were included because it was a mailing list to all staff.
6. drivers that have been stuck in a traffic jam, then when they move forward, leave so much space that cars behind can’t proceed thru lights. YES! that jam you’ve been part of for the last 15 minutes, hasn’t disappeared because it’s behind you!!!