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  • What the bloody hell is wrong with some people?! 'I really do despair' content
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    I would go so far as to say that a certain level of anti-social behaviour and petty crime amongst the yoof is a necessary component of a healthy society.

    Mind if my kids pop round and torch your shed? Y’know, as a necessary component of a healthy society an’all…..

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Nice proportionate response

    Alternatively you could give them a hug?

    Lol another ‘proportionate response’?

    Wait, you are my wife and I claim my £5!

    (Voice from somewhere)

    Huh, why don’t you just go and claim £5000,000,000,000???


    Full Member

    I would go so far as to say that a certain level of anti-social behaviour and petty crime amongst the yoof is a necessary component of a healthy society.

    Durkheim argued that but never defined the ‘certain level’. Pretty useless concept in other words.
    I look out onto a park with a skateboard ramp, football pitch, swings etc. I have had no objections whatsoever to the kids’ behaviour and even the unattended lavatories have seen no vandalism. I think they’re great and a credit to their families, schools and communities in addition to doing horrifying things on skateboards and scooters.

    Free Member

    Mind if my kids pop round and torch your shed? Y’know, as a necessary component of a healthy society an’all…..

    Yes of course I would mind I am old

    Free Member

    Whats Malvern Rider on about up there? 🙄

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Whats Malvern Rider on about up there?

    Fiver? (Holds out palm) 😉

    Free Member

    No such thing as devolving.

    regressing then, or de-evolving, or just becoming stupider.

    Full Member

    Binners, I know it would only be a drop in the ocean but if there’s a fundraising page or any other way to donate towards the hide and help Mrs B get this back up and running I’d gladly donate.
    Every little helps n all that.


    Free Member

    I’m surprised that people are surprised.Thugs regularly do far worse in that area first google hit.They hunt the deer with staffies and pit bulls too.

    Full Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    No such thing as devolving.

    But the word exists though:

    Simple Definition of devolve
    verb de·volve \di-?välv, -?vo?lv, d?-\

    : to gradually go from an advanced state to a less advanced state

    : to pass (responsibility, power, etc.) from one person or group to another person or group at a lower level of authority

    : to be given to someone after the owner has died

    Free Member

    Musical inturlude:

    Full Member

    Binners, I am so sorry to read this, how bl**y depressing.

    This hide is so important as a way of teaching youngsters about the world around them. Too many have their noses stuck in the latest gadget and wouldn’t know a sparrow from a seagull and sadly many don’t care.

    We have just spent an amazing week wildlife watching. On one particular boat trip to the Farne Islands, where rare birds are still nesting, a family with 3 children had their heads down over their phones. Flying above were puffins, gannets, terns and swimming right up to the boat were seals. Magical stuff and they witnessed nothing.
    I despair.

    Hope Mrs Binners can sort this out.

    Free Member

    Meh. Yes, it’s depressing and disillusioning, but when I was a youth I sprayed graffiti on walls and smashed bottles and wee’d in phone boxes and if anyone had suggested going to a hide to watch birds I would have laughed at them.

    You got old, people; you all didn’t think you would, but you did all the same….

    Free Member

    CCTV. Identify and arrest. Force them to make good the damage.

    Free Member

    Fatcher’s fault.

    Free Member

    That’s rough, sorry to hear that. There are lots of wooden structures here in Sweden, mainly hides for hunting. I don’t think they get burnt down by yooofs. What’s different about the UK?

    Free Member

    Space. Culture. Smaller communities so less likely to get large gangs of kids egging each other on (there will usually be one sensible one there). Less access to booze as well.

    Stuff still gets trashed though. A colleagues running club got broken into and trashed/robbed a few weeks ago.
    Local football club house got done a couple of years ago. Stuff gets done over all the time.

    On the plus side, most of these clubs are massive (2-300 members isn’t unusual, the running club i mentioned shares facilities with the hockey, football and skiing club, over 1000 members using the club house year round) so it never takes long to put right (or find the culprit!)

    Full Member

    Weren’t the original vandals Swedish?

    Free Member

    large gangs of kids

    Fewer people presuming a group of kids is a gang ? 🙂

    Free Member

    I didn’t mean gang as in gang. Group, gathering, crowd. Whatever term you want to use. Nothing like large groups for egging each other on to do daft things.

    Vandals are from eastern Germany/Poland.

    Full Member

    But the word exists though:
    Simple Definition of devolve
    verb de·volve \di-?välv, -?vo?lv, d?-\
    : to gradually go from an advanced state to a less advanced state
    : to pass (responsibility, power, etc.) from one person or group to another person or group at a lower level of authority
    : to be given to someone after the owner has died

    But not inbthe way it was used here. Evolution is just a random process with no set direction. Evolving to be stupider is possible though, or less complex or less healthy.

    Free Member

    Not trying to make light of the situation – but I think Bradford just broke the record on this front: CCTV camera destroyed in hours

    Free Member

    I just feel really sad that everyone put so much effort into a project meant to create enjoyable times for everyone, and some scumbags think it’s funny/cool to destroy it.
    Just the thought of them standing there laughing as it burns down boils my p#$@.
    I don’t know how your wife carries on doing these selfless things when others just destroy them, but more power to her.

    Free Member

    Not trying to make light of the situation – but I think Bradford just broke the record on this front: CCTV camera destroyed in hours

    Did they not watch The Wire? That camera needed to be hidden, yo.

    …but seriously. Why was it not a) higher, and b) protected better.

    Free Member

    Vigilante groups. It’s the only way forward. Start with my boxing gym, a squadron of intelligent, pissed off with society, nice blokes and lasses who are fed up with this country. And they’re trained. (I’m a beginner)

    Free Member

    There’s a whole lost underclass out there where the divide is getting greater and greater. They seem to think they have no future because they’ve seen no guidance or ambition from their parents. The world owes them something in their minds and that act is them giving themselves a 5 minute bit of entertainment. It’s tragic that most will never break the cycle that they’ve been born in to.

    Full Member

    Copped some scrotes trashing a local nature reserve last Autumn. Snapping new trees, trying their best to smash up a bench etc. It was made perfectly clear that I was to move on, & having my two young Sons with me, I was not about to get too involved.

    Had the local constabulary been as interested in apprehending the scrotes as they were canvassing my “user experience”, they might have rocked up sooner than the 6hrs it took them to arrive.

    I volunteer with Scouts, mostly through the Beaver Colony I run, & even the most disinterested of kids can be pursuaded to respect things. Sadly, respect is far down the list of values taught by a lot of parents. Easy come…easy go.

    Could the hide not be a temporary structure, I’m thinking some kind of steel frame with bungeed canvass that can be removed after the session…

    Free Member

    Bit slack aren’t they? IGMC

    Sympathy with your missus and all else involved, hope it can be sorted.

    Full Member

    As others have mentioned if you started a funding page I reckon the majority on here would stump up some cash. I’d be looking to do things slightly differently this time around though. Basically you need to be setting up some old school man traps around the area. Shallow pits disguised with leaves and those net traps that catapult up in to trees when stood on, that sort of thing. These traps will also need funding.

    Any vandals (or innocent ramblers) can then be shipped off to one of Chris Packham’s nature rehab clinics. Here they will learn all about the wonderfully diverse fauna and flora that can breed found on this fair isle. If Packham doesn’t want to be involved, simply invite him to open the new facilities and capture him in one of the traps on his way out. It has to be done on the way out in order to skirt around possible kidnapping and / or false imprisonment charges.

    If the CP rehab doesn’t yield the desired results you’ll have to resort to the next step! The offender or potential innocent bird watcher will be stripped naked and have wasps shot at them from a wasp launcher. I’m not gonna lie, the wasp launcher is going to require another, separate funding site. Because we are a civilised society, the ferrrel youth or innocent octogenarian will be given tools with which to defend themselves against said wasps. Brambles, thistles and nettles will be given to them for defensive purposes. Bonus – these will not need funding!

    I’ll definitely be up for funding at least one of the above 😉

    Full Member

    **** awful. Nightmares for mrs Bins, send her a hug from me. Hope you get it sorted.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure whether Lancs Wildlife will fund any of the above but they do have a justgiving page – https://www.justgiving.com/lancswt. Sad story though, hope it gets rebuilt 🙂

    Full Member

    I’ve been asked by Mrs Binners to say a huge thank you for everyone who made such kind donations on the basis of this thread. I was just having an exasperated moan, and didn’t expect that.

    The hide is going to be rebuilt. And LWT will continue to do what they do best, and continue to protect our local environment, and get the kids enthused about doing the same.

    It’s easy to be cynical, but this place contains some genuinely lovely thoughtful people, so on behalf of us both, and the Lancs Wildlife Trust , a huge…



    Full Member

    Full Member

    Bumpety bump for the people who should be working, but aren’t 🙂

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